Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Accept postponement of Referendum but with conditions

By Dr James Okuk

August 16, 2010 — For the separatist the postponement of the referendum is an evil because it will lead to the delay of the democratic declaration of South Sudan Independence, and for the unionists too the conduct of the referendum when some crucial issues remain unattended is a greatest evil because it will lead to undesirable break up of the unified Sudan. Thus, the two options pose some bad news, depending on the side of the angle one looks at each of them.

However, postponing the referendum is part of the CPA deal but declaring the independence of South Sudan unilaterally (UDI) is not and, thus, a violation of the CPA; meaning invitation of war if both the divorcing partners are prepared for it. Is the SPLM/A prepared for a victorious war? Is the NCP/SAF prepared for a war of invasion too? For how long will that war go on before another peace deal is reached? These are the critical questions a wise and a strategic person or a group could ask at this critical stage, and I believe it is the very questions the SPLM Political Bureau (PB) are delivering on now before coming up with a final decision on the matter of the postponement of the referendum.

Arrogance and hard-lining is not the best option most of the time. After all it is better late with slowness of assurance than never with rush of uncertainty. Also we have to acknowledge what the Christian Jesus said that if your enemy demands that you carry him for one mile, take him for two miles instead and he or she will hate it more as it become boring.

If I were the SPLM PB, I will accept the request of the Referendum Commission to postpone the issue for one year instead of the six months demanded so that next time they don’t get any chance to play the tricks of timing and procedures. Meanwhile in the year, I will demand from the NCP and Khartoum to carry on some developmental projects in the South since those of the USAID and World Bank failed to do any thing great development in the South so far and so good.

Meanwhile as the postponement thrives, I will also try to rally the world support at the UN and and lobby for a quick decision from the International Arbitration Court of Justice, incase the South opt for a UDI after having tolerated the postponements of the referendum and tricks of the NCP and Khartoum on the issue. Not only this, but also I would have unified all the Southerners under the cover of reconciliation from the South-South dialogue for any eventuality in the aftermath of 9th January 2012.

This is my take in brief and I hope it gets a hearing hear in the SPLM PB. In truth and sincere wisdom we should trust!!!!

Dr James Okuk is reachable at [email protected]


  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Accept postponement of Referendum but with conditions
    James Okuk.

    We thoughts you will say that, because you have been supporting the King of all Southern Sudanese collaborators Mr, Lam Akol Ajawin. The postponement which you seem to favor is not going to happen just put in mind. Southern Sudan is big than your agent collaborators led by Lam Akol Ajawin and many more others.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Accept postponement of Referendum but with conditions
    ”If i were SPLM, i would accept the referendum delay for 1 year instead of six months to see their trick”.Are you mad DR.James Okuk?

    Its good that you know NCP plays trick,how come again you what them given more time to playing trick against the conduct of the referendum.

    If you do not have an article to write,please do not dirten Sudan Tribune with nonsense.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Accept postponement of Referendum but with conditions

    I know that think had fell apart. SPLM-DC has gone. Militia has gone. Bashier money has finished. SPLM has kicked the collaborators to their assess, militia already join the mother and father SPLM/A. What do you think left that can prevent you to join the South Sudan ya coward?

    Please, you join your master Dr Lam Akol and Bashier or surrounder to the South and kiss SPLM/A. Thanks God we have strong heart people who hate slavery other we would be in the fit of jallaba. While those like Okuk James would be happy in that miserable live,something that we liberators can not breath. Good luck with your posponement!

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Accept postponement of Referendum but with conditions
    Dear All,

    With due respect to the South Sudan separatists’ hard-liners, let me acknowledge that they have a genuine fear because anything that could affect the realization of the independence of South Sudan, even by short cut, is a greater evil that should never be tolerated by any chance. The same applies to the unionists’ hard-liners too who think that separation of South Sudan from the larger unified Sudan is the greatest evil that should never be tolerated. Surely both of those extremes positions are recipe for war if common ground is created. But who is in the best position to come out victorious from the war? Unionists or separatists? From my reading there is none of either.

    If you read article 2.6 of the the CPA together with article 3.1.5, you can see that both partners have been allowed to extend the validity of the CPA but not violating it. These articles have been applied several times in the past: from the delay of the formation of the CPA government, to the delay of re-deployment of the SPLA and SAF, to the delay of the conduct of the Census, and to the delay of the the mid-term general elections, etc.

    So what is funny now not to apply the same wisdom to the referendum for Southern Sudan self-determination. Will heaven fall on earth if limited postponement is allowed? After all, this referendum is not an end in itself but a means to something more dignified or more disgracified, depending on the lenses someone uses (unity or separation).

    Let’s be realistic and practically strategic as we weigh toleration of lesser evil compared to the total lost of the greater good. It is known that war is the easiest thing to go for but what comes next after the war is the most difficult one to cope with.

    The Southerners and SPLM/A have fought the lions and they should know know what fighting it means. It is time to be wise and smarter than the enemy now! Give him time now to shut his/her mouth next time. Meanwhile try to be more serious and extremely pre-emptive for the next step after the first and second chance granted. My take.

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