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Sudan Tribune

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Rebel chief calls for humanitarian intervention in Darfur

June 15, 2010 (PARIS) — The leader of a Darfur rebel group residing in France brushed aside calls by the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) to join ongoing peace talks in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar saying nothing on the ground has changed that would prompt him to change his position.

Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur
Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur
On Monday, the UNSC heard briefings by the top envoys and mediators for the United Nations and the African Union who have been dealing with the two separate conflicts in Africa’s largest country.

In a press statement, the Security Council expressed “grave concern” at the recent upsurge in fighting in western Darfur, called for an end to the violence, and urged all rebel groups to “engage constructively” in peace negotiations which are scheduled to resume this month in Doha, Qatar.

Ibrahim Gambari, the joint U.N.-AU representative in Darfur, told the council that the recent upsurge in fighting, which has displaced between 10,000 and 50,000 people, has also created “very serious hindrances” for the more than 20,000-strong U.N.-AU peacekeeping force trying to carry out its mandate of protecting civilians in Darfur.

The leader of the legacy faction of Sudan Liberation Movement Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur said that latest reports prove the U.N. has failed “by clear and convincing evidence” to provide security for Darfuris.

“This is putting the cart before the horse; trying to get parties to the negotiation table without ending the killing and extermination of our people who are displaced by the thousands every month” Al-Nur said.

“A humanitarian intervention is needed under a Chapter VII mandate to end the chronic insecurity in Darfur then we can move to peace talks and seek a political solution” he added.

Khartoum and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), considered the most military active in Darfur, have suspended peace talks since the rebel group accused the Sudanese army of attacking its position.

An umbrella of Darfur groups joined under Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) started talks in Doha this month with the Sudanese government despite boycott by JEM and SLM.

“These talks will be no different from Abuja agreement; peace on paper but not on the ground. We reject this kind of peace” Al-Nur said.

A 2006 peace agreement signed in Abuja, Nigeria between the government and one rebel group has failed to stop the violence in Darfur,




    Rebel chief calls for humanitarian intervention in Darfur
    The Nigerian Gambari who failed in Mayanmar as we said before, he is also vulnerable to big failure in Darfur. Because Darfur problem is more complicated. Secondly; Gambar Ibrahim is from Nigeria, and people of Darfur have bad experience with the Nigerians assigned the peacekeeping. They were bribed oil money to tell Darfur rebels hideouts to the Governemnt of Sudan. Many incident of such kinds were recorded by the rebels, specilly when the Nigerian forces visit rebel controled areas twenty miniutes after they leave the governemnt attacks occurs on the area. Thirdly; Nigerians will always stand on the side of Islamic governemnt because they have one million Nigerian origins living in the North of Sudan where the current President Omer Bashirs’ father Bashir is from them.

    On the other hand Gambari should ask the UNSC to provide security for the people of Darfur, then tell them on the second step to engage themselves on peace process. Now Gambari is following steps of his brother in-law Basir who last year said on Sudan TV, ” If we provide the security then why should we sit with the rebels to negociate”. which means the governemnt of Sudan continues killing the innocent civilians to weaken the will of the rebels. But as far as I know Garang in his fight lost two million to let the survived live in dignity, but the North has not yet learned the lesson.
    My advice to UN is, if this Gmabari is very intellegent and much demanded by the UN, then they better give paper works in office!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy has impediment, he can’t communicates well!

  • telfajbago

    Rebel chief calls for humanitarian intervention in Darfur
    Doha talk is conspiracy between U.S and Gaddafi to liquidate the cause of Darfur. Each of them has his interest and concern, Gaddafi thinking that by, pushing shaky deal will thwart the ICC, while the US is working to achieve the referendum of South Sudan at the expense of the dying innocent civilians in Darfur; while Qataris are seeking to protect their billion dollars investment projects in Sudan. But so long as people of Darfur have strong believe in their cause and willing to pay the price, however high any effort to liquidate the cause through Doha talks will fail. Bassole and his backers still not learned that it can not be done through Doha, but Iam sure after their deal will hover in the air like a feather, only then they will learn that they stepped on their consciences to back Doha and did nothing only shameful memories. What is needed today is to stop the killing before thinking of imposing political solutions that the genocidairs will not honor. Today the CPA the mother agreements is faltering like drunkard man, what did Bassole doing to consolidate the CPA and convince the NCP to implement the agreement ,before thinking to bring another one? AU/UN corrupt to the boot leaders such as Bassole has to know that, the era of sentencing genocide victims to death through ignoble deals such as what is happening today in Doha is over.

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