Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

VP Taha says Sudan will no longer tolerate France’s ‘patting on the back’

June 3, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha warned France that it must seek a resolution to the pending arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) last year against president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir that has hampered his ability travel abroad and attend international events.

Sudan's Vice president Ali Osman Taha (Reuters)
Sudan’s Vice president Ali Osman Taha (Reuters)
Taha made the statements to the independent Al-Ahram Al-Youm newspaper based in Khartoum following the conclusion of the France-Africa summit held in the French resort town of Nice over the weekend.

The venue of the summit was moved after Egypt after the latter rejected French request that Bashir be excluded in line with European policy of severing contact with individuals indicted by the ICC.

Bashir is charged with masterminding massive war crimes in Darfur that led to killing 300,000 and displacing millions.

Sudan wants France to back a UN Security Council (UNSC) action freezing the warrant for 12 months open for extension indefinitely. However, Paris signaled it is not willing to support this step yet.

The Sudanese VP said that France while backing the Hague tribunal wants a way out of the dilemma caused by the warrant.

“We told them yesterday, since you have invited Sudan to participate in the summit, it was supposed to be attended by President Bashir, if he did not show up, it means that there is an issue you are required to” Taha said.

“We do not believe this can continue [forever].. and if they extend second invitation or hold a conference we will not accept that the president doesn’t participate and they pat us on the back” he added.

Taha said his delegation conveyed this point of view at the conference in light of Sudan being center of international attention particularly with the 2011 South Sudan referendum right around the corner.

French-Sudan relations have been mostly strained over the last few years over the ICC issue and hosting Darfur rebel leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur despite calls to expel him because of his refusal to join peace talks.



  • telfajbago

    VP Taha says Sudan will no longer tolerate France’s ‘patting on the back’
    I suggest to Taha ,instead of pleading France to work for freezing the arrest warrant, which is impossible to see any light, to show all of them as NCP top figures their practical consoling to Bashir by boycott attending any conference abroad whatsoever and to leave the SPLM to attend them on their behalf, since they are in a partnership Government. It doesn’t show slightest allegiance to your President when you are moving a round attending conferences while he is stuck in his palace- hole like a lizard.Hahahahaha

  • Simpleman

    VP Taha says Sudan will no longer tolerate France’s ‘patting on the back’
    Taha, why can’t you be patient to wait for your own warrant? Rather than perusing freezing over the one of your Bose basir. None of you (NCP) members can jump this plot against the atrocities you people have committed against the people of Sudan.
    It’s like a recurring dismal for all of you.

    Good by way for hall NCP.

    The Great remain for Justice& human right

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