Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan urged to address remaining challenges before referendum – Troika

July 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan Troika, United States, United Kingdom, and Norway, has urged Sudan to finalize the remaining measures related to the self determination referendum which should take place within six months.

President of the Republic Omar Hassan al-Bashir (R) and First Vice President Salva Kiir attend the swearing in of Sudan's new ministers at the Republican Palace in Khartoum June 16, 2010. (Reuters)
President of the Republic Omar Hassan al-Bashir (R) and First Vice President Salva Kiir attend the swearing in of Sudan’s new ministers at the Republican Palace in Khartoum June 16, 2010. (Reuters)
Today, July 9 “marks the beginning of the final year of Sudan’s landmark Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).” The Sudanese in Abyei and Southern Sudan have to decide on the future of their relations with the rest of the country but many challenges are still to be addressed.

The Troika in a statement released today hailed the appointment of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission and the signing of the Mekelle Memorandum of Understanding on June 23 and the expected launch of formal talks on July 10.

However they said the Sudanese parties have to address the remaining major challenges in particular, appointment of the Abyei Referendum Commission; demarcation of the North/South border; and further progress on popular consultations in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.

The three countries showed their concern on the crackdown since the end of the elections last April on public freedoms including the arrest of opposition politicians, journalists and peaceful protestors. “We urge national and local authorities in the north, south, and Abyei area to ensure a conducive political environment in the lead up to the referenda”.

On Darfur, the three countries called to end violence in the troubled region and to “commit to a sustained and permanent ceasefire,” and to negotiate a lasting peace agreement under the AU-UN mediation in Doha.

They also denounced the violence against the aid workers and peacekeepers in Darfur saying it affect the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the affected population there.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan urged to address remaining challenges before referendum – Troika
    Dear Sudanese,

    Sudan is in a critical condition because the president of Sudan could not afford handling the issues of the country,and these problems will end up peaceful when the South Sudanese are left free to choose their own interest without influence of Khartoum government( Arab). We South Sudanese knew that the below issues that are awaiting are major conecern. They are Abyei referendum, demarcation of the North/South border; and the consultations in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states/Nuba. Sudan under the leadeship of Bashier has no concerned with the above so we South Sudanese will see what will happen next year by all means. Thanks

  • Thomas Athian Lual
    Thomas Athian Lual

    Sudan urged to address remaining challenges before referendum – Troika
    My dear Southerners, the only solution for us is to vote for the REFERENDUM of Suoth Sudan in a few months time. To hell with our brothers in the Noth of the Sudan. We are tired of what is called Unity between South-North Sudan. If they were in favour of Unity, they could had done developed Southern Sudan in those five and half years. It is too late for us to be convient in the Southern that there is still something called Unity between us. No no no for unity. God help us in the South Sudan.

    Thomas Athian

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