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Sudan Tribune

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Egypt reiterates its commitment to support Southern Sudan referendum

By James Gatdet Dak

June 22, 2010 (JUBA) – The Arab Republic of Egypt has expressed its commitment to support a free and fair conduct of the Southern Sudan referendum due in January 2011.

Ahmed Nazef
Ahmed Nazef
This was expressed during the delivery of a congratulatory message from senior officials of the Egyptian government to the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, on his reappointment as Vice President during this “crucial period.”

The Egyptian Prime Minister, Dr. Ahmed Nazef and the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Abul Gheit, have sent the congratulatory letter to the Vice President, expressing their support to the full implementation of the 2005 North-South peace deal as well as continued cooperation with the semi-autonomous government.

The letter was delivered on Monday to the Vice President by the Egyptian Consul General in Juba, Moayad Fathallaha El Dalie. The Egyptian diplomat expressed his country’s willingness to play a positive role in the conduct of the upcoming 2011 referendum in Southern Sudan.

Consul General Dalie added that his government would identify areas on which it can provide technical support to the referendum process.



  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Egypt reiterates its commitment to support Southern Sudan referendum
    The letter of congratulation from the senior officials of the Egyptian government is so ambiguous that has not detailed and declared the position of Egyptian government toward the Referendum in Sudan. The writer of this letter would have added their preferred opinions either to support the Unity or Separation of the South Sudan from the North Government in the upcoming Referendum.

    On other hand we always know the position of Egyptian government that they work harder to support their colleagues (Arabs) in the North in order to continue getting the benefit from the Nile-River.

    Dr Riek speech was political produced to trap such tricky Egyptians in Sudan politics. Egyptians should have learnt a lesson when their soldiers were killed in Darfur 2-months ago.
    Egyptian should quit Sudanese politics.

    Despite all these black-mailings, I am congratulating the Egyptian writer of the letter for having congratulated our vice president of the South Sudan on his speech.

    Thank all!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Egypt reiterates its commitment to support Southern Sudan referendum
    James Gatdet,

    If you want to report, please stop pushing your own opinion to the public because it’s misleading the intended audiences. What do you mean when you said ” The Arab Republic of Egypt–“? this joutnalist need farther coaching.
    Your article is trashed and no one will but it.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Egypt reiterates its commitment to support Southern Sudan referendum
    Hey guys, beware of Egyptian envolument in our referendom. it should done or conducted by us alone. i means southern sudanese with our old time allies and not any single arab nation envolued, just as we were alone during the war. EGYPT was strategic axis of evil aiding north sudan during the war, and this should give us hind on how to pay close look at Egypt in her undertaking issues regarding our referendom.

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