Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan army arrests soldiers behind Yei murders

By Ngor Arol Garang

August 28, 2010 (RENK) – The official spokesman of the Southern Sudan’s army, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) on Saturday said they have arrested soldiers involved in the two separate killings of eleven people in Yei River County, Central Equatoria state on Thursday and Friday.

Lieutenant General Kuol Deim Kuol told Sudan Tribune on Saturday from regional capital of Juba that security forces have found and arrested two members of the SPLA suspected of involvement in two separate killings.

“Our forces in Yei upon passage and receipt of information related to the two separate incidents occurring at different times launched restrictive search and managed to get and arrest a soldier who killed his in-laws on Friday morning at 2:00AM in Yei. They continued the search in collaboration with local authorities and security forces until the other criminal who escaped after killing a military officer was also found today on Saturday in Lainya County, Central Equatoria,” said the army’s spokesman.

General Kuol explained that on 27 August, a soldier from the SPLA, identified as Martin Amaar Deng Manyuol, shot nine family members in Yei, killing eight of them instantly while the ninth survived the shooting but sustained injuries to their stomach.

“While the information about the incident was being passed as it happened late in the night, the murderer managed to escape but our forces in collaboration with security forces swiftly acted to arrest him on the same day,” Kuol said.

The senior military officer said initial findings indicate that the soldier shot his future in-laws over differences in marital arrangements.

“Complete details will be unearthed by the investigation. Involvement of the SPLA forces was purely restricted to containment of security situation to avoid creating fears and panic to the general public in Yei,” he added.

Switching to the killing of a military officer, the spokesman of the regional army also explained that on Thursday 26 August at 7:30 PM, a soldier identified as Sergeant Gabriel Majur shot dead Colonel Peter Gatkuoth Chol. Majur is alleged to have been drug addict and who drank heavily.

“[An] Investigation will be conducted to get the actual cause of the killing but the primary information we have now is that the cause was purely an administrative issue,” he said, dismissing allegations that it was a tribal dispute.

Majur was previously disciplined for his behavior of frequently smoking cannabis, known locally as ‘bongo’. He was put in jail recently but was released.
Late Colonel Peter Gatkuoth was the army’s officer in charge of the SPLA Engineering Corps in Yei town.

“These incidents have nothing to do with tribal conflicts. They are pure criminal acts,” said General Kuol, adding that there are people, especially in the north, who have connected and regarded the two separate incidents as tribal conflict which is not the case.

“These are pure individual cases caused by criminal acts and these individuals responsible have already been identified and arrested,” he said.



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    South Sudan army arrests criminals behind Yei murders
    It was rumored that Cdr. Kuol Manyang was going to be the Minister for Defense and one of his pre-conditions was to set up military court. Now neither Manyang got the position nor did any one fished on his ideas. Military court was not set up. Now, how are you going to try these men?

    Peace be onto Southern Sudan.

    Wal Muoranyar

  • Majak-da

    South Sudan army arrests soldiers behind Yei murders
    The trust about this article is spoiled by writers such Ngor and Gatdet.

    This man [now called murderer], was made to be a woman by his in-law in Yei by attaching a vigna between this penis and anus after having family problems with his wife, Kiden. Then, he went to Kiden’s parents’ home and asked them to lift the stanic ‘vagna’ but people were mocking him. He then started killing the devils.

    Therefore, this article have nothing to do with being a Dinka or Kakwa. It’s being about why turning a woman? Was that made by all Kakwa? Or was the killing decided by all Dinka? No to both.

    This is a true store and you guys must dig the store further before creating tribal tension on wrong grounds.

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