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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s army defends border guards in Darfur against claims of criminal activities

October 3, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has denied the veracity of recent reports accusing the paramilitary Border-Control Guards of being implicated in recent criminal activities in Darfur region.

Al-Sawarmi Khalid Saad – official spokesman of Sudan’s armed forces. (Photo by SMC)
Al-Sawarmi Khalid Saad – official spokesman of Sudan’s armed forces. (Photo by SMC)
Speaking at a forum organized on Sunday by Sudan’s official news agency SUNA in Khartoum, SAF’s official spokesman Major Al-Sawarmi Khalid Saad said that the border-control guards were “fully affiliated” to SAF and thus subject to civil and military law.

According to Al-Sawarmi, the recent accusations against the border-control guards were part of the “systematic” campaign to target Darfur and stir up “tribal discord.”

The official spokesman claimed that a fact-finding committee formed by the army had investigated the situation and concluded that such accusations were of no basis in reality.

Al-Sawarmi further discredited recent media reports which accused border-control guards of being responsible for the recent robbery of Al-Tadamon Islamic bank in Nyala town, the provincial capital of south Darfur state.

However, the official spokesman’s statements conflict with what other state and military officials recently said.

Yesterday, the deputy governor of south Darfur state, Abd-al-Karim Musa Abd-al-Karim, hinted to the UN-sponsored Miraya FM radio that some evidence had indicated the involvement of border-control guards and popular defense forces in the robbery of Al-Tadamon bank in Nyala.

Last month, a military committee tasked with devising a security strategy for Darfur labeled BCG members as a “security threat.” The chairman of the committee, Majzub Rahma told a gathering of local tribal leaders in south Darfur on September 7 that there were ongoing efforts to put an end to the “undisciplined” behavior of border-control guards.

Darfur region sprang from oblivion in 2003 when rebels belonging mostly to African ethnicities in the region took up arms against the central government in Khartoum, accusing it of neglecting the region.

An abusive counterinsurgency campaign in which the Khartoum government unleashed the notorious Arab militia known as the Janjaweed and border-control guards against the rebels has triggered one of the worst humanitarian situations in recent history.

According to UN estimates, the conflict in Darfur killed 300.000 and displaced more than 2 millions.




    Sudan’s army defends border guards in Darfur against claims of criminal activities
    Haaaaaaaaaa, dear Readers

    The fact is that,the Governemnt of Sudan is no more control of Boarder gaurds known as Janjaweeds. Its simply because they were deceived by the NCP to kill innocent peopple of Darfur with the name of Arabization. Some of the Janjaweeds realized that they used as tools, although they money promised to be paid were not paid. When they asked the gvoernemnt of Sudan, the answer of NCP was that, you looted the properties of the (Zurga) black Africans what else do you want? Then the Janjaweed had no obtion but to revolt against NCP. The refutation of Spokesperson of SAF is to avoid war from different fronts in Darfur.

    Borader gaurds continue to rubb governemnt institution in Darfur and kill offecials but no one to talk. Even the gvoernemnt in North could do nothing there because all northern ethnic groups fighting in Darfur were all pulled back to north to let people of Darfur kill each other. But I think the time has come for people of Darfur to come back to their senses and direct their weapons towards the common enemy who instigated such hatred between all Sudanese in general.

  • telfajbago

    Sudan’s army defends border guards in Darfur against claims of criminal activities
    Boarder guard smart name “Janjweed militias”now they have released the truth that, the regime of Khartoum after used them, now incited them to fight each other and today are not will to fight any more. A confidential source inside them confided to me that; the man in charge of Darfur military operation named Abdul Fattah Burhan asked some Janjaweed leaders to mobilize their militias to fight the coming war in Darfur and South Sudan. However, the Janjaweed leaders told Abdul Fattah that, they have some financial dues of their war in 2005 & 2006 which was not given to them and they are not going to fight if the regime did not pay them their dues; then Abdul Fattah took some of their leaders to Nyalla to settle the problem. I belive that, the incedent of Nyalla bank was well organized by the regime ,especially Wali of Southern Darfur, Musa Kasha to please some of the Jnjaweed leaders;as people depositing money on that bank most of them are Darfurian of African origin.

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