Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Turabi freed from jail upon orders from Sudanese president: state media

June 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Islamist opposition leader Hassan Al-Turabi was released from prison on Wednesday almost two month after he was arrested for unknown reasons.

turabi-2.jpgSudan official news agency said that Turabi, who is also the head of the Popular Congress Party (PCP), was freed at the directives issued by Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir. It gave no further details.

Bashir’s decision coincided with the 21st anniversary of the coup that brought him to power which was masterminded by Turabi and was considered the de-facto leader for much of the 1990’s before both men fell out together.

“I did not expect to be arrested,” Turabi, 78, told Agence France Presse (AFP) in his home in Khartoum’s Manshiya district.

“Of course I am always against the dictatorship and if I make a statement, I take a strong attitude,” he said.

But he added, “I was surprised because a – the election campaign was over for a while; and b – they represented themselves with a new image as an elected government.”

The opposition leader was taken into custody from his home in mid-May days weeks after he denounced April’s elections as fraudulent and said his party would not join a future government. The elections gave Bashir a comfortable majority securing him a new term.

The PCP newspaper of Rai Al-Sha’ab was confiscated simultaneously and its editor in chief along with several journalists were arrested and the government said the paper published “erroneous” material related to existence of Iranian weapons factory in the country.

This month four of its journalists were put on trial on charges of spying and terrorism which carries the death penalty if judges declare them guilty.

Asked whether his arrest may have been related to what the newspaper published Turabi said: “It might, but I am not the editor in chief, the manager”.

Frequently arrested, Turabi detained last year for calling on Bashir to surrender himself to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the year before in the wake of an attack on Khartoum by the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), after authorities accused him of backing the group.



  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Turabi freed from jail upon orders from Sudanese president: state media
    It’s a crossing of different road intersections! South Sudan is underway as a separate nation.

    Then, Arabs (Northerners) with their NCP of criminal president should stop engaging the southerners with their mixed presidential and Islamic issues and/or affairs of inhuman.

    The South Sudan will have separate rules of Government and Religion unlike the North Sudan Bashir and Turabi leadership which is known as the most inexperienced government in the world

  • jalabi

    Turabi freed from jail upon orders from Sudanese president: state media
    Trubabi has become the main source of headache and annoy to the north, the more older he becomes the more headache we get, we all know he is the one behind Darfour issue.

    Now he shows sympathy towards southerners and cries with corcodile tears on the south separation, since many souhtherners (hard line separatistors) support any one who works against north interest and wants to damage the country because they hate Arab/Jalaba no matter who?? even the devil himself, we are very happy to deport Mr. Turabi to your new Utopia dream land after separation.

    We no longer need him, please prepare a safe haven to Mr. Turabi at your homeland so he can spend the rest of his life with you. Thanks buddies for your hospitality and generosity.

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    Turabi freed from jail upon orders from Sudanese president: state media
    The imprisonment of Dr. Hassan al Turabi was a right move by that genocide-denying president Omar Hassan El Bashir. This man is becoming political troublesome to many people and many leaders who have come and gone in Khartoum.
    This man needs to be sent to heaven as soon as possible before he can do more harm to the people.

  • Mou Magok
    Mou Magok

    Turabi freed from jail upon orders from Sudanese president: state media
    Let him just rest for some hours and return to jail.

    I am cock sure. Bashir is not easy..


    Yirol boy

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