Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan reiterates commitment to invest in infrastructure

By Ngor Arol Garang

August 30, 2010 (RENK) — The regional Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has reiterated commitment to exerting efforts and plans to continue investing in infrastructure development as key to economic progress and a means to achieving vision of the ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Juba-Nimule Road (ST)
Juba-Nimule Road (ST)
Anthony Lino Makana, minister of Roads and Transport in the regional government on Monday told Sudan Tribune that he will ensure that the allocated budget to his ministry leans towards key infrastructural development.

“We at the ministry of Road and Transport will always work hard to ensure all financial assistances and budget allocated to the ministry by the government of southern Sudan is spent on key projects in physical development because roads greatly contribute to the economics of the country,” he said.

“I think we have to move forward because our people are eagerly growing inpatient toward services delivery. No wonder we need a good road infrastructure. So we would like to invest in more road infrastructure,” said the minister.
The senior government official remarked amid anticipation for increased productivity in agriculture sector and other economic activities in the country, whose successes entirely depend on the good road networks.

He called for need to invest in its human resource, adding that the government will continue prioritizing and investing in the education sector because an educated society can effectively run the country.

He urged youth to be patriotic and take interest in the affairs of the region to achieve development.

“If we are trying to develop the economy, we as South Sudanese should be educated first. We think education is key as we go forward. We think that we should invest in all these sectors to achieve the vision of taking towns to local people in the rural villages,” he said.



  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    South Sudan reiterates commitment to invest in infrastructure
    I long to hear John Garang, Kerbinu Kuanyin, William Nyuon, Makur Alayaw, Nachigaak Nachiluk, Ager Guum, Kon Anok, Ariath Makuei, Jamus Koryom, Muormuor,Kuenchol, Gerger, Shark, Zahlan,Takyaan,Red Army, Intifadhs, Kazuuk, Zalzal’s high ways built. I dream of Nile cris-crossed with bridges. I can’t wait to have our oil sold in real money, not toilet paper-like money of Bashir of which he cheated us with.

    Peace be on to Cush!

    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

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