Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s NCP urges Libya to press JEM on joining Doha talks

June 20, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — An official at the ruling National Congress Party in Sudan called on Libya to press the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel group fighting in Darfur to join the ongoing peace talks in Doha.

Leder of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim
Leder of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim
The head of the Darfur sector at the NCP told government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) A-Fadl Abdullah Al-Fadl that Libya is capable of convincing Ibrahim to resume negotiation with Khartoum if it had the political will.

Al-Fadl said that Libya has several tools to pressure JEM given its relations with various rebel groups in Darfur.

He stressed that it is best for JEM to pursue a peaceful solution instead of military options saying that their recent defeats makes the latter unattainable for the rebel group.

Last month JEM chief was blocked from entering Chad d had his passports destroyed in a major blow to his movement which has used the country as a base for its troops and a transit point for its officials over the last few years.

After regional intervention Ibrahim was sent back to Tripoli amid uncertainty about his future given a request by Khartoum the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for his extradition in relation to his May 2008 attack on Sudan’s twin capital city of Omdurman.

Sudan failed to convince Libya to expel him from its territory.

JEM is one of two rebel groups that took up arms against Sudan’s government in 2003, accusing it of neglecting the remote western region of Darfur and marginalizing its population. The group suspended peace talks with the government, accusing it of breaking a ceasefire and failing to honor an initial peace deal signed in Qatari capital Doha in February.

Abdullah Badeen who is the NCP secretary in North Darfur, told SMC that it is imperative that Libya exerts pressure on JEM on the grounds that the negotiations have produced positive results in favor of the movement including release of their POW’s and dropping charges against them.

He accused JEM of violating the cessation of hostilities agreement and framework accord.

Recent fighting erupted in Darfur between JEM and government troops has left little hope of renewing a Qatari-sponsored peace process. The Darfur rebels urged the U.N. chief and joint chief mediator to facilitate the return of its leader to Darfur, saying current situation would impede efforts for peace.



  • telfajbago

    Sudan’s NCP urges Libya to press JEM on joining Doha talks
    What a mess!!! The national congress party delegation to Doha talks have their final agreement ready inside their suitcases and they are waiting Khalil to ink in at a time Minni is threatening to go back to war. The long history of conflict resolution has never witnessed a dominant party to the conflict cry for the other party to come and take his rights, thus Sudan Government’s insistence on Doha talks prove that Khartoum is in hurry to sell it’s cooks, it also further discredit Bassole as a neutral mediator or is he a regime-created mediator?. In an interview conducted by Rofiydah Yaseen Khalil said that; he will not negotiate where he can not have free movement with his cars and troops, which means that he wants to change venue to Libya or Chad an statement that drove Khartoum mad, but let us wait an see.

  • telfajbago

    Sudan’s NCP urges Libya to press JEM on joining Doha talks
    What a mess!!! The national congress party delegation to Doha talks have their final agreement ready inside their suitcases and they are waiting Khalil to ink in at a time Minni is threatening to go back to war. The long history of conflict resolution never witnessed a dominant party to the conflict cry for the other party to come and take his rights, thus Sudan Government’s insistence on Doha talks prove that Khartoum is in hurry to sell it’s cooks, it also further discredit Bassole as a neutral mediator or is he a regime-created mediator?. In an interview conducted by Rofiydah Yaseen Khalil said that; he will not negotiate where he can not have free movement with his cars and troops, which means that he wants to change venue to Libya or Chad a statement which drove Khartoum mad, but let us wait an see.

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