Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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JEM criticizes Darfur mediator over negotiation strategy

June 24, 2010 (PARIS) — The spokesperson for the Justice and Equality movement (JEM) criticized the joint chief mediator Dijibril Bassole saying that he has lost control over the negotiation in favor of the Qataris who are hosting the talks.

“Bassole failed to act like an impartial mediator and instead of pressing the Sudanese government to honor the agreements it signed he is blaming us for the failure of talks,” JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein told Sudan Tribune.

“We have not heard Bassole condemn the military offensive by in Darfur or the massive displacement that resulted even though the agreements we signed stipulate cessation of hostilities by all sides” Hussein said.

He emphasized that the mediator failed to reign in the role of the Qataris as hosts thus weakening his effectiveness. Hussein lashed out Bassole saying he has not fulfilled one his main functions of facilitating return of the negotiating parties to the field.

JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim ad been banned by the Chadian authorities on May 19, from returning to Darfur through Ndjamena and returned to the Libyan capital Tripoli.

The rebels held Bassole responsible for ensuring that their leader is able to return to Darfur saying current situation would impede efforts for peace.

Darfur’s most militarily powerful rebel force, JEM suspended its participation in troubled peace talks at the beginning of May over claiming ceasefire violations by the Sudanese army.

JEM and Sudan’s army have since reported a series of violent clashes, most recently on Monday and Tuesday around the settlement of Uzban in eastern Darfur.

Hussein denied assertions by Bassole that JEM wants to exclude other rebel groups calling it “rubbish”.

“We never asked to exclude other groups. JEM simply asked for reforming the negotiation process and strategy” he said.

The JEM official noted that Bassole is in “under the table” power struggle with Chairperson of the African Union Commission Jean Ping and former South African president Thabo Mbeki who is leading an AU panel on Darfur.

Hussein also criticized Bassole saying he is now devoting time to help Burkinabe president Blaise Compaore in his reelection campaign this year.



  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    JEM criticizes Darfur mediator over negotiation strategy
    JEM should not waste their time over this negotiation,NCP Party are snake,prepare your soliders for war.Otherwise the current mediator Bassole will not help at all.

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