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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia joins middle income nations in 5 years- PM Meles

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

September 12, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) — Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia said his country is expected to achieve the World Banks’s (WB) lower-middle income level classification by 2015, under the recently launched development and transformation plan – a new strategy aimed at creating an ambitious 15% growth in the Ethiopian economy over the next five years.

Conveying good wishes for the Ethiopian New Year 2003, which was celebrated on 11 September, Meles said that his country will join the lower-middle income category, provided that the nation successfully implements the five year growth and transformation plan set by the government.

He went on to say that – “Ethiopia will then be among the upper-middle income countries in the world in ten years from now.”

Meanwhile, Ethiopian President, Girma Weldegiorgis said he is certain that Ethiopia will meet the five year development plan. He urged all Ethiopians to join hands and actively participate in the implementation of the transformation plan. He Joined Meles is wishing all Ethiopians a prosperous and peaceful year.

The new plan also predicts a huge expansion in infrastructure, with the country’s power production set to increase from 2,000MW to 10,000MW and the construction of 2,395 km of railway lines.

If the plan succeeds by the end of 2015, the Ethiopian government says it may not need any more foreign food aid.

For operational and analytical purposes, the WB’s main criteria for classifying economies is terms of gross national income (GNI) per capita using the World Bank Atlas Method.

Based on its GNI per capita, every economy is classified as low income, middle income (subdivided into lower-middle and upper-middle), or high income. Other analytical groups based on geographic regions are also used in the classification.

The groups are quantified as follows: low income, $995 or less; lower middle income, $996 – $3,945; upper middle income, $3,946 – $12,195; and high income, $12,196 or more.


1 Comment

  • Wolleyewu

    Ethiopia joins middle income nations in 5 years- PM Meles
    How rididulous scenario is that our country is facing nowadays. A brutal and the worest fucking lair on earth is drawing all his energy to make a lecture about millionium development goal deligating the entire Africa on the UN plateform. How come he dare to tell Ethiopians literally that he or his party will remain on power for the next 10 years.

    Let alone Ethiopia has ever seen double digit growth, even 1 or 2 %percent economic growth right after the decline of the Derg regime since 1991 is unthinkable and such thought is a nightmare in the face of 10-15 million starved people every consquitive years supported by intenational community. Rather the fact on the ground is she is palguing in extreme poverty and in economic recission with deep negative growth caused by its corrupted and ethinocenteric government officals.

    This pathological lair who appointed himself as a Prime Minister recently went on to dessiminate propaganda of development ahead of wORLD LEADERS SUMMIT which is to be held in NEW YORK very soon. As though he is promoting developmenatal schemes/projects in Ethiopia cliaming poverty-free nation as of 2015 only because he is obssesed to grab multi- millions of Dollars in aid in the name of impoverished Ethiopians.

    So let the world get to know this man is a man standing to destroy the anchient historical country on earth and humilate its people once and for all.

    Its time to say “spade is a spade” which meant the man is corrupted himself and the people crowded round his circle and his family members currently accumilated the country’s wealth in foreign banks.

    So we have to confront him in NEW YORK SUMMIT where he is prepared to lecture his rubbish propaganda to indffernent audience for the nation which carries far reaching consquences to the people of Ethiopia.

    Down to EPRDF/TPLF bandits (Tigray)

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