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Sudan Tribune

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UN Security Council visits Sudan on Wednesday

October 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The envoys of the states members of the UN Security Council are expected in Sudan on Wednesday three months before key referendum on self determination in southern Sudan.

A child looks inside a shelter at Sakale Wali IDPs camp in the South Darfur town of Nyala May 29, 2010. (Reuters)
A child looks inside a shelter at Sakale Wali IDPs camp in the South Darfur town of Nyala May 29, 2010. (Reuters)
The delegation plans to discuss the outstanding issues in the implementation of the referenda in Juba and Khartoum but also will visit El-Fasher, capital of North darfur state to tackle the ongoing efforts to settle the seven-year conflict.

In a news conference held in New York, the Ugandan ambassador Ruhakana Rugunda who hold the Council rotating presidency told reporters that envoys from Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States, plus envoys from the 10 other nations on the 15-member Council.

The visit intends “to support efforts for the promotion of peace on the areas that we will visit,” Ruhakana said. He further said more details regarding the visit, which will begin with a stop in Kampala, Uganda, will follow later.

The delegation will not meet the ICC indicted President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.
“The council has not requested a meeting with the president, and the president has not offered to meet the council. The council will be meeting other senior officials,” the Ugandan ambassador said.

Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Taha said today the visit will give the UN Security Council the opportunity to better understand the situation in the country.

“We welcomed the visit of the Council to continue the dialogue and because its members will witness the facts that support the government’s position, especially as all the Security Council member are not against us,” Taha said.

Taha was alluding to the Russian and Chinese support for his government and to unconfirmed reports from New York saying France and UK have accepted to freeze the ICC jurisdiction for one year but Washington rejected such move to pressurize Bashir to conduct timely the referendum process in South Sudan and Abyei.

The Senior Sudanese official asked in a press conference held Monday in Khartoum to cancel the ICC charges against President Omer Al-Bashir, to lift the economic sanction and to exempt Sudan’s debts.

Taha praised the support of European countries to the Sudan saying some of them wish to engage in political and economic relations, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. He pointed to the existence of some evil forces threatening to put more pressure on Sudan.

On 9 January 2011, southern Sudanese will vote on whether to secede from the country, while on the same day the residents of Abyei area will vote on whether to be part of the north or to join the south.




    UN Security Council visits Sudan on Wednesday
    The senior adviser Rabie Adbelati Obeid told the press that al Bashir who is incharge of everything in Sudan has not approved the trip. he concluded that the trip without Presidents’ approval.

    These two positions may reflect a split in the NCP, perhaps to reveal itself more while the Council is in Sudan. Therefore; the visiting memebers should be caucious, since Russian and Chinese Permenant members are not included in USC visiting delegates.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    UN Security Council visits Sudan on Wednesday
    Dear Southerners,
    this is the chance that we (Southerners) should air out all the blockages made by NCP to implement CPA. As it is commonly known that they (UNSC) are coming to find out what will take place during referenda in Southern Sudan. Lets unite and speak one voice of our freedom. No more hiden agenda but to tell truth that we are for separation. We don’t want Arab to rule again. We are tire of them. God help us!!!!

    Joseph Akol Manyang

  • Odongi Ayahu
    Odongi Ayahu

    UN Security Council visits Sudan on Wednesday
    The South Sudan welcomes the fact finding UN team with open hands; we very much appreciate the noble purpose of visiting the Southern Sudan and Darfur areas.

    The integrity of the referendum process will be important, on the one hand to allow Southern Sudanese to express their will and on the other hand, because flaws in the process will make acceptance of the result more difficult to achieve, contributing to tension and possibly violence. end of quote.

    96 days left for polling while the referendum commission in Khartoum yet undecided to start registration, receiving objections, challenging, production preliminary register, appeals, and final registers is going to take time. The team needs to be informed of weakness of handing the process to an interest party like Khartoum. The north delayed the production of referendum law, appointment of the Commission’s teams, delay registration which must be July 9th. Delaying the campaign process and eventually may request impossibility – extension of the voting date.

    The poll will take place in a very challenging political context where the two extremities south and the North will demonstrate their aspirations. The south is prepared to vote 99% for secession while corrupt and illegal practices in northern Sudan will smilingly vote other way round. “They are known saying “alibaba magic” has increased the Southern population in the north from population of 500,000 to 2,000,000”. Cheating has an answer with Southerners.

    The UN must be informed correctly that the integrity of the poll is of crucial importance. A well organised and credible process should allow Southern Sudanese to freely express their will, thereby facilitating political acceptance of the result. Conversely, a poorly managed referendum could open the door to manipulation of the result, which, in all likelihood, would lead to disputed results. This scenario implies a risk of instability and violence.

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