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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Episcopal bishops join calls to conduct referendum on time

August 10, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Five Episcopal bishops representing different dioceses in various states of Southern Sudan on Monday joined voices calling for the referendum on southern independence to be conducted without deferral.

The bishops representing Mundri East and Iba in Western Equatoria state, Pacong, Yirol and Cueibet in Lakes state, called on the international community to closely pay attention to the conduct of the upcoming referendum on self determination for the people of Southern Sudan by supporting parties to the 2005 North-South peace deal.

The call came as high executive committees from the two parties resumed discussions on post referendum issues in Khartoum. SPLM delegation headed by the Secretary General and minister of Peace and CPA Implementation, Pagan Amum, has been in Khartoum since Sunday.

The letter bearing signatures of religious leaders also stated clearly that governments carry the mandate and authority of raising the living standards of the ordinary people. It also urged political leaders not to use the youth as political mercenaries in advancing their political agendas.

Political leaders must train youths to take up future leadership roles rather than engaging them in activities that promote anarchy. All leaders should promote meaningful mottos on economic development instead of tribal hatred, said religious leaders. “As the country prepares for the 2011 referendum; all political players should foster harmony so that Sudan does not lose its status as a haven of peace,” the letter urged.

It added that political leaders must stop attacking colleagues in government and instigating violence against each other but should start working together in addressing the challenges affecting the country.

The letter further highlighted that the politics of insults being practiced by some political parties do not add value to the economic and development agenda and that leaders must start discussing issues affecting the nation and promote dialogue among political stakeholders.

Many view the call for improved political relationship between political parties by the religious leaders as a response to the call made by Sudan African National Union (SANU) on church leaders to desist from engaging in partisan politics but preach messages that will foster peace and unity.

Toby Madut Parek, the leader of SANU and Southern Sudanese who has openly come out in support of voting for a united Sudan, recently accused the church of taking sides in referendum campaigns; saying church should take a leading role in promoting unity and peace.

“Religious leaders should not only help to shape the direction of the country as well as offer practical solutions to the economic and political challenges that the country is faced with, but have a duty to instill hope in governments while political leaders outside the ruling systems continue with their roles of providing checks and balances and alternative policies to ruling parties,” he said.

Madut added that religious leaders should help in preaching peace and provide spiritual guidance to the nation. Assuring commitment of his party to working together with religious leaders, he said, he, as the leader of SANU will continue supporting and working closely with church leaders that preach unity and peace.

He was however quick to add that religious leaders should not use disparaging remarks that result in people questioning the institutions of God. “Religious leaders are instrumental people in the society and as the country heads towards the 2011 referendum polls, they must continue preaching messages of reconciliation and unity,” he said.

He emphasized that religious leaders must work with the government and political parties to enhance development, saying the country is currently facing a lot of challenges which can be resolved if the church offers practical solutions to matters affecting the nation.



  • Ngolele

    Episcopal bishops join calls to conduct referendum on time
    Quote “Toby Madut Parek, the leader of SANU and Southern Sudanese who has openly come out in support of vote for united Sudan, recently accused the church of taking side in referendum campaigns; saying church should take a leading role in promoting unity and peace.” unquote.

    Toby is mad!

    what type of unity and peace are you talking about? please
    dfferentiate the perspective of unity preached by the Islamic Imams in Khartoum and the peace and unity preached by the CHURCH

    IF you can destinguish between two; it is obious that the CHURCH TEACHING would look as taking side in the referendum campaigns, they can not preach the type of unity and peace emphasizing throughout the article, until the muslims agree to pray together with the Christian in the CHURCH OR LET THE Jallaba remove religion from the affairs of the state

  • Bol Pur
    Bol Pur

    Episcopal bishops join calls to conduct referendum on time
    I think Mr. Madut should continue preaching his so called Unity with Arab rather than puting his nose into church calls.

    SANU was the only party in Sudan and in Southern Sudan then that was talking about separation of Southern Sudan before Madut take over the party. I know Uncle Ezekiel Macuei Kot since he was the leader he has never, ever talked about unity during his time, but with Madut he decided alone to sell Southern sudanese rights because of his personal interest.

    The church leaders are Godly shoosen people and inspired by Holy Spirit and they are preaching unity in Christ, Unity of equality and unity of peace, but not referendum unity which Madut wanted. Madut I would like to tell you openly that I have come out to vote for separation and I am supporting Church leaders.

    You have contradict yourself by saying you will work with Church leaders after you condemn their religious call. How can you work with them now? I would like to all readers to know that many members of SANU has talked to me in person and they are saying the statement released by Toby Madut is not their position it is his own position.

    So let us remind him that separation is the mission of people of Southern Sudan and they will achieve it in his face. It is the mission of Youth in Southern sudan and they will get it in your present. It is the mission of SPLM/A it will be done whether NCP like it or not.

    Uncle Madut take care and recall back your statement.

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