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Sudan Tribune

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Thousands affected by floods in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal state

By Ngor Arol Garang

September 02, 2010 (RENK) – Some 89,000 people have so far been affected by the floods which swamped south Sudan’s state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal over the past month, according to an ongoing assessment carried out by a composite crisis management team covering affected areas.

Flood affected house in Aweil (ST)
Flood affected house in Aweil (ST)
Speaking to Sudan Tribune from the town of Aweil, the provincial capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, SPLM Youth League Chairman in the state and member of the crisis management team Jacob Yel Garang confirmed the wide scale impact of the flooding .

According to Yel, the rapid assessment conducted recently by the state’s government in collaboration with international organizations had indicated that the number of houses partially damaged stood at more than 140.

“A total number of 147 flood-related damages have been recorded in Hai Muozabin alone. Those completely damaged stand at 66. No death cases have been recorded but there have been reports from local health personnel that diarrhea and fevers have increased. 20 cases of diarrhea have so far been recorded at Aweil civil hospital,” he said.

In the same vein, over 18 water sources are reported to have been damaged, 91 pit latrines affected and over 20 household kitchen gardens submerged.

Also, six schools and a number of health facilities were amongst a host of others damaged.

“Two offices have lost access to the town because of floods. The DDR [Disarmament, Demobilization and Rehabilitation programme] and census offices are out of reach by vehicles. They are not accessible at all. They are flooded and on the verge of collapsing,” Yel further described the situation.

Asked about how the state’s government was responding to the natural calamity, he explained that his administration has accorded priority to evacuating affected population to high lying areas.

“The state administration is responding and what has been done so far as priority is the relocation of the affected people to high lying areas. The high lying areas have already been identified and the victims are currently sheltered in two camps. Each camp is accommodating over 368 people. [Foreign aid] agencies have also been notified and have joined the government’s [efforts],” he pointed out.

A representative of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), who requested anonymity, said that IRC had helped in the past and was the first to respond to calls by the state’s government.

“We were the first international relief agency here to respond to the call made by the government. Our health staff is now on the ground in Aweil town, helping the state government. We put items there even before the rainy season,” he said.

Asked about the extent of their assistance, he answered that their efforts were constrained by the annual budget funded by donor communities.

“We would like to assist the affected people to our best but the budget puts limit to our wishes,” the official said.



  • Acid

    Thousands affected by floods in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    My prayers are with those affected by this disaster, I hope they will overcome it!!

  • Samani

    Thousands affected by floods in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    South Sudan’s Aweil region swamped by floods 2 September 08:14, by Samani


    Some 57,000 people have been forced from their homes because of dramatic floods in south-western Sudan over the past month, health officials say.
    Heavy rains have left Aweil, the main town of Northern Bahr al-Ghazal province, largely under water.
    A BBC correspondent says the floods pose another challenge to the already delayed voter registration.
    Southern Sudan is voting on whether to secede from the north in a referendum in January.
    The BBC’s Peter Martell in Southern Sudan says the floods add to the woes of a grossly under-developed region still struggling to rebuild itself after the brutal two-decade war with the north.

    “The rains are going to continue up until October, so the situation may get worse,” Southern Sudan’s Health Minister Luka Monoja warned.
    “A serious situation has developed in Aweil – more than three quarters of the town is flooded and so many houses collapsed.
    “We saw that all the people were chased out of their houses, and were now living on the road, because the road is the only area in the town that is raised.”
    Our reporter says the southern government and aid agencies have been working to support those displaced, but the challenge is enormous.
    The United Nations has already provided some kind of food assistance to almost half the population of the south this year, he says.

  • paul baak anyaar
    paul baak anyaar

    Thousands affected by floods in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
    The problem with our State Officials is that they like to hear more, pay less attention, and take no action. This is an emergency issue. I wish the Governor of NBEGS understands this and takes appropriate measures. I pity the poor flood victims.

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