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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive

June 17, 2010 (JUBA) – The First Vice President of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, has blamed the northern dominant region for not making unity attractive among the people of Southern Sudan.

First Vice President Salva Kiir (L) speaks during a press conference in Khartoum. (file)
First Vice President Salva Kiir (L) speaks during a press conference in Khartoum. (file)
He said his Southern Sudan’s ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has been supporting the unity of the country since its inception, but the Northern regimes have not done enough to make the unity attractive.

Gen. Salva Kiir, who made the statement during the inaugural session of the newly appointed Council of Ministers in the Government of National Unity in Khartoum, said the SPLM fought against separatists in the past during the liberation struggle because of the issue of secession or unity of the country.

He however said the activities by the North against the South have made it
difficult to persuade the people of Southern Sudan that unity with the North is a better option.

“People should not think that I will tell the people of Southern Sudan to vote for unity, no I cannot do that…I will take a back seat and let others speak…the issue will be left to the people to decide,” he said.

Kiir commended the newly appointed ministers who accepted to be ministers in Khartoum despite “challenges.”

About two weeks ago, the two peace partners [SPLM and NCP] signed an agreement on the next government’s program which directed the two parties to persuade the people of Southern Sudan to vote for unity.

The newly appointed minister of Cabinet Affairs in the Government of National Unity, Dr. Luka Biong Deng, explained in a statement in the presidential palace that the priorities of the new government are going to be “how” to implement what is left in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), adding that completing arrangements for Southern Sudan and Abyei referenda and popular consultations for the two regions of Southern Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains (Southern Kordofan) should be given the priority.

He affirmed that talking about unity or secession would be a private choice. “What matters to us is to give them (Southern Sudanese) the referendum,” he was quoted as saying.

An overwhelming majority of the people of Southern Sudan is expected to vote for separation in the upcoming 9th January 2011 referendum.



  • Thyinka

    South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive
    My guess is that no Southern Sudanese politician, the president included, will risk their political future by campaigning for unity given the history of the relation between the North and the South over the last 50 years or so. It will be oxymoron to the spirit of liberation of the Sudanese people who are fighting for freedom everywhere and only a moron can do it. There was a chance for unity but it is long gone.

  • Kur

    South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive
    Any politician who will campaign for that evil unity in the South must know that there is price to be paid by such individual. We will consider such people as traitors. Such campaign, the campaign for so-called unity, confirms the preception of northerners that the people of South Sudan must remain second class citizens in the Sudan.

    Those who have received money from the NCP to betray us must be warned that they face difficult road in the direction they have chosen. So eat your money and keep queit. That would be better for you.


  • Akuma

    South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive
    Southern Sudan President Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is wasting his time and words for nothing. Have you not seen in your own eyes that Al-Bashir has declares Southern Sudan independent. Even though you thousands of true and facts words to convince Northern Sudan to make Unity attractive, it can’t happen unless Southern Sudan be turn as Muslim Base for Janjiweed and other militias training ground.
    So, don’t for Northerners ruling by Al-Bashir regime to do something good if you never have plans for Southerners.

    Dr. Akuma

  • mohamad adam
    mohamad adam

    South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive
    but who told this silvator kir that northerners are interested on uniti of south and north?
    doesnt he have advisers whom are capable of knowing the fact that the ordinari northerners are fed up with this endless wars and political masterbations?
    mr vice president it is onli the leaders and to be more clear the looters of ncp whom are campaining for uniti but 99.9
    % of northerners if they are given the chance to vote bleave me they will chose the separation
    mr vice president we dont want uniti go ahead and campain for separation we started loving you because of your last adress to the cabinet

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan President blames the North for not making unity attractive

    Whether you like or hate Late Dr John Garang de Mabior, i think you will not create history because of your nonense on this website.

    If Dr Garang de Mabior was not the leader in SPLM, South Sudan would be abreeding area for Jalaba because we have food lovers like you who like food and being the arab kissers.

    Your Riek Machar and 98% Nuer join Jallaba but what have you done ?, Purely nothing. We still welcome you back because we know that you are the only tribe among our tribe who like bribe and food from Arab.

    You nuer always talk nononse bout the defect of Riek Machar in 1991. What did you get out of it if at all not humiliation of yourselves.

    I devalue you guys because you are the most coward and visionless tribe in the entire Sudan, asked Omer Bashier of Arab if the they don,t know you guys. A great leader can not fought his own people.

    Let me telling you that keep reminding the South about riek machar cowardness,but the good thing is that you nuer are spoiling him.

    I am not worried about him because he is like the dead end in SPLM because he is aloser. He and 98% nuer were accomodated after they fail miserablly in the history.

    My respect goes to James Hoth and William Nyuon,and no more than these two leaders because the rest are losers who came after they smell the sucess carried out by Dr John Garang.

    God bless Dinka and the other tribes but not food lovers-Arab ass kissers( Naath).

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