Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

New county commissioner for troubled Cueibet county in Lakes state

By Manyang Mayom

August 24, 2010 (RUMBEK) – The new commissioner for Cueibet County in Lakes state was told that since January 85 people have been killed and 105 injured by cattle raids, in a security briefing following his welcoming reception on Monday.

Isaac Mayom Malek the new Commissioner of Cueibet County, Lakes state (ST, Manyang Mayom)
Isaac Mayom Malek the new Commissioner of Cueibet County, Lakes state (ST, Manyang Mayom)
County administrator, Mangar Chol, informed the new commissioner, Isaac Mayom Malek, the extent of insecurity in the county at a security briefing after he was welcomed to his office.

Mayom, is member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) who have governed southern Sudan since a 2005 peace deal, which ended and 22 year civil war between north and south.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune, the newly-appointed commissioner said his priority was to renovate Cueibet Primary School, reduce cattle raiding and insecurity, improve roads, and to deliver basic services to the community.

Mayom said that, “first I will be loyal to SPLM – I will be loyal to community and I will deliver basic services to people of Cueibet.”

He appealed to the governors of Warrap and Lakes state to form a inter-state relationship so that insecurity and cattle raids are stopped and the perpetrators brought into justice – some of the violence in the area has been caused by disputes and cattle raids between Tonj South County in Warrap state, and Cueibet County in Lakes state.

Mayom was accompanied by five Lakes state county commissioners including Rumbek Central, Rumbek East, and Rumbek North and Wulu counties.

Isaac Mayom Malek the new Commissioner of Cueibet County, Lakes state, (ST, Manyang Mayom)
Isaac Mayom Malek the new Commissioner of Cueibet County, Lakes state, (ST, Manyang Mayom)
Many people gathered along the roadside to welcome the new commissioner with traditional dances.

David Marial Gumke, Rumbek East County commissioner said that achieving a peaceful environment is the top priority of leadership of Lakes state government. This was needed to ensure that the south’s referendum on self determination due to take place January 9, 2011 goes ahead peacefully.

Mayom turned down the opportunity to become commissioner of Cueibet County in 2005 when the former governor of Lakes state, John Lat Zechariah, recommended him for the position.

Five years on Cueibet County welcomed their new commissioner by slaughtering twenty eight bulls in his honor.

All eight Payam’s (districts) of Cueibet County were involved in the welcoming reception.

Mayom was accompanied by five Lakes state county commissioners including Rumbek Central, Rumbek East, and Rumbek North and Wulu.

The reception was also attended by Lakes state’s health minister Samuel Mayek and Members of the Lake State assembly .

SPLM state secretary, Samual Mathiang Keer, told the gathering that referendum on southern independence is key for the region’s future.

He said, the “future of Southern Sudan and this chance of Referendum is only one chance in every country history – this is your chance you public of South Sudan – if you missed it then you have missed your future live and no more blame to SPLM as you have see by yourself that SPLM brought you CPA which give you choice to decide your future. ”

Under the peace agreement between north and south the SPLM is not supposed campaign for separation. Both the SPLM and the National Congress Party – who have ruled the country since a 1989 coup – are bound by the agreement to make unity attractive.


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