Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks

July 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – An opposition party leader in Southern Sudan has urged the people of the region to vote for unity of Sudan.

Toby Madut Parek, leader of the Sudan African National Union (SANU) urged Southern Sudanese citizens to vote for a united Sudan in the upcoming referendum process in order to avoid Southern Sudan divided to smaller and weaker states.

Madut who gets support from traditional leaders in Khartoum, though he is the second political figure to battle it out with criticism against remarks favoring unity from southern based politicians.

Former Sudanese foreign affairs minister, Lam Akol Ajawin, is alleged to have appeared the first southern political figure to issue strong warning against secession from the north, warning that the new state would adopt Somalia style.

He reportedly called on political parties and marginalized people of Sudan who would not like Southern Sudan fragmented into pieces to work for unity and diversity of the country. He further accused some of religious leaders of having taken sides instead of neutral positions.

While some people took his remark as an expression of dissatisfaction with performance of the SPLM led regional government of southern Sudan, others viewed it as betrayal stance, hence accusing him of allegedly having been bought by the ruling National Congress Party to come out openly in support of unity.

Aguer Kuel, from Juba, however told Sudan Tribune that although Dr. Toby sounded surely worried about a possible fragmentation of Southern Sudan into ungovernable units should it be allowed to secede from the north, he would prefer giving ordinary people an opportunity to decide for themselves best choice between the two options.

“Politicians have spoken a lot and it is the time they should allow ordinary people to try their best instead of uttering confusing statements,” he said.

Echoing the call for unity, Chief Deng Anei, at Hai Yousif in Khartoum urged Southern Sudanese potential voters in his area to turn up in big numbers during registration process to vote for unity of the country and ignore the people that campaign against it.

He said the two parties to the CPA were the first to agree on giving unity first priority which means they are simply telling people to vote for united Sudan.

“They discussed and agreed to bury division and political hatred in Sudan by proposing unity. If we need peace, unity, and stability for prosperity, then all citizens are expected to abide by their agreement in order to preserve peace and stability,” he added.

Anei accused southern politicians of allegedly possessing so many colors to campaign against unity and blamed them for allegedly surrendering future of Southern Sudan to outsiders who act against the will of the people they claim to represent.

“Our leaders say one thing in Khartoum and another in the south. Their voices are never the same. You can hear them talk about unity here and talk secretly about separation in the south. They are never open,” he said.

Engineer William Othwon, also raised similar concerns about what he termed as the anti-unity group. “Unity means development. We cannot achieve our goals such as having better roads, schools, water, hospitals, and donors’ support without peace and stability in the country,” he said.

“It is a pity that those campaigning against unity are not giving convincing reasons, instead they are misleading people,” he pointed out, praising the northern dominant party, the National Congress Party (NCP) for the admirable economic and political achievements.

The government [national government] is determined to ensure that all towns in Southern Sudan including small villages have social services including electricity in order to reduce poverty and create employment in the region. This is why the government opened Maridi reservoir and Mangala river port. It is the shift of developmental projects to the south,” he explained.



  • Dr.Agany

    SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks
    All Khartoumers with their call for Unity should go to Hell!! They were dinning well when innocent civilians were being bombed. Shame on them!!!

  • Peace Lover
    Peace Lover

    SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks
    Please Mr. Madut,

    I know you personal, you’re Dinka. Even your face will tell that and if you want to stay in Khartoum no body denied you of being there; please shut you’re dirty black ASS and keep receiving money from Arabs until your day come to end like Lam Akol.

    Now the problems that the southerners are facing are any more Arabs, but unfortunate it is the same people who survive a half century from the same people now they wanted to stay with.

    I think there must be problems with dinka in general, look through the history of Sudan or southerners in particular, when we almost to do something Dinka will go the other way, what wrong with Dinka?

    Mr. Madut, I hope you look like Arabs and behaving like them. What a shame you try to sell your own people, if you weak that does not mean all the southerners are weak.

    I know that your color is changing because of the medicine that Arabs gives you so you can looks like them, go ahead and you will regret bitter.

  • Peace Lover
    Peace Lover

    The minister of Labor and Public Service, Awut Deng Acuil, has declared Friday as a national holiday for the occasion
    “South Sudan to commemorate Martyrs Day on Friday”
    The minister of Labor and Public Service, Awut Deng Acuil, has declared Friday as a national holiday for the occasion.
    Who are to declared the national holiday, while the national referdum issues are still un negotiable. Rushing for what they can loot and claimed it was for the event that took place, what the fuck with dinka GoSS. Meanwhile some primitive people are barking for unity. OH God please saves Southern Sudan!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks
    I believed that all Southern Opposition are NCP puppies.

    This is why they were hidding under the umbrella of Jallaba for decades. Where were they during the war? they were supporting the North.

    These opposition parties must stop political prostitutions because it will not help you guys.

    These opposition were in khartoum during the war,how come they claimed that they were working for the self independent of South.

    Failures always say velosity words. This is the claimed of SSIM, SPLM-DC, SANU, and many militia. Wow! no ears that can listen to these garbages.

    SPLM only is the liberator-he welcome militia, food lovers, self-centers, weak hearts/cowards, Jallaba employed, and greedies.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks
    “Praising the dominant northern party NCP for the admirable economic and political achievements”.What economic and political achievements are talking about?Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    Any way,he must be one of those Sudanese who have never gone abroad to see what economic and political development is taking place in the rest of the world

  • Abraham Agoth
    Abraham Agoth

    SANU leader gets support amid criticism over unity remarks

    That is too late for unity’s supporters to do any thing to make unity attractive as said by some brainwashed southerners whose lives depend on gossiping southern leaders!

    To hell with your damned suggestions.

    Agoth Abraham Hol

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