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Sudan Tribune

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Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House

September 20, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – The United States President Barack Obama intends to deliver “substantial remarks” at the meeting hosted by the United Nations on Friday to discuss issues in Sudan particularly the upcoming referendum in the South of the country which is scheduled to take place in early January.

Obama_tough.jpgThe Sudanese First Vice President and South Sudan president Salva Kiir as well as 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha will be present at the meeting called for by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

“The President decided to participate in this event, which was actually at one point originally intended as a ministerial, because this could not be a more critical time in the life of Sudan and also in the life of international efforts to ensure that these referenda go off on time and peacefully,” said senior director of multilateral affairs at the White House Samantha Power at a conference call on Monday.

“[T]he number one message [by Obama] is that these referenda must go off on time, that they must be peaceful, and they must reflect the will of the people of South Sudan,” Power said.

Under a 2005 peace agreement, South Sudan is due in January to vote in a referendum on independence and most observers expect southerners to overwhelmingly back full independence.
But the North and South have been well behind schedule in preparing for the key vote casting doubt over whether it can be held on time.

Furthermore, many post-referendum arrangements have yet to be ironed out particularly border demarcation, oil sharing, citizenship, national debts and water.

Another referendum will take place simultaneously in the contested oil-rich region of Abyei, where residents will have to decide whether they want to be part of north or south Sudan. The composition of Abyei’s referendum commission has not yet been revealed.

Furthermore, the North has appeared to be reluctant to implement the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) that redefined Abyei’s borders.

The international community is worried that both sides may resort to war should there be a delay in referendum which some observers described as a strong possibility given the tight timeframe. The registration of Southern voters is due to start in October.

Powers described the summit as an opportunity for the international community “to stand together again and send a very forceful message at a critical make-or-break time,”.

The U.S. national security adviser further said that Obama will speak on the need for enhanced security and dignity for the people of Darfur and the need for accountability as well as emphasize the crucial nature of “humanitarian access and the importance of peacekeepers and aid workers being allowed the mobility, the security, and the access they need to do their jobs and to improve the welfare of the people both in Darfur and in South Sudan and beyond”.

The United States has intensified its diplomatic engagement with South Sudan and the northern government in Khartoum and offered both sides last week a new package of incentives to reach a deal, balanced by the threat of new punitive measures including sanctions if progress stalls.



  • Anyang

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    It’s not too late for the United State and the entire world to put enormous presure on the Sudan’s regime to honour the peace agreement.

  • Lorolokin

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    Dear President Obama,

    Thanks you as a president of the USA and thanks you the entire American people for standing firm behind our struggle,As such we are not suppose to divide any piece of land in the sudan with Arabs as every body knows this fact including USA that Sudan as a Country belongs to Afrcan Sudanese but because of the agreement we will do so otherwise they (Arabs)have the rights to leave Sudan and go to Arabian peninsula.


  • Akot Deng
    Akot Deng

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    Unite state is playing second piddle on Sudan issues they have low opinion since the CPA was signed therefore i wounder if this administration of Obama can really reflect the reality.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    USA,president Barack Obama,on the 24 Sept 2010 is the day we southerners Sudanese hoping that the referendum issue for south Sudanese will be discuss upon, in UNSC Headquarter you by yourself will prove to know whether it will be peaceful or not,because NCP are kind of people who do agree on issues but will not implement it.
    We southerners have no intention of going back for war again.
    But if this referendun was not conducted as agree upon in the CPA,will make things worst in Sudan in general,but we trust that you the America are people who care for every life of Livingthings world wide.We hope for America Air Forces care during this Referendum time particular the Air space Bordering North and South Sudan.
    We wish your Administration to Equilzer like the one of George W Bush in bring CPA in existance in 2005,and 2011 you will be the final President to implement it,God Bless America People.


  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    But your administration/ US Sudan policy seems too week on the Khartoum under your enboy to Sudan Scot Grations.

  • Chol Mading
    Chol Mading

    Obama will deliver ‘substantial remarks’ at the UN meeting on Sudan: White House
    This is crucial time in Sudan. President Obama administration must take a bold stand on referendum process including timing, security during the exercise, and must also accept the outcome of the referendum. The White House must start treating President of South Sudan with dignity; Mr. Kiir never been invited to WH and this might send a wrong signal to those wild animals in Khartoum. Although I highly recommend the citizens of US for the CPA, I think WH must start good relationships with the GOSS.

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