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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State

June 16, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The southern Sudan army killed 10 rebels loyal to General George Athor and lost three soldiers after fierce fighting in Jonglei state, the SPLA stated Wednesday.

Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers, file photo
Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers, file photo
The fighting took place on Tuesday when a SPLA search team composed of 35 members discovered the hideout of the renegade general in Khorflus area, Jonglei State, according to statements by the SPLA spokesperson Kuol Diem Kuol.

George Athor Deng, a former deputy chief of Staff in South Sudan army, rebelled after his defeat in the gubernatorial election in Jonglei state. Recently he said coordinating with other rebels in Jonglei and Unity States.

Athor called for peace talks to end clashes between his forces and regional army and the dissolution of the recently elected government of Southern Sudan. He is also demanding resignation of Jonglei Governor-elect Kuol Manyang Juuk alongside threats to attack Bor town, the state capital.

The Southern Sudanese authorities declined mediation by the UN mission in Sudan and brushed aside his demands. Since the SPLA is tracking down Athor preferring to deal militarily with his rebellion.

The SPLA said that supporters of renegade senior officer George Athor, who were captured on Sunday, had provided the southern army with his location.

The general Athor, in a message to Sudan Tribune sent through a reliable contact said he only lost five of his men in yesterday fighting “in a place called Ngong near to Korfulous”. He also claimed they counted 40 dead from the SPLA troops.

He further said they captured 25 AK-47’s and 4 PKMs from the SPLA.

The renegade general dismissed statement by the spokesperson of the Southern Sudan army about the capture of 13 of his men and radio equipment.

“These were civilian youth from the area and not our soldiers” he said. Athor also denies that SPLA took any radio equipment.

On June 4, the SPLA attacked the positions of forces loyal to former southern Sudan police officer in Unity State, Colonel Galuak Gai, who turned rebel shortly after April elections.

The SPLA spokesperson said today they are hunting Gen. Athor adding they expected more fighting with him. However he insisted on the southern Sudan determination to end this critical situation six months before the referendum on self determination.

“We will pursue him until he surrenders and if he refuses we will kill him,” Kuol added.



  • Kur

    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    Mr. Athor should surrender himself quickly to the SPLA to pererve his own life. He must know that the end of the road for him is approaching rapidly He will blame nobody but his own greed.


  • murlescrewed

    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    Kuol Diem must watch his mouth and not make threats against one of the best general to ever lead men against jellabah regime. I think the best way to handle to situation is through genuine talks with Gen Athor so that peace can be assured ahead of the referendum. When you start saying that you will pursue a tough general like Athor, you are grossly mistaken and could suffer unforeseen misfortunes.

    Gen Athor is fighting for what he believes is what led SPLA to rebel in the first place: democracy and choice. If there were irregularities as noted by the international community, South must work with Gen Athor to address those issues and correct them.

  • Grader

    Down down with traitors
    Athor has to be brought to his knees

    He is worse than Lam, De Chand, Riak Gai or other boot lickers in Khartoum

    No more playing

  • Samson

    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    You may kill but the spirit of southern will still be with him , because he had not done any things wrong. You have rigged the vote of the nation I have to tell truth of the nation whether my dad did that and I will not support him for what he done.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    This should be a very big lesson to others,if rebel Athor is killed or captured,any one with the same dirty plan will follow Athor


    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    Hay! the people of sudan particularly my state (jonglei) what the problem with those renegade led by Gen.Athor Deng.what make the to frustrated
    like that.
    Let me assure you my leaders,why not you seek the amicable solution
    to end this crisis in our state before referendum.
    that one iz very iching to us as citizen so be quick to it.

    BY ZOOM.

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    South Sudan army and renegade general clash in Jonglei State
    General Athor Deng we really pay great condolece to the family `s victim of ten soldiers who lost their lives for no reasons.And also for their narrow thought we are ver regret indeed to have such people who dose not deems their perspectives if these soldiers were having commonsense the would have not join your criminal desires.

    Now what do you think about your political career at this stages do you still seeking to be a governor of great jongle state or you want to inrestate into military post?

    We disbeleif your squirm resoucres and that is why we been trying to advices you to render your self to james Hoth mai before it too late now it really seem to me that thing are now out of your control of your hands as it turn it back from bad to worse

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