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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries

August 17, 2010 (JUBA) – The most internationally recognized African think-tank, the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), has warned of a possible painful split of Sudan into two independent countries.

In a press release issued on Tuesday the Center for Conflict Resolution will organize a seminar in Cape Town, South Africa, on Wednesday next week to discuss the future of the country. “As Sudan faces the prospect of possibly being split into two countries and giving painful birth to a new nation – with a referendum in South Sudan scheduled for January 2011 – world-leading scholar-diplomats on Africa’s largest country will be speaking at a meeting hosted by the Centre for Conflict Resolution.”

Sudanese scholar-diplomat and Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Professor Francis Deng, will be previewing his new book entitled, ‘Sudan at the Brink: Self-Determination and National Unity.’

The meeting, which is chaired by Ambassador James Jonah, former UN Undersecretary-General for Political Affairs, will also be addressed by Dr Jan Pronk, a former UN special representative for Sudan and former minister for development cooperation in the Netherlands, and Ambassador Richard Williamson, a former US special envoy to Sudan.

“The speakers will consider the implications of South Sudan’s forthcoming self-determination vote while a host of key post-referendum issues – such as security arrangements, sharing of water assets and oil revenues, and decisions about currency and national capitals – remain unresolved,” reads the press release.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries
    Southern are into peaceful referrendum, however if hyena Bashir want to play black magic then we will stand up to the challenge. My question is why did Bashir import rockets from China earlier in 2009? those rockets has message of painful split if international community cares about stoping the ugly trick of criminal Bashir.

  • DOOR

    African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries
    It is not a painful split at all to Southerners because we got nothing from the North that can cause us pain.
    This is a peaceful split where those who were oppressed will once more enjoy freedom.
    We are tired of our brothers the northerners with their islamic laws and arab world identity.
    let them remain in peace inshallah!

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries
    “Painful split” of Sudan into two independent countries.

    Guys,the write means the African Think-tank suppose never wanted the country split into two countries. But they realized that there is no way of stopping that.That is why the subject says ,African think -tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two independent countries.

    To me as one of the African think-tanks and Sudanese(one of the individuals affected with the situation on ground), its not painful split rather happy split.


    African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries
    Haaaaaaaaa, I urge Bashir to go to South Africa and lobby to prevent such meeting to take place.

    Next year such meeting would take place to discuss the seperation of the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains, and others to follow wahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  • Adam

    African think-tank predicts possible “painful split” of Sudan into two countries
    Dear Readers

    Yes! It is going to be painful and nasty separation. Here is the scenario I think would happen:

    1. SPLM/A will behave immaturely and fail to finalize boarder issues, Abyei problem, Oil, debt and above all referendum issues.

    2. SPLM/A will not allow freedom of referendum and surely will steal the results and forge the will of the general Southerners, as it did with the elections.

    3. CPA will cease to exist and the South will be a new state next January 2011 with nothing; no vision, no human resources, no money, no leadership, no unity among its components, no freedom, no democracy, no infrastructure, no development and no nothing. But with a lot of international intervention and exploitation.

    4. The North NCP is under huge pressure from the public. They want full unity or full separation. This means that many Southerners are now under psychological pressure (as it was in Quebec Canada referendum in 1995). Khartoum will no more be easy with the South.

    5. Southerners in the North will be expelled immediately to 1956 boarder lines, or they will be killed by raging mobs (remember how Northerners were killed and still being killed in the South). More than 90% of Northerners argue that why on earth that Southerners want to stay in the North as slave and second class citizens, after having their own state where they can be first class in everything? They rejected unity, therefore they rejected us and therefore, they should immediately go.

    6. The North will stop all relations except none. They really don’t need the South, as the South rejected them. Nothing will be allowed to be exported or imported between the splinted parts of Sudan. The immediate looser is the South without a question.

    7. The North may be better off and can survive with few years of real hardship, but it will not collapse as many separatists may like to think.

    8. Contrary to this is the situation in the South. The blazes and smoke of tribal (and political) wars will be higher than ever. People will also die of disease, hunger and raids more than ever. Neighboring countries will take land, people and resources freely. Uganda has already taken 20 Km deep strip of the South southern border. Kenya also has already taken a big bite. Ethiopia is just waiting for the right moment.

    9. Those whom the separatists are dreaming of their assistance will come (late) with conditions that will make (Silva Kirr) a mere ant eating the remains. They will also put him under constant fear on his life. He will be a 10th class citizen and the general Southerners will be enslaved (in its true sense of the meaning this time). Many will cry remembering the good days of the Arabs and Jalaba (masters), especially those who are now in control.

    10. Then, the South will implement all the Foreign Agenda against the North. The tribes at the border lines will kill and perish each other. The South will support Darfur rebels and the North will spare no effort to sponsor new rebels (seeking UNITY this time) and Killing what is left of the Dinka.

    11. SPLM/A separatist leaders will then run to join their families abroad. Latter they will be taken one by one by the Intelligence and the ICC.

    12. The motherland will be left alone to the Western Companies who will eventually pull out after depleting its natural resources above and under the ground.

    13. International terrorists will find their way to the South for a new Holy war. No one can stop these fighters – not even America and its allies. (remember the cases of Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc).

    14. The war this time will not end without perishing all poor people of the Sudan. Everything will be shattered. There will be no hope in a century.

    This is exactly what is going to happen.

    But all the scenario can be reversed to a shining one with unity of this small Africa.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas City

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