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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity

September 1, 2010 (JUBA) – A southern Sudanese politician representing the south’s governing party – the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) – as minister for oil in the national government in Khartoum has come under fierce criticism for voicing his support to maintain the unity of Sudan.

Lual Deng
Lual Deng
The Sudanese oil minister Lual Deng became the first high profile Southern figure to publicly express his support for the country’s unity ahead of a self-determination referendum due to take place early next year in the South.

Most observers expect an overwhelming vote in favor of independence after two decades of bitter civil war (1983-2005) that claimed an estimated 2 million lives.
Since independence in 1956 the south has complained that mainly Arab-Muslim north has marginalized the region.

Despite this, the oil minister who is from Bor Jonglei State as the former SPLM leader the late John Garang said that unity is a better option for the southern Sudanese.

“I’m a unionist in the footsteps of a unitary leader [late SPLM leader] John Garang de Mabior. We studied for PhD together at the University of Iowa. But I consider myself his disciple. The reason for this was that I was, initially, a separatist. But Garang convinced me on the virtues of one Sudan,” Deng said in an interview with the London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper during a private visit to Washington.

The statements by the minister have angered both politicians and ordinary people in southern Sudan. A member of the SPLM in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba, Arop Madut, criticized the comments made by Lual Deng, describing him as somebody who behaved as if he did not eat three meals a day in his life time until he became the minister of oil in Khartoum.

Arop, who represents Abyei in the Juba-based parliament, said during his interview on Southern Sudan Television (SSTV) on Tuesday and Wednesday that Lual Deng – whom he also explained that his real name is Lual Achuek, but had to prefer ‘Deng’ instead of ‘Achuek’ – was not following the footsteps of late John Garang as he claimed.

He said late John Garang was for a unity based on justice and equality while the unity Lual Achuek called for had no basis.

Daniel Dut from the University of Juba also criticized the minister for his unity stance, saying Lual commented without evaluating whether unity had been made attractive or not on the new basis.

“I think the minister [Lual Deng] was simply commenting to please the National Congress Party in his new job in Khartoum because his support for unity had no basis. It sounded as if he was supporting unity just for the sake of it,” he said.

The minister of oil however acknowledged that if referendum was to take place today it will be in favour of independence. He also expressed optimism that confidence building measures between the north and south over the next four months may avert such outcome.

The southern figure said that the people of southern Sudan are already ruling their own region with a substantial presence in the federal government with opportunities not even available for Northerners.

“What do we [southerners] want more than that?” Deng asked.

Dut in his reaction to the question posed by the minister said he was stunned by the unfortunate copying of the question from northerners, adding that the South wants something more than semi-autonomous administration or some jobs in the federal government.

“We want freedom as an independent nation, justice, equality and development,” he said.




    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    Dr Lual Deng has lost his political virginity and would be treated with contempt wherever he go.
    We the Dinka community are ashamed that we have such people in our community.

    Rest in peace Dr Lual Deng. we will miss you.

  • murlescrewed

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    I think it is unfair to take this whole issue is being blown out of proportions. Dr. Lual is a free citizen who is free to speak what he really thinks. His vote will not change much in terms of the outcome but debate over this whole issue should be welcomed in a civil manner. There are those who have not contributed to South’s liberation but are howling as if they were in the trenches. Dr. Lual has done more for South than any leader. He knows what is best for South and should be heard out.

  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    To Uncle Achuek

    2.5-3 millions lives were lost. 22 years pasted with out a brick put on another brick in Southern Sudan. If any thing, those which were enact were bombed out. People suffered. Elderlies were hacked to death and yanked into the fire. Youngs were driven into slavery up in the north. Women were raped. Our oil have been looted. All of these happened in united Sudan. When we are about to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you call for unity! What have our people died for? What have we suffered for?

    Uncle Lual Achuek, you owe Southern Sudanese an apology!

    Wal Peter Muoranyar

  • Samani

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    THIS is the real issue here, not Unity. But how you people react to different views. Majority of you insult, criticise and demonize anyone that does not follow your views. This is the freedom and democracy you illiterate ignorants want. Let this man have his voice and opinion heard. Shame on you Arop Madut ! You are evil, nasty and i would hate for you to be in any government.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    Lual Achuek,as Mr Arop Madut put his name should step down from the SPLM post,he is a real traitor in the name of three meal per day for the first time he got in his lifestyle.This critical remaining months for South Sudan independent has no room for unity since right from the beginning NCP fail in making it attractive.Who is he by the way,Lual should not play with firre now.


  • jalabi

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    You’re the man Dr Lual Deng!

    Unionists are so many inside SPLM but they are hiding their “believe”, when the result of referendum will come in favor of unity many separartists will stun and become so surprise.

    It’s no seceret that we will bribe all the southerners that live in the north to vote for unity, now we are populating Miserya in Abyei and soon they will make big difference when they cast their votes in Abyei, absolutely we will bribe both Miserya and Dinka Nagok.

    Dr Lual, just ignore those southerners who critisize you and enjoy their luxury live in US and know nothing about the fact in the ground.

    For sure we will take them by surprise in 2011 referendum.

    Jalabi (Abo Jalabia)

  • Akuma

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    Have you never seen how foolish Lual Achuek is? These are guys that easily given money by Arabs to betrays their people. He never experience hardness of bush live. The fact should be told, Dinka Bor were very excited because they hope Lual Achuek will succeed Hero Dr. Garang Mabior.

    Please Lual Achuek will be ashame for his unity or Twic East to united with Arabs as Lual Achuek talk of.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    SPLM’s minister of oil in Khartoum fiercely criticized for supporting unity
    Dr. Lual has stabbed the South in the back, in fact he is not in the direction of Dr.Garang. Dr Garang ‘s unity is not based on the ministry of petroleum or posts , Dr.Garang respects the rights of southern Sudanese and was never criticized by 90% of Southern Sudanese. Dr. Lual is not a revolutionary leader ,he is something else. May God forgive him.

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