Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Marginalized Sudanese, Unite!

By Luk Kuth Dak

“ We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

June 9, 2010 — Unity among the marginalized Sudanese citizens isn’t a laughing matter, but an issue of survival in the first place against the variable domination, aggression and oppression by the so-called Arabs minority invaders of our ancestors’ own land.

Remember, our freedom will never be handed to us in a golden plate. But if we really want it as badly as we should, then, we will have to continue fighting for it to the last breath in our bodies. And now, more than ever before, the marginalized Sudanese – as a whole- have an opportunity of a live time to, either they’re going to free themselves or remain under the same perpetual deplorable circumstances that they’ve jointly been subjected to, and forced to live under for generation after generation!

“ You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tied of being trampled by the iron feet of the oppression,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963.

Yes, we’re very tied now of more than half a century-long and counting, of brutality. It’s time to close that bloody chapter and move on with our lives. Indeed, the stakes couldn’t be higher, especially now that the enemy ( the National Congress Party) is adamant and vehemently dishonoring all of the accords that ended hostilities including the Comprehensive Peace agreement ( CPA). Literally, in South Sudan, patience’s at all times low, and for good reasons. More and more innocent lives are being lost on a daily bases, at the hands of NCP backed militias headed by some sell-outs Southerners ( all of whom we know).

Now, President Kiir’s angry. But who’s going to blame him? His anger is justifiable and legitimately so, given the fact that the NCP is backing off from its peace obligations on all fronts. Instead of honoring it commitment towards confidence’s building, the regime is now quite busy piling up weapons of mass destruction (WMD), from the disgraced communist China and terrorist Iran, aimed, of course, at dragging the country back into a much more bloodier war.

Yet, I believe that President Kiir’s decision allowing Ustaz/ Ali Osman Mohammad Taha, al Basher’s Vice President, to roam around freely in South Sudan, in pursuance of the so-called attractive unity, is reprehensible, and he should re-think his position as quickly as he can.

Meanwhile, what all the marginalized must keep in mind is that, they all really are in the same boat (as the quote above demonstrates). Indeed, whatever effects one part of a particular marginalized entity directly, effects the rest of the marginalized nation indirectly.

To clarify my point, just look at the dirty games the Khartoum regime is orchestrating to tear apart the Darfur’s people on tribal lines and, the treacherous acts of evil the NCP is committing to divide the people of South Sudan. I mean, those shouldn’t be assumed as simply an isolated events, but as a well calculated smear tactics, to further undermine the unity among the Darfurians one the hand, and the South Sudanese on the other, in accordance with the outstanding racial policy of: “ Hit the slave with a slave.”

In addition, marginalized should also understand that peace will never come through an Arab country, Qatar, for instance. As suspected all along, the Arabs have never been, never will be neutral mediators, but collaborators and co-conspirators of the regime of fugitive Omer al Basher, which’s never signed any agreement accept only to buy the time to regroup.

The central questions: how long are we going to tolerate being lied to time after time? And why it seems as though our intellectuals do not measure up to the NCPs own intellectuals, but instead, some of them are actually benefiting handsomely on our peoples’ misery? And what’s the whole point of some folks wasting their time to obtain some useless PhDs that only brought more and more suffering, to the very people, who somehow along the line, helped them reach their pinnacles?

Well, I know there are some people out there who might be saying, ho! Am jealous because I don’t have a PhD!! Not all. I don’t begrudge anyone his PhD. Nor am I suggesting that all of them are bad people. I’m just saying that today’s South Sudan should be far well-off than it was yesterday, certainly, due to the fact that the number of educated and intellectuals has skyrocketed in the last few years.

But no!

In fact, some of our own PhD holders ( for some selfish egos) have now, literally, became the venues for divisiveness among our people! However, the blood money they’re accumulating, will sooner than later, dissipates from within their hands, just as they say “ easy comes, easy goes,”

And at that time, there would be no hideouts, nor even a room for redemption.

The time to wise up, is now!

The author is a Sudanese journalist, and he can be reached at: [email protected].



    Marginalized Sudanese, Unite!
    Dear Luke congrats for the great meaningful article. Yes without people of the margins rethink; then chaos will never stop in their areas. Those who are inflcited by Central governemnts in Khartoum are; South Sudan, Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains, the Nubian North and Darfur.

    Here I would like to share the speech of highly respected person in South Sudan, who one day told me that Sudan in current situation have become like a rifle stopped fuctioning. Then it needs to be dismantelled, cleaned and re-assembled again to work well.

    Without change of attitudes from brothers in the Center, I am sure the case of mulfunctioning rifle will become true on Sudan. Thanks brother Luke again for the bonna fet journalist work you have done.
    People of the margin Oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Grader

    Thanks Luk
    This is the best commentary of the year. I know 2010 is not finished but I believe this article rocks. Marginalized unite!

  • Mawa Alson
    Mawa Alson

    Marginalized Sudanese, Unite!
    thank you for expessing junubin nationalistic sentiments, Mr Luk but remember we Equatorians are grieved of eminent replacement of arab dominance by your Dinka untold Monopoly of southern affairs.

  • telfajbago

    Marginalized Sudanese, Unite!
    I salute you gentleman for hitting the nail on the head. today, more than any time else we need to create a formidable alliance of struggle in order to grab our rights from Khartoum’s radical Islamists.I believe that the Peace which deserve celebration has still yet to come whether in South Sudan, Darfur or else where in any part of Sudan. A lasting peace will be after we fight together as marginalized groups the war of ending wars that will make the Islamist concede total defeat and come to their senses.

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