Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Cattle keepers in Sudan’s Lakes state conduct workshop for peace

By Manyang Mayom

June 20, 2010 (WAU) – Lakes state cattle keepers conduct a workshop in the state capital, Rumbek, with the aim to sensitize the pastoralists about the danger of armed cattle raiding and the need to stop it.

Cattle keepers in Lakes state (photo by Manyang Mayom/ST)
Cattle keepers in Lakes state (photo by Manyang Mayom/ST)
The five days workshop which kicked off on Saturday under the theme “Do No Harm,’ non-violence and danger of small arms for youth of cattle camps” only brought together two counties of Rumbek Central and Rumbek East counties.

Oyella, the program officer for Pact Sudan for Peace building program told Sudan Tribune that the workshop, which aims to promote peace in Lakes State, has targeted the youth from the cattle camp because they are usually directly involved in violence and also suffer directly from the violence.

Most of the youth are pastoralists popularly known as Gelweng in Dinka language who always engage in cattle raids. The workshop was funded by Pact Sudan while the workshop itself was being conducted by the youth lobby group called ‘Youth United Against Tribalism and Tribal Insecurity in South Sudan.’

Ms. Oyella affirmed that the training would help the youth from the cattle camp make peace within themselves and to extend peace to the entire community to pave way for what she called “developmental work.”

Oyella also revealed that youth movement has planned for four similar workshops to take place.

Cattle’s raiding has been behind most of the armed conflicts in Lakes State and the youth from the cattle camps have been directly involved in these clashes.

Organizers Expected Outcomes;

– Increased understanding and awareness of the root causes and triggers of conflict in Southern Sudan through the implementation of two (2) conflict assessments; Increased capacity of the SSPC to respond to early warning of conflict in a timely and effective manner through supporting the development of Conflict Early Warning System (CEWS); Increased capacity of South Sudan Peace Commission (SSPC) and South Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) to ensure conflict-sensitivity of key legislation through the provision of a Technical Advisor.

– Increased coordination among key institutions (SSPC, SSLA, South Sudan disarmament demobilization reintegration commission (SSDDRC), Control of small armed commission (CSAC) and South Sudan Human Right Commission (SSHRC) in support of peace building through meetings, information sharing and networking, were also highlighted.

– Increased capacity of communities (including local administration and civil society) to respond to threats to community stability through the provision of funding pools for peace building, rapid response and sustainable recovery and reintegration; Increased capacity of SSDDRC to implement their reintegration strategy through the provision of a Technical Advisor; Increased capacity to address community security and small arms control in Southern Sudan.

– This workshop will also improve inter-ethnic interactions and communication among the communities. Trust and confidence built amongst Youth groups while addressing issues of concerns affecting the communities with a view of restoring peace which was undermined by cattle rustlings.



  • Matot de Akech Matot
    Matot de Akech Matot

    Cattle keepers in Sudan’s Lakes state conduct workshop for peace
    Thank u guys if u doing that .

  • Fantastic Tombeki
    Fantastic Tombeki

    Cattle keepers in Sudan’s Lakes state conduct workshop for peace
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! what a jok. cattle and peace are like fire and oil, when they meet they spark dangerous flames. Let us call spade a spade, the cattle keepers can never live in peace because they value cattle to human life and they know no marality. My advise is that the money use for holding this w/shop should be used for rehabilating the street children in Lakes state. How many w/shops are being conducted among the cattle owners to teach them peaceful co-existence among themselves since the signming of the CPA? what results are achieved so far? Many deaths and stealling of cattle continues because these people are unteachable. It is easy to teach and tame a Cobra than teaching the cattle owners.

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    Cattle keepers in Sudan’s Lakes state conduct workshop for peace
    Why do you select only two counties in the state? Lakes state is comprised by eight counties respectively, what excluded the rest? do you think that no cattle raids?

    Be fair. Lakes state is not only the two counties, so I personally disagree with you people.


    Yirol Boy

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