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Sudan Tribune

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SLA General Commander denies his defection to another rebel group

September 26, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) General Commander denied today his defection to another rebel group reiterating his support to the leader of the legacy group led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur.

SLA commander Gadora (photo Al Jazeera TV)
SLA commander Gadora (photo Al Jazeera TV)
SLA general commander Abdel Gadir Abdel Rahman Ibrahim (Gadora) in a satellite interview with Sudan Tribune dismissed allegations by the leader of the rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) that he defected to his group.

“Tijani El-Sissi alleged from Doha my defection to his group and I wonder how a founding member (of the rebel SLA) like me rejoins a United Nations employee who is working with the Sudanese government,” Gadora told Sudan Tribune from Darfur.

Gadora who makes rare interviews with the press said he is upset by Sissi statements because the latter occupies his function at the international body thanks to the approval of Khartoum government to work in the international institution while he fights since more than seven years for the rights of his people in Darfur.

Since 2005 El-Tijani El-Sissi Ateem, a former governor of greater Darfur, works with the UN Economic Commission for Africa based in Addis Ababa. Sources say he is given unpaid leave till March 2011.

Since February 2010 he chairs the rebel LJM which is formed in Doha after the merger of more than ten rebel factions. His choice as leader of the rebel group is seen as an attempt to find an alternative figure to represent the Fur tribe in the peace process after the rejection of SLM leader Abdel Wahid Al-Nur to join the talks.

Gadora, a former member of the Sudanese army is one of the first people that joined Al-Nur in his rebellion and formed the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army in the nineties.

He said this is not the first time that such rumors have been circulated but he cannot tolerate it indefinitely. “People like El-Sissi come and join us because we are the pioneers to fight for the cause of our people but not the contrary,” he added.

He also said that the vision of his group is broader than what they call for stressing “Mr. El-Sissi can join them and work for peace not only in Darfur but the whole country”.

“We are not against peace but opposed to untrue peace and the fabrication of rebel groups,” he said.

The peace talks between the Sudanese government and LJM rebels are expected to resume on Wednesday. Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Eddin said they want a peace agreement to be signed before the next January referendum on self determination for southern Sudan.

Djibril Bassole the chief mediator for the peace process is holding regular meetings with the SLM leader in Paris. Earlier this month, he and the French foreign minister met with Nur urging him to rejoin the negotiating table.

The rebel leader who described the meeting as “constructive” said he wants some guarantees on the security conditions for Darfur civilians and the return of IDPs to their villages.




    SLA General Commander denies his defection to another rebel group
    Haaaaaaaa, Commander Gadora is right. This guy is NCP man, because I rememeber in year July 2009 he was send by Sudan Governemnt to Libia as Sudan governemnt delegation to Libia unite Darfur rebels, with Former former North Darfur governor the Islamist, General in Sudan Arm Forces Ibrahim Soliman, Sudan Embassador to Iran Al-Shafie Ahmed Ibrahim and Fur tribe Islamist NCP created Magdoum Salah Mohamed Fadol. Salah Mohamed Fadol is brother of Fur Magdoom Ahmed who was threatened by NCP to be killed if he refuse to give over the power of Magdoomdhip to his brother Salah the Islamist.The objective of this trip to Libya was a plan from National Congress Party after they realized that Abdul Wahid knows more than them. Therefore the NCP pump all the money to create someone loose on issue of Darfur instead of Abdul Wahid. On his trip to Libya Tegani was able to polarize Mahgoub Hussen the man who became his Genral Secretary and left him after two months from the start of Doha talks in Qatar.In year 2009 Tegani sessi met Bashir and Taha about four times in Presidential Palace and its well documented.

    The interesting point is that three days before Tegani Sessi appear before Al-Jazeera TV for his such junk talk, there was news published on sms the Sudan security website that there is split among Abdul wahid commander the thing that the National Congress Party dreams to happen today before tomorrow to achieve the dream of News genocide strategy.I rememeber also in 2009 when Sudan Spy Chief Mohamed Atta visted Chad, after one day only Sessi arrived and was put in the same hotel with Spy Cheif.

  • telfajbago

    SLA General Commander denies his defection to another rebel group
    Thanks Mr. DASODIKO for your good comments and tracking the history of the AU/UN installed rebel leader El Tigani Seissi who was fixed by the National Congress party and it’s opportunists, thinking that by so doing they will secure a shoddy deal to the just cause of Darfur, in order to a achieve their selfish ends before the referendum of South Sudan; while the regime accelerating the genocide in Darfur to neutralize any threat and start the ethnic cleansing in the South after the secession of South Sudan as Dr. Justin Ambago wrote up on his opinion . The SLM/A general commander Gadora, invited Seissi to join SLM/A and fight for the just cause instead of prostituting himself to his killers, but Seissi simply belongs to the cowardly breed of politicians who can not withstand the noise of a machine gun, thus he will not join the authentic freedom fighters and will continue parasitizing on the sacrifices of others.

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