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Sudan Tribune

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Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity

June 3, 2010 (JUBA) – The two signatories of the 2005 peace deal have agreed this week on the national “directive” to “persuade” the people of South Sudan to vote for unity in the upcoming referendum.

bashir_candidate.jpgThe Sudanese government led by the National Congress Party (NCP) and the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), agreed in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to work together make unity attractive and to promote it before the referendum.

The agreement was signed following the swearing in to office of President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, the NCP chairman and his first deputy Salva Kiir Mayardit, who also chairs the SPLM. The document was duped as general directives for the programme of the next national government in the run up to the conduct of the referendum.

The four-point document was signed by the former minister of Foreign Affairs, Deng Alor Kuol, on behalf of the SPLM and signed on behalf of the NCP by the former spy chief, Salah Gosh, who was head of National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and formert Presidential Advisor on National Security.

In addition to the two parties committing themselves in the agreement to the directive of persuading southerners to vote for voluntary unity in the referendum, they equally commit themselves to the conduct of the referendum by 9th January, 2011.

“In accordance [with] the aforementioned commitments, the NCP and SPLM have agreed on the following general directives for the programme of the next government…implementation of the remaining provisions of the CPA in spirit of partnership and responsibility with the aim of contributing to persuade the people of Southern Sudan for voluntary unity,” the agreement reads in part.

The two parties also agreed to improve institutional arrangements and carry out development in the South for the next seven months in addition to working to implement a media campaign with the aim to popularize the CPA throughout the country.

The agreement came as a surprise to many political analysts and observers who have criticized it as the work of the NCP to divide the SPLM leadership on the issues to do with self-determination and its two options of unity and secession.

“This agreement is a betrayal of the people of South Sudan, and in nutshell it was simply an understanding to rig the referendum in favor of unity,” said one observer.

The agreement also committed the two parties to respect the choice of the people of South Sudan in the referendum.

Some senior SPLM officials had earlier warned that there should not be any directive or campaign about unity vis-à-vis separation, and should therefore be left to the people of South Sudan to decide for themselves whether or not unity was made attractive for the last five years.

However, NCP pledged to run the referendum and respect its outcome but said it would work hard to maintain the unity of Sudan and vowed that it would defeat separatists within the SPLM. President Bashir after his elections victory publicly stated that his next campaign would be on the referendum to persuade southerners to vote for unity.

Also, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha who negotiated the CPA on the behalf of the NCP would reside in the South to work for unity and supervise the implementation of projects to be implemented by the national government there.

“Conduct of popular consultation in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states in accordance with the provisions of the CPA and Popular Consultation Act, 2009” …and “Timely conduct of Abyei Referendum as per the CPA and Abyei Referendum Act, 2009, in a free and fair environment and under the national and international monitoring” were part of the signed commitment.

On Darfur which is the third point of the agreement with only one short sentence, it says the two parties committed themselves to “Expeditious completion of a just and comprehensive political settlement in Darfur”.

On democratic transformation in the country the document says the two parties shall strengthen respect of human rights, foster supremacy of constitution and rule of law and continue progress towards strengthening democratic transformation.



  • Dengtaath

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    This is crap and I never thought that Salva kiir can sign such agreements. We have finished that all, Salva Kiir and Deng Alor Kuol on behalf of SPLM have sold out our big awaited demand the selfdetermination of South Sudan.
    I can’t felt good at all when I came across the name of Mohamed Taha to come and reside in the South to supervise the implentation of the National government projects in the South. This is completely ridiculous, Salva Kiir cannot afford to commite this crime, he fully betrayed the people of South Sudan with no doubt.
    Ladies and gentlement, if this report is true, is a time now to join general George Athor, George Athor has mentioned that the ruling clique in Juba since they rigged the general elections, no body can trust them in the up coming referendum vote, they will rig the votes in favor of unity as they did in the general elections, this is what you can witness as a result of this crap agreement between salva and NCP.
    Ladies and Gentlement let unite to defeat the incompetent coward Salva Kiir who is on line to sell his country in the broad day light.
    Shame to Salva, and sham to SPLM.

  • Mabior Ayuen Dengajok
    Mabior Ayuen Dengajok

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    That why any documents mean to be read thoroughly and analysed it with creative thinking…..I hope the Southerners will not accept the word Unity, but the separation will be the only solution to our decade’s problems.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    There is no need for that Referendum. Please do not misinform the world about the issue. No where in the world has such a thing happened. This clearly spells that the referendum of the future of South Sudan is rigged. Commander Athor is right!! It is now left to Southerners to judge who really stood for them whether Gai Tut or Garang group. Two million dead for good plate of beef on the table of Alor Deng and Kiir !! The thing is the strategy behind this is to Maintain Jallaba Government in Khartoum and Dinka government in Juba. This is a sad day for South Sudanese. Our matyrs have died in vain: Fr. Saturno Ohure, Clement Mboro, Ezbon Mondiri, Samuel Gai Tut, Yaba Josheph Oduho, Alier Majier, Gordon Mortat, Aggrey Jaden etc.


  • Kur

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    This news is not true. I think something is wrong here. The SPLM we have trusted with our whoel hearts cannot sell us with cheap nonsense. Somebody must move quickly to clarify this position. I am getting mad. This cannot be true. Please, please, please. My God, what is going with these stupid politicians? What are they trying to do?


  • Kur

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Please people of South |Sudan wake up. W’ve been sold out. Our land abd freedom that we fought for have now been sold out. We must take action to stop this madness. No, no, no. We must ensure that all these cowards are done away with. Our representatives must now speak for us. We cannot accept this nonsense. All the ridings who have an elected representave must call them to act now and impeach this SPLM government. We cannot go on like this. We are left alone. No one represents us. SPLM has abandoned us.


  • Kur

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    I am feeling sickened, saddened, betrayed,cheated, and eventaully am completely angry. I cannot believe that the movement we have laid down our lives to achieve our freedom has now turned against us. How dare they are going to tell us not to vote for a free South Sudan. We are going to fight this stupidity with all means.


  • Gatwech

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Dear readers,

    I have now confirmed from three different people; two in Khartoum and one in Juba that this stupid agreement of betrayal was really signed, but kept in secrecy so that the South Sudan public should not react negatively. But it is all a known fact of sell-out!

    This is a very stupid agreement and a complete sign of betrayal by Salvatore Kiir and Deng Alor Kuol plus their so-called unionists such as Malik Agar, Pagan Amum and the rest.

    How can NCP fool you people that the development they did not do in the South for the last five years of the CPA will now be done in the next remaining few months to referendum?

    Why do you agree on that stupid directive to persuade southerners to vote for unity? We have been in that ugly unity with the north for the last 50+ years of anguish, wars, discriminations, etc. What is new? Or are you bribed for personal gains?

    I know it is not about persuading the people of South Sudan only because they will not listen to sell-outs who have betrayed their destiny, but the worry is that the referendum results will be rigged and declared as unity outcome as spell out in the agreement.

    May be this is the reason why the known players like Dr. Riek Machar and Ali Osman Taha could not sign this supposedly very important document that determines the future of the South. May be Dr. Machar was not even informed, or if informed, he might have refused to be part of that betrayal of self-determination for his people.

    Shame on false liberators, now clearly turned into stomach liberators.

    May God intervene soon to free the people of South Sudan………..

  • Daniel Juol Nhomngek Geech
    Daniel Juol Nhomngek Geech

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Unity? Ha! This is the last laugh I have given until January next year when the results of the referendum will be announced. The fundamentalist Islamic regime in the North is trying to cling to the weakest string of hope that southerners may vote for unity, which is the misplaced hope.

    No matter how much the southerners are “disgruntled” with the southern affairs, as I know, they will NEVER vote yes to unity. The issue of unity makes southerners fall sick whenever that word surface from the north.

    The only thing I can advise the Northerners to do is to try to cement the relationship between the twins nations that are anticipated expected to come in the few months time, otherwise if northers continue pressing for unity, it will reach a time when southerners become frustrated to take crook means to declare unilateral independence, which will make things worse. Since it will take the shape of the relationships of Koreas and Israelites versus Palestine.

    The southerners will take that approach and this second around, it will not be like the wars of 1950s and 1990s it will be a just war. North should back off! No unity but only separation is the language we hear well. To hell with that rotten unity.

  • Africano

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Dear Southerners

    When we tell you for the last three years that Dinkas are betrayers, you do not want to believe. Now you elected Salva Kiir to unite you with the north, then why do you cry? Dinkas are worst enemies of the south. They want power to loot. Now SPLA have been order by Salva to kill civilians all over the south.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Oh God!! what arab want to do for the people of the southern sudan? again unity!!!!!!!.we, the people of southern sudan do not want any unity with arab,the world must know.the south sudan will stand by itself the nation as other nations in Africa,with out any influence from Arab to pursue people of the southern sudan to vote for unity.21years in war could not result in unity with arab and be again under arab rule,it could result in self determination.the southern sudan is fit to be a country by itself like other African nations.the decion of being in unity or not could be left for the people of southern sudan to decide by themselves.Iam sure no one of southerners should vote for unity.our main choice we the people of southern sudan is completely separation.God will heard and the world must know!!!!!!!!.

  • Akuma

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    We Southerners don’t want unity to be attractive any more. How many years do Al Bashir rule Sudan but there is no peace and unity among People. Let wait for declaration of Southern Sudan independence in January 9, 2011.

    Southern Sudan Independent Oyeeeeeeeeeeee!
    Referendum Oyeeeeeeeee
    Separation Oyeeeeeeeeeeee
    Unity Faaaaaaaaaaailllll

    Dr. Akuma


  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Guys let put in mind that politic is not static, is variable.
    worry not i don’t think unity will be attractive that is political lobby or let me say tom and jerry cartoon but we are not children at this time, unity for Southern Sudanese to be Vice president always the islamic ideology to rule, it will be tiger color that agreement. let not bother with it, South Sudnese know thier destination.

    Remember Mazlum Batallion/Lion

  • Laat Ayie Jal
    Laat Ayie Jal

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Oops bro take it easy on commander in chief and president of South Sudan H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the man is only using his diplomacy but not reflecting his real opinion on unity or separation. Relax don’t just jump out like a sleeping dog saying things about our President this is his office affairs, so stop saying bullshit and look a little further beyond your noise fool.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    I wrote this in my article last Tuesday but some of the known supperficial commentators in this website rushed to my neck to strangle me , thinking I am an enemy of SPLM/A and Salva Kiir when I only attempt to say the truth. This was my hypothesis:

    “The option of “War-of-Independence” out of “Secession” is what Southern Sudan might end up with, comes 2011. Despite the deceptive and malicious or ignorant songs of ‘peace-and-freedom’ chanted by both the SPLM/A and NCP/NIF leaders daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, the full revelation of truth will come up at the CPA ‘end-road’. That is, the “Secession” of Southern Sudan through a referendum might not end up with peaceful “Independence”. Please remember this projectional hypothesis even if I might not live to see the light of the dignified South Sudan in near or far future!”

    Now the truth I have pointed out is revealing itself slowly. Please re-read my article again critically and prepare for more bad news about the desire for the “Independence of South Sudan” coming from the SPLM/A and NCP-NIF.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Lady’s and gentlemen

    This is a murder silve dinkies and his like will never get away
    With this peace of toilet paper

    Southerners will win and create there own country with out silver Dinkies and his useless tribe

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Peace partners agree to “persuade” South Sudanese to vote for unity
    Guys do not be afraid,.This is politics.

    Bashir always supports southerns if they vote for Seperation when he comes to the south.


    Leave Kiir alone.

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