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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body

June 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese parliament today endorsed the appointment of the Referendum Commission members, two weeks after an objection raised by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) against one of its members.

legislators-2.jpgThe National Legislature composed of the two chambers approved on Monday, in a setting chaired by the deputy speaker of the assembly Adam Ahmed Mousa, the appointment of the chairman and the members of the of the Referendum Commission.

In accordance with the Southern Sudan Referendum Act passed on December 29, 2009, the Commission is composed of the Chairperson, his Deputy and seven members to be appointed by the President with the approval of the First Vice-President.

On June 14, The SPLM had objected the appointment of Taj Alsir Mohamed Saleh as a member of the Commission saying he would compromise the neutrality of the Commission. Taj Alsir is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party.

Since, the Sudanese Presidency agreed to replace him by Kamal Ali Mohamed Saleh.

The 9-member commission will be chaired by Mohammed Ibrahim Khalil, former foreign minister, and his deputy is Chan Rek Madut, Deputy Attorney General in the Government of Southern Sudan.

The other members are Paulino Wanawilla, Tariq Osman, Deng Awur, Suad Ibrahim Eisa Juwal Shuwang, Setti Abyei and Kamal Ali Mohamed Saleh.

The commission has to start voter registration and prepare electoral lists ahead of the landmark vote in January 2010 that could see the Southerners decide to create a new state in Africa.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body
    I don,t think we South Sudanese can live with this North Sudanese because we both have difference lives and i deology. South will be better off without North.

  • Jamjamez

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body
    How come this body of the committee compose almost of all the northerners and they are the very people we are trying to secede from? Again, you are placing the most important task of registering voters in the hands of the most untrusted people when this is ticking time bomb scenario. This thing is serious and is a matter of life and death! its about a new birth and yet you place it in the hands of this corrupt people. Why do they have to decide for us all the time? Its about time we stop counting on others but start doing something ourselves.


    Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body
    It just loosing of money such committee should have been created since the signing of the CPA as a good will.

    I think people of South Sudan with or without this commssion will declare their independent by anyway. These two people; the Northern Sudan and the Southern Sudan,could not live together again the later is regarded as Satin and the first as supperhumans from another planet. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body
    I will be happy when South Sudan become a seperate country apart from this arab. There is no single arab country with pleasant enviroment because they always mingle islam with the government. We need sport, developments, peace, education in the South. I don,t think there is something good that come out from jallaba. We South Sudan want to joing our African countries like South Africa, Kenya,Uganda, senegal, and many more. And we want to stay away from Somalia, Northen Sudan, and many arab nation because we have no similiarity.
    If you guys did not allow the South then by all means, the bullet will be always on assess. Mark this in your mind.

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of referendum body
    The report ought to have mentioned in brackets as to which of these are Southerners and northerners. Just assuming names given, only two appeared to be from the South and 7 with North – doesn’t make sense. whatever the outcome they would cook, nobody committee (not even Kiir) would deny the South their choice.

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