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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur mediator says peace deal to be reached before S. Sudan referendum

June 14, 2010 (NEW YORK) — The African Union (AU)-United Nations (UN) Joint Chief Mediator Dijibril Bassole, told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) today that a final peace agreement should be signed before the South Sudan referendum on self determination scheduled for January 2011.

Djibril Bassolé, Joint African Union-United Nations Chief Mediator for Darfur, briefs the Security Council on 14 June 2010 (UN Photo/Evan Schneider)
Djibril Bassolé, Joint African Union-United Nations Chief Mediator for Darfur, briefs the Security Council on 14 June 2010 (UN Photo/Evan Schneider)
The date had been determined during a joint consultative meeting between the AU and the UN held early May in Addis Ababa. The meeting also reaffirmed the need for an inclusive process taking into account all issues of concerns to the people of Darfur.

The session also decided that, to achieve this objective, the Joint Chief mediator has to work in coordination with the chief of the UN mission in Sudan (UNMIS) envoy and the head of Darfur peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) under the leadership of the former South African President Thabo Mbeki who heads the AU High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP).

Among other things, AUHIP was tasked with assisting the Sudanese parties in the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and other related processes, as part of the democratic transformation of Sudan.

In accordance with the decisions of the consultative meeting “every effort should be made to ensure that a political agreement on the Darfur crisis is reached before the referendum of January 2011,” Bassole announced before the 15 members of the UN Security Council on Monday.

Bassole further said that in line with these recommendations the mediation has established a schedule of talks allowing to finalize separate protocols on the different issues followed by an inclusive and final agreement.

“This agreement which shall be open to all warring parties should mark the end of the International Mediation as a means of resolving the crisis in Darfur and promote ways and means to implement effectively the consensus reached with the involvement of civil society,” he added.

The mediator told the UNSC that his team intends to submit a protocol to the delegations of the government and the rebels on the return of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Refugees and the compensations. The negotiations on this issue will begin on June 24 after the arrival of IDPs and refugees delegates to Doha.

The Government and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) agreed on a June 7 date to start direct peace talks and established six commissions to tackle the agenda of the talks including the security arrangements, power and wealth sharing, justice and reconciliation, and conflict resolution.

The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which suspended its participation in the peace talks since May 2, said it wants the reform of the peace process in a way to widen the mandate of the joint mediator and requested guarantees of the neutrality of the host country, Qatar, accused of favoring the Sudanese government.

Another rebel group boycotting the peace process, the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, maintains its initial position based on the need to provide security for the civilians and disarmament of militias loyal to the Sudanese government before to join the peace process.

However, Bassole told the UNSC that the mediation will exert the necessary efforts to ensure the effective participation of all the rebel groups in the final phase of the talks. In addition he pledged to work to bring the JEM back to the negotiating table and finalize a ceasefire agreement between Khartoum and the rebel group.

He also urged the members of the Council to require the government and JEM rebels to observe the cessation of hostilities signed on February 23 and to encourage all the rebel groups and the government to make dialogue the only way to resolve the seven year conflict.




    Darfur mediator says peace deal to be reached before S. Sudan referendum
    Haaaaaa, Go home man your wife is waiting for you!!!!! What type of a peace deal you are talking about? There is no peace deal either before or after the referendum as long as peace of Darfur in in the hands of the killers. Who helped the criminal to kill he is also a criminal! Qatar is not neutral country has contributed much in the killing of people of Darfur, by their zealous attitudes Arabization and Islamization, that caused death of many African orgin Sudanese whether today in Darfur of in the South Sudan and other marginalized areas in the past.

    So please move the hell out off there or you will continue loosing Sudan oil money in vain.

  • telfajbago

    Darfur mediator says peace deal to be reached before S. Sudan referendum
    “This agreement which shall be open to all warring parties should mark the end of the International Mediation as a means of resolving the crisis in Darfur and promote ways and means to implement effectively the consensus reached with the involvement of civil society,” Bassole have totally lost the necessary credibility and mediation ethics needed by any mediator sense he openly sided with Khartoum.
    I was wondering is Bassole a mediator or core hard member of the national congress party ,if I was blind folded I would say that it’s Nafie Ali Nafie speaking. It is important to mention here that; Al-Bashir last week made bravado that Doha talks will be final in solving Darfur problem. Bassole should no that what will make the end of the International Mediation will only be dictated by the situation on the ground and achieving the demands of the Darfurian people,but not through giving bread earning jobs to few sell out gathered by Bassole in Doha seeking personal triumph without heeding the suffering and the moans of those in death IDPs and refugees camps. I strongly warn Bassole and Gration and the backers of Doha not to think of imposing their deal on the people. Few days ago Bassole met civil society representatives in Nyala in which he was told that, they are rejecting Doha scenario and non of those in Doha representing them, What sort of mediator are you? Finally, in the cause of Darfur deals will be made, papers will be signed and money will be paid to buy peace-supporters as today Qatari delegation is doing in Darfur, but without giving the people their rights, no peace will thrive

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Darfur mediator says peace deal to be reached before S. Sudan referendum
    I think Jabreel should not confus the UN on matters related with the South Sudan. This man is already confused with the Dafur things. Jabreel should learn few things about the people of Southern sudan. Southerners like straightforwardness , WHEN they say “no” it means “no” and “yes” means “Yes”. So BIG no mr Basouli to your linking our referendum to Darfure things. Our southern train do not have revers gears and time is runing out for us to reach our destination.The north is really slow!!!!!!

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