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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda

By Julius N. Uma
July 15, 2010 (JUBA) — A senior member of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has strongly condemned the July 11 bomb attacks in Uganda, which claimed over 70 lives.

Map locates Kampala, Uganda, where explosions tore through crowds watching the World Cup final at a rugby club and an Ethiopian restaurant (AP)
Map locates Kampala, Uganda, where explosions tore through crowds watching the World Cup final at a rugby club and an Ethiopian restaurant (AP)
The GoSS Minister of Regional Cooperation Barnaba Benjamin described the two separate incidents, already claimed by the Somali Islamist militia group, Al-Shabab, as obstacles to peace and stability.

“Our government strongly condemns these attacks against innocent people in Uganda and our condolences go to the bereaved,” the Minister said, adding that a statement would be issued by his Regional Cooperation counterpart.
President Yoweri Museveni has declared a week of national mourning for victims of the bomb blasts.

Media sources quoted Sheikh Ali Mohamed Rage, Al-Shabab’s spokesman, telling reporters in Mogadishu that Al-Shabab was behind the two bomb blasts in Uganda.

In the recent past, Somali Islamists have threatened to attack Uganda for sending peacekeepers to their country to protect the transitional government of President Sheikh Ahmed Sharif.

Sunday’s attacks were widely viewed as revenge against Uganda for sending peacekeepers to Mogadishu under the auspices of the African Union.

Three explosive devices were detonated on Sunday at the Ethiopian Village Restaurant in Kabalagala and at the Kyadondo Rugby Club where hundreds of people were watching the FIFA World Cup final match between Spain and the Netherlands.

Security agencies have reportedly made some arrests in connection with the attacks, albeit the police declined to give details saying the investigations were ongoing. However, a source said one of the suspects was arrested at Oasis Mall in the heart of Kampala.

The U.S. dispatched FBI agents to the region in order to assist in probing the attacks condemned by president Barack Obama.



  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda
    Indeed South Sudan must stand with our brothers Ugandans in this period of pain perpetrated by Jallaba cousins. However GOSS must watch out of some unidentified people in our country. There are alot of Somalis roaming the streets of Juba without proper papers. They might be potential threats to our peace. They should go back to where they came from.

  • Kideopo Boy
    Kideopo Boy

    South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda
    Mr. Minister condemnation alone will not work this time with terrorist. The language that terrorist understand is fire with fire. I would like GOSS sending their Security Interligents to our sister neighbour Uganda to route out these idiots and bring them to justice. Sunday 11/07/2010 was for Uganda, but let’s keep our eyes to the Somalis who are roaming in all South Sudan cities and counties. They are assessing where are Westerns, Europeans + some Africans citizen are always in crowd.
    GOSS MUST start tightening it boarders check points and screen thoroughly those foriegners entering and department South Sudan.
    A warning was given for Air Uganda in Juba Airport that, it will be the terrorist target. Al-Shabab terrorist group are killing inocent people in the name of Islam and also Lord Resistant Army (LRA) of notorious Joseph Konyi is also killing inocent people in the name of God’s Ten commandments. Now Al-Shabab inside Uganda with sucide bombers and LRA logistics supplier will now supply them with guns and rockets. May God save our inocent people from this terrorist groups.

  • Kideopo Boy
    Kideopo Boy

    South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda
    Mr.Minister is good to condemned, but at this time of terrorism, this word will never work. Terrorist only listen to the language of fire with fire.GOSS is to send his Security Interligents also to Uganda to assist in routing out the Terrorist Al-Shabab who killed inocent cvilians. Somalis are roaming in the whole South Sudan cities, counties and Payams in the cover of mobile businesses. Our Seucrity personals must screen these foreigners especially the Somalis who are Islamic foundementalist who never cares for the life of a Human being that God the Amighty Father gave.
    Our government must tighten it boarders check points. e.g. Nadapal, Boma, Teretenya,Nimule,Kaya and those boadering North-South etc. Terrorist are now flooding into the South Sudan in the name of business while they have a differrent mission from their superiors. Let’s watch the next Al-Shabab or LRA target.
    Al-Shabab suicide bombers are already in Uganda and Lord Resistant Army (LRA) of notorious gang Joseph Kony logistics supplier will now send guns and rockets to Al-Shabab terrorist to fight side by side with LRA Kony. Then the inocent civilians are the victims of all the out come. Let’s join the world in fighting terrorism.

  • Akuma

    South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda
    It was not the first bomb blast to happen in Uganda, but this is a tragic bomb blast which lost 76 lives and wounded 590 people. Al-Shabab haad put Ugandan people into fearing environement. Al-shabab soldiers need to fight, they should fight fellow soldiers rather than innocent people.

    Piracy and Al-shabab put somalia in to black point in the world and people should take seriously steps to combat those terrrorism actors.

    Southern Sudan government need to strengthen their security personell to tactical Al-shabab otherrwise they will be there in Sudan.


  • Paul Lokuji Micah daudi
    Paul Lokuji Micah daudi

    South Sudan condemns Somali Al-Shabab attacks on Uganda
    Good Mr Barnaba,

    Its actually the right thing to do at this moment to stand with our brothers,but I will advice the GoSS more than just words it should be the time all the security organs be mobilized in all over Southern Sudan a sharp eye on each and every Somalian in the South cause with all these loose borders in Southern Sudan for sure some El Shabab will be hiding some where in this country,its good to do some thing than to do it when already a disaster had happened.

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