Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction

“ Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw.

By: Luk Kuth Dak

A much deserved kudos is owed to Engineer Charles Kisanga, the former senior executive member and co-founders of the SPLM –DC Party, who courageously resigned his number two ranking position in the party most Southerners, if not all, believe it is a Southern wing of the National Islamic Front (NIF) and the National Congress Party (NCP), respectively.

“ The Chairman started to show dictatorship and corruption, whereby the party became a one man show,” wrote Kisanga in his much publicized separation letter from the party chaired by the kingpin of defection and betrayal, Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin.

Evidently, Mr. Kisanga’s differences of opinions with the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM), didn’t blind his eyes to see that Dr. Akol’s party was there to serve the best interest of the (NIF) and (NCP) of the genocide criminal Omer Al Basher. He should be celebrated for his patriotism and truthfulness to uphold the principles and beliefs that the great people of south
Sudan have scarified so much for over the course of more than half a century of brutal occupation and oppression.

Because of him, South Sudanese people will now see the SPLM –DC party as the sellout opportunistic organization that it really is.

Until now, the SPLM – DC gained it popularity and power in the North, by selling the South Sudan’s rights for self-determination, and by berating the SPLM on an unfounded corruption allegations.

“ A lie cannot live.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Without a doubt, Dr. Lam Akol is a smart man to realize that his once shining star within the NIF/ NCP arena is now fading away with the new campaign by his mentors to make unity attractive for the South. He should keep in mind that, if Al Basher’s uncle, Al Tayib Mustafa could be sidelined by the regime, so could he.

Certainly, if you are one of the Southerners who follow the news media outlets in Khartoum, like I am, then, I assume that you must have noticed that Dr. Lam’s face is hardly seen on the TV network and the regime’s newspapers that he once ruled

And with Kisanga’s departure, the already sinking boat will not reach the shore safely. Additionally, if Dr. Lam were to be listening to Al Basher lately, he could have heard him as saying: “ We need a Sudan without militias.” He said that in his meeting with the representatives of the Sudanese Lawyers Union, just a couple of days ago.

“ There are enough rooms for everybody in the SPLM/A.” – Dr. John Garang de Mabior.

I believe, perhaps like many Southerners out there, that if Dr. Lam Akol kicks off his compulsive addiction to wealth and uncontrolled appetite for betrayal, he, too, can be re-welcome back to the SPLM/A with opened arms.

Essentially, the ball is therefore now in his corner. But he must acknowledge the fact that he is not getting any younger, and this should be the time for him to think creatively, and to think critically, about the legacy he wants to leave behind for his children, on the one hand, and for the Shilluk Kingdom, on the other.

The author is a Sudanese journalist and former anchorman at Juba Radio, South Sudan. He can be reached at: [email protected].



    Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction
    good work man, keeeeeeeep up

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction
    Callous and parasite creature Lam and likes will never escape the bile of long-suffered peoples of southern Sudan this time. just matter of 5months to commemorate 55 years victory of Blackman against dirty slaves Arab in the north. And that day The Saturday, 9th-Jan 2010 is the birthday of everlasting freedom of southerners, who care! it is up to traitors to join us or remain slaves for the rest of their life.
    Tire of them!!!!!!.

  • kilo malual
    kilo malual

    Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction
    HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh, the stumbling block is gone na b removed soon so that all southerners go for thier secession that they prefer.

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    Dr. Lam Akol: Kick Off Power addiction
    Dear Readers,

    I am very much concerned about the generation gap that is being shown in form of irresposible styles of writing and comments on this website. Are we truly serious to build up southern sudan where everyone can participate taking into consideration that all of us have different brains and views? We are developing a kind of mistrust among ourselves with this childish and irresponsible treatment of ourselves.

    I believe that we should be very careful in labelling ourselves as this or that because this behaviour will destroy our unity. Lets look to the future and invest in long-term relationship.

    Let us not forget that southern sudanese are known for their retaliation and not afraid to take up arms at anytime to face either the Jallabas or any dictator being it a southerner or a northerner.

    Look what happened in Torit 1955 and 1964 and 1983. History will repeat itself soon or later.



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