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Sudan Tribune

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Two governors of Sudan borders states call to strengthen ancestral ties

June 12, 2010 (AGOK) — A high level gubernatorial visit to the border town of Meram reiterated calls for traditional leaders to resume ancestral ties at border lines. Governor Malong Awan Anei of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal and Ahmed Harun of Southern Kordofan visited Marem on Friday.

Ahmed Mohamed Harun
Ahmed Mohamed Harun
The visit, also attended by Deng Arop Kuol, the Chief Administrator of Abyei and a representative from Warrap state government, was to boost territorial relations mainly at the 1956 north-south borderlines, before the arrival of the technical border demarcation teams.

Addressing the gathering in the town, the two governors emphasized on the need to resume ancestral ties and peaceful coexistence between the two communities in the regions regardless of the outcome of the border demarcation committee.

“There is nothing more important than living together peacefully as equal brothers and sisters. You can never be different people even if borders are created. You can never change long existing relations between people without their consent. You can, however be politically and administratively divided but socially and economically remain the same people. Therefore, there is a need to exercise a better relationship here and there,” said Ahmed Harun, Governor of Southern Kordofan.

Harun who was also quoted calling on traditional leaders and youth on both sides to embrace peaceful coexistence promised to provide adequate security in the area and confirmed the deployment of more police forces to areas with suspected security threats to the two regions.

On the other hand, Governor Anei pledged to build a police station in the town to help in the monitoring of security-related activities in the area.

Governor Anei is also reported to have asked the residents of Meram not to cooperate with people aiming at sabotaging territorial relationships.

Accusing certain groups he declined to name of wanting to pass through Meram with arms to destabilize his administration , he called for vigilance at the border saying stability is a prerequisite to developmental plans.

“There can never be development if any given area remains under security threats all the time. There can be never free movement of the local people between the two areas if security remains a major concern. There can never be regular business transaction between the two areas if there are bandits on commercial lines stopping and looting people and of course there can never be better relations if there are illegal armed groups on each border side,” added Governor Anei, emphasizing that security is a major priority to his administration.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Two governors of Sudan borders states call to strengthen ancestral ties
    Mr. Ahmed Harun knows the aggression is always coming from his state, especially after they are politically being missled by the Sudanese goverment to do their dirty job of Destabilizing the Southern border tibes. Ahmed Harun and the Bagara tribes know Dinkas had always given those Kordofan normads grassing lands but it was the Bagara tribes that would forget the good deeds done unto them by the Dinkas and instead they turned on us like a while animal.

    There is a saying; if you are travelling and you happened to sit under a tree with a good shadow, do not deficate under that tree when you leave for you never know maybe one day, you might come to rest under it,however, it seems to me that the Bagara tribes of Kordufan do not know that. They should also know that they, too are as marginalized by Northern Sudanese as the rest, that took up arms against the so called Sudan government and yet the government always fools them and used them for its gains by blackmailing them with the word, you are Arabs and you must kill and loot those black tribes(abeits)while the fact is, they themselves are black and Africans like to rest of us. They will learn the true colour of Northern Sudanese when their eyes start to open just like the rest of our brothers were fighting us along side Sudan government during Anyag-nya 1 but then it will be too late for them.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    Two governors of Sudan borders states call to strengthen ancestral ties
    You did a very great job now for your communities, to allow peace be our first step forward is very important then to keep on distablisizing ourselves for no reason thing that cause the quarell. To be one people is when you listen to yourselves and now i think all of us have seen the high cooperation which has been build up by the two governors on how to stay at the border lines. Instead for us to kill ourselves is better for these two communities to support each other and ties up good relationship in order to achieved some more development in the areas for the future of the new generation from both sides.

  • Jakok Loakloak
    Jakok Loakloak

    Two governors of Sudan borders states call to strengthen ancestral ties
    Way to retrogerate harun. What hapen to the mighty Sultan who look to the southern fellas as abeed? are we returning to our own vomit? or the future just got too dark northward that you now reconsider the impossible.. I feel something fishy about your suddent U turn my friend..but in all, keep it up even though ur cards are already in view.


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