Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM-Minnawi’s says participation in government a ‘done deal’

June 29, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The main Darfur rebel group which signed a peace agreement with Khartoum said today that its leader will return to the position he held prior to the general elections held last April that led to the formation of a new government.

Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) leader Minni Minnawi
Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) leader Minni Minnawi
The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) leader Minni Minnawi has been appointed senior presidential assistant pursuant to the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA). The peace deal has been rejected by other major rebel movements as well as IDP’s and refugees. Furthermore, Minnawi has been largely marginalized by the ruling party prompting him at one time to unofficially abandon his post and stay in Darfur for several months.

Minnawi’s name was not on the list of presidential assistants re-appointed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir last week prompting questions regarding his future status.

However, the SLA deputy chairman Al-Rayah Mustafa, said today that Minnawi will hold same position he had before stressing that this issue was a “done deal” during their negotiations with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Mustafa said that the delay in Minnawi’s return was caused by incomplete info from the three governors of Darfur who he said are reluctant to have the SLA become part of their state cabinet.

He further said that no progress was made with the NCP on security arrangements but did not say the cause of the disagreement. A major item is integrating Minnawi’s forces in the Sudanese army.




  • telfajbago

    SLM-Minnawi’s says participation in government a ‘done deal’
    The curses of betrayal are following Minnawi wherever he went. Recently he went to Darfur in order to threaten the NCP, but this time his Chadian show horse units he accustomed to are not there and he came back to Khartoum dragging his legs and licking his betrayal wounds .He was re-appointed by the National Congress Party just to silence him from barking and to be used against his own people. Empty-minded asshole; rest in hell.

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    SLM-Minnawi’s says participation in government a ‘done deal’
    MR, Minni Minnawi.

    Don’t be surprsied later on. Supposedly you should site together with others ebels left and have talks on how that peace agreement will benefit your people rights unfortunately, we have seen you just rushing in to signed peace that has no evidence this is why these small minroity Arab have been misleading us in Sudan for many years it is because of this narrow minding every Black African think about money and wrong leadership in the wrong time at the wrong place as like Khartoum. Your position alone is not what Darfurian people looking for, they are looking for the lasting freedom, they need to be respected as a human being and civitzens and they want a leader who can listen to them instead Omar al Bashir is killing them for no reason, they need to be free at their mother land and they need peaceful living instead this Sudan government are killing innocents civilians. Why you don’t think about what Arab did to your people and forgotten your individual interest, seemingly you are become comfortable when giging a presidental assistant which assume to be more important to you than your people rights. When Southern Sudan get independence this Bashir will disarm your rebels and put you in jail because he don’t care so what a wast are you waiting to get a fool assistant position instead of backing to your brothers together and tell them that, you were wrong to rush in and signed that peace agreement which have lack of structure and there is no proof as the Sudan government still fighting with your brothers of Darfurian. Please think about your people and think about the long term future including your life but do not let yourself to be fool for assistant under dictatorship rules and failure to acknowledge this few advices then, you will be like many others people who were friendly to Omar al Bashir and now they are in jail for sure.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SLM-Minnawi’s says participation in government a ‘done deal’
    They will not help themselves because they don,y understand their identity.
    They like Khartoum government while they are the victim on the other side.
    I am sorry for Darfurians.

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