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Sudan Tribune

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Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal

August 31, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Rwandan government announced that it has ordered its troops in Darfur and South Sudan to be on standby and prepare for the possibility of withdrawing immediately should the United Nations go ahead and release a report that accuses Rwanda’s army of possible genocide in the 1990s.

Rwanda-Darfur.jpgThe Rwandan Defence Force (RDF) spokesman Lt. Col. Jill Rutaremara said on Tuesday that the country has finalized a contingency withdrawal plan from Darfur and Southern Sudan if the U.N. publishes its “outrageous and damaging report.”

“The withdrawal will apply to the RDF peacekeepers serving under the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur [UNAMID] and the United Nations Mission in Sudan [UNMIS],” he added.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister and Government Spokesperson, Louise Mushikiwabo said that her government is in a waiting mode at the moment.

“We are waiting to see what the United Nations does with this report, but we are very seriously considering pulling out our troops,” Mushikiwabo said

“Our troops are on standby; it is up to the United Nations,” the Minister said, adding that the government is not happy about the imminent troop withdrawal, but was being forced to.

“The U.N. can’t have it both ways. You can’t have a force serving as peace keepers and it is the same force you are accusing of genocide,” Mushikiwabo added.

The draft U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights report details some 600 serious crimes committed by various forces from a number of nations in Congo between 1994 and 2003 but singles out Rwanda for the worst pattern of crimes that may amount to genocide.

The report which has yet to be released was first leaked by the Paris-based Le Monde prompting allegations of conspiracy by Rwanda.

“The leaking of such a report was not an isolated act, but rather part of a larger pattern aimed at discrediting Rwanda’s achievements. It is a report with an agenda,” Mushikiwabo said.

She further blasted the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and accusing him of standing behind the report.

Mushikiwabo said that work on the yet to be published report started and was funded during his tenure and described Annan as a man whose record, as far as Rwanda is concerned, is pitiful.

“He failed miserably,” she said. “I am not surprised and my Government is not surprised that he [Annan] would be the one making sure that there is funding for this kind of report to ensure that it was an important gesture he would pose before he leaves office,” Mushikiwabo stressed, adding that the involvement of Annan in the making of the report is unquestionable.

Rwanda has 3,556 personnel serving in the UN African Union Mission in Darfur as well as the UN Mission in Sudan, Rutaremara said in a phone interview. All of Rwanda’s forces will be withdrawn if the UN’s “outrageous and damaging” report is published, Rutaremara said.

A similar withdrawal threat was made by the Rwandan government in 2008 for its troops in Darfur over the indictment by a Spanish court of UNAMID deputy commander Karake Karenzi along with 39 other Rwandan officers last February for war crimes allegedly committed in the mid-1990s.

The UN had asked Rwanda to nominate another general whose term was about to expire but under U.S. pressure his mandate was renewed.

The Rwandan president Paul Kagame has expressed frustrations in recent years over conditions encountered by his troops in Darfur and suggesting that a pullout will be the only option left.




    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    The problem of this what so called International Body UN is good for talking things, inventing without action. I agree with you President Kagame that those whom the UN is accusing for such heinous crime are those fighting to prevent genocide crimes in Darfur/Sudan. I hope if UN is asking the IDPs in Darfur to know who are infact fight for their protection. I recall the statement from Presidnet Kagame when he was sending the first group of Rwandan batalions to Sudan when he told them to protect the civilians, because keeping peace hwile people are dying is nonsense. Such statement angered the criminal Bashir even he was about to reject Rwandan troops in Darfur.
    Very sadly the UN said nothing such brave statement when Bashir reacted. UN these days is full of business makers in all levels. Starting from Iraqi oil scandal to Mayanmars condoning of the tyrant……….. Rwandan suppose to be praised because the big number of AU/UN forces killed in Darfur are Rwandans. How can the Genocider allow himself to be killed by Khartoum genocider system if they don’t believe in the cause of people of Darfur. Rwandans are staunched in protection of civilians because they were killed like grasshoppers while UN and other what so called humanity groups were standing aside and looking while women and children were burned.

  • Jakok Loakloak
    Jakok Loakloak

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    Cry not child!
    what is the point of evac when all need your help Kiga?
    Oh, another coward in the realm..? What is a dead two Ruwandan in darfur verse the the Million in Kigali Mr. President? Take a grip and let Africa carry their own weight Mr. K

    Jakok of Ngundeng spoke.

  • Rambang

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    The problem with the UN is that they are always against any prosperous African Nation. Their main problem is the style Paul Kagame used to bring peace to Rwanda. They were hoping for revenge from Kagame but shame on them, they didn’t. The other time, this French whatever, accused kagame of shooting down the plane that carry, the Rwandese and Burundian Presidents, saying Kagame should be taken to court. Isn’t that a trial to divert the attention from those who carried out the genecide? Why are the French looking for a scapegoat, for the criminals who carried out the genocide?
    Recently, they were accusing Kagame of week opposition in the presidential elections. Do they want an opposition created by kagame?
    This report is another way these guys are using to undermine, Rwanda’s economic growth as well as peace and harmony in that country. They see clashes between the Hutus and Tutsis as a good investment opportunity, but God willing, peace will continue in Rwanda as well as the rest of Africa.
    Africa must stand up to defend her heroes like Kagame and not the likes of Bashir. The other day in Uganda, they came out strongly against the indictment of Bashir by ICC. Then they keep quiet when hereos are being humiliated, what kind of leaders is Afriac producing?

  • Achuil Manyuat Tong
    Achuil Manyuat Tong

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    UN should be acccused of blackmailing people here and there.
    they came to congo did nothing to help the situation .
    The came to darfur the same thing .
    Why accused France forces when it forces do not succeed in bring lasting peace.
    They are always siding with the strong men in every situation the intervene in.
    UN should not temper to release that report if it is not ready to suffer a major below with the UN body.

  • Ezekiel Athaya
    Ezekiel Athaya

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    I wish there is way Rwandan government can get commend as per her release.

    inconsiderably, the Rwandan government threaten to withdraw their troops from Sudan as if they are the only one who have troops in Southern Sudan.

    Again they should know that CPA is implemented not because of their present nor other foreign troops but because of willingness and readiness by both partners.

    In few events where the two parties military wings clashed or exchange bullet, UNIest way to UNIMIS or UNIMID use to evacuate the area of contention and is that the best way to keep peace?

    If your governement does not recognize how the welfare of your soldiers is being improved then go ahead and do and am sure your soldiers and you will regret the miss of this great opportunity.

    Although UN peace keepers do less in their mandate and a lot including damages in outside their mandate we still accommodate them but not keep peace. This is done just for the sake of formal international standard coz I know when both parties completely disagree none of UN peace keeper can stand his or her feet.

    Never intimidate us with the withdrawal of your troops in your issues with UN.

  • Ezekiel Athaya
    Ezekiel Athaya

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    I wish there is way Rwandan government can get this commend as per her release.

    inconsiderably, the Rwandan government threaten to withdraw their troops from Sudan as if they are the only one who have troops in Southern Sudan.

    Again they should know that CPA is implemented not because of their present nor other foreign troops but because of willingness and readiness by both partners.

    In few events where the two parties military wings clashed or exchange bullet, UNIest way to UNIMIS or UNIMID use to evacuate the area of contention and is that the best way to keep peace?

    If your governement does not recognize how the welfare of your soldiers is being improved then go ahead and do and am sure your soldiers and you will regret the miss of this great opportunity.

    Although UN peace keepers do less in their mandate and a lot including damages in outside their mandate we still accommodate them but not keep peace. This is done just for the sake of formal international standard coz I know when both parties completely disagree none of UN peace keeper can stand his or her feet.

    Never intimidate us with the withdrawal of your troops in your issues with UN.

  • Ezekiel Athaya
    Ezekiel Athaya

    Rwandan troops in Sudan preparing for possibility of immediate withdrawal
    I wish there is way Rwandan government can get commend as per her release.

    inconsiderably, the Rwandan government threaten to withdraw their troops from Sudan as if they are the only one who have troops in Southern Sudan.

    Again they should know that CPA is implemented not because of their present nor other foreign troops but because of willingness and readiness by both partners.

    In few events where the two parties military wings clashed or exchange bullet, UNIest way to UNIMIS or UNIMID use to evacuate the area of contention and is that the best way to keep peace?

    If your governement does not recognize how the welfare of your soldiers is being improved then go ahead and do and am sure your soldiers and you will regret the miss of this great opportunity.

    Although UN peace keepers do less in their mandate and a lot including damages in outside their mandate we still accommodate them but not keep peace. This is done just for the sake of formal international standard coz I know when both parties completely disagree none of UN peace keeper can stand his or her feet.

    Never intimidate us with the withdrawal of your troops in your issues with UN.

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