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Sudan Tribune

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Upper Nile probes killing of Shilluk chief

June 9, 2010 (JUBA) — Upper Nile authorities, under supervision of the governor, Simon Kun Puoch, stated that they are conducting an investigation to find the person responsible for killing Peter Oyath , a Shilluk chief in Pannyikang County.

Paramount chief Peter Oyath was reportedly ambushed and murdered by unknown gunmen on Saturday 22 May 2010, while returning from Malakal town to his home village in Panyikang County, Upper Nile State.

Prior to his death, the local chief appeared to have favored a voluntary disarmament against the will of the local population and was accused of cooperating with forces described as enemies against the peaceful existence of the Shilluk kingdom.

However, key members of the Shilluk kingdom including General Alfred Akuoch and General Oyai Deng Ajak dismissed allegations suggesting a conspiracy against the existence of the Shilluk kingdom.

“Nobody is working against the existence of anybody in Southern Sudan to which Upper Nile State and the Shilluk kingdom belongs. These are just fabrications by enemies of peace and stability in the region”, said General Alfred Kuoch to Sudan Tribune from Juba.

He also said that an investigation led by an independent committee in collaboration with the state government would look into the cause of the killing.

In an interview conducted on Wednesday with Brigadier General Thon Mum Kejok, a senior official who has held a number of ministerial positions including the spokesman of the state government and a senior position at the Ministry of Information and Communications, said ” the police are examining reports that SPLM-DC leadership is allegedly behind the attack and killing of the Shilluk chief.”

Kejok, who is widely speculated to have secured another backing for a ministerial appointment from his community of Baliet County in Upper Nile state, added that there are also reports accusing the supporters of the SPLM-DC of attacking some members of the SPLM and their families in Shilluk inhabited area.

“SPLM members in most villages predominantly SPLM-DC controlled areas always report accusations that they have sold out their Shilluk norms and values,” stated the Brigadier-General, adding that some members of the SPLM-DC have voluntarily admitted being instructed by the SPLM-DC leadership to attack SPLM members in the area, especially during the elections.

Last Tuesday, the assembly in Upper Nile state lifted the immunity of four SPLM-DC members based on arson charges and the killing of a Shilluk chief who allegedly sponsored elements in the SPLM-DC hierarchy.



  • Africano

    Upper Nile probes killing of Shilluk chief
    Brigadier General Thon Mum Kejok, Militia General from Akoka returned SPLA General was initially the man behind Shilluk/Dinka conflict in 2009. He put claimed that Malakal belongs and east bank of the Nile belongs to Dinka. A number fighting did take in Abaniem claimed by Dinka which they now called Bienthiang and Angdair. This led to Slalva Kiir giving away to Dinka, Shilluk land of Pigi. Thon Mum was the first who claimed that the attack of Abaniem was conducted by what he referred to as SPLM-DC militias. While SPLM-DC was a party in formation did not have militias. The truth of the matter is the youth whose lands were taken by Dinka did organize themselves to resist. They got limited support of guns from some SPLA generals in Juba.

    Now the conflicts have taken another especially after elections when some Shilluk SPLM lost their seats to members of SPLM-DC. It is worth noting that SPLA has bad records in Shilluk Kingdom. Shilluks in general voted for SPLM-DC as an alternative for hope and aspiration.

    Those behind this confusion are well known to Shilluk community and are smart to implicate Dinka into this confusion. They are Shilluk in SPLM. Just to mention a few;

    1. Pagan Amum Okech ( SPLM Secretary-General). He does not like Dr. Lam Akol
    2. General (Retired) Oyay Deng Ajak (lost in elections)
    3. General Afred Akwoc (Lost in elections)
    4. Omai Akol Awin (mad guy)
    5. Abuk Papiti
    6. Peter Adwok Nyaba

    1. Akwoc Dok
    2. Gabriel Nyawello
    3. Okuc Samson (Actual Father Unknown)
    4. Chol Obur (Security officer currently in Khartoum)
    5. Paul Arop (Commissioner of Fashoda County – Pagan Person)
    6. A-thayeb Ajak (Commissioner of Manyo County–Pagan Person)
    7. Daniel Odok (Commissioner of Panyikango County-Pagan Person)
    8. William Obany (NCP turned SPLM)
    9. Thomas Okwol
    10. Alie (Police Officer)
    11. Vanansio Gwang Adwok
    12. Opiti Joknyang
    13. Otwong Wad-Kaka
    14. Joseph Aban Deng
    15. Okuc (Son of Arab Father)

    The killing of traitor Chief is a Shilluk affair especially those of Panyikango villages. Their women and children were tortured by the chief in search of guns. Children were burned with candle fire on their backs in order to confess their fathers possess guns. Women and young girls were raped by SPLA Dinka soldiers. Those who killed the famous chief had their relatives tortured and therefore they retaliated. This has nothing to do with SPLM-DC as a party. SPLM-DC won elections in the villages of the dead chief. For what reasons could SPLM-DC kill the chief?

    Those arrested in Malakal have nothing with the killing of the chief. To make thing worst, Pagan Amum and Oyay Deng Ajak instigated the suspension and arrest unlawfully of SPLM-DC members in SSLA-Juba. While in Malakal there is no case open with police. The letters written by Makwei and Ger Chwang does not carry and warrant of arrest.

    SPLM-DC will use peaceful means to resolve the problem in courts. The procedures used by Makwei and Ger Chwang are regrettable.

  • Joseph

    Upper Nile probes killing of Shilluk chief
    Congratulation Simon Kun Pouch the governor of Upper Nile state. Since you won the governorship of Upper Nile state we have confident that the insecurity of upper Nile shall end.
    Dear brothers shilluk, being Shilluk does not mean all shilluk must be members of SPLM-DC.
    SPLM-DC is given freedom to exercise politic as there are MPs which mean they are recognize, but coming up with violent and cruel to abuse and kill innocence people this may affect SPLM-DC. Therefore Dr. Lam advice your people otherwise you shall not have MPs because even the way they behalf on the parliament is not permit

  • Africano

    Upper Nile probes killing of Shilluk chief
    This morning, a police general investing the killing of the said chief said on Radio Miraya that he was basing his investigations on information supplied by Shilluk informants. It is true; those who arrested Hon Mustafa Gai and Dr. Odol were identified as Okuc Samson Oyaya (Actual father unknown), Kwopper Edward Amum (The sibling of Pagan Amum) and Thomas Okwol. They use to hand-over their night catch to Paul Okoth an SPLA MI officer with integrated unit at the HQs former SAF HQs. As of dated their where about are unknown. The Shilluk community is waiting for their outcome. These guys should know that goes around comes back. This is Shilluk affair and these guys should the out come of their making.

  • Africano

    Upper Nile probes killing of Shilluk chief
    Hi Ethiopian

    You in SPLM always refer to people who oppose you as BLACK ARABS. This is nonsense. You are like day dreaming. You only pick-up the name of Dr. Lam as I said Pagan do not like him. Wait for referendum then kick out SPLM-DC. All will depend whether there will be referendum or not. You are really below any human standard.

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