Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan suspends broadcast of Monte Carlo radio service on FM

October 5, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government refused to renew the licence of Monte Carlo, the Arabic service of Radio France Internationale (RFI), to broadcast on local frequencies and provided no reason for this abrupt decision.

montecarlo.jpgRabie Abdulatti, a senior official at the National Congress party (NCP) told the independent Al-Ahram daily that the suspension was not politically motivated.

“Broadcasting inside the cities of Sudan by foreign radio stations requires a license under agreements with the state. There are conditions to be adhered to, including the conditions of reciprocity that would permit Sudanese radio to broadcast its material in Britain and France” Abdulatti said.

Sources at Monte Carlo radio revealed to the newspaper that several of its officials visited Khartoum recently for the purpose of renewing the license but with no success noting that they did not receive an explanation.

Last July, Sudanese authorities revoked the license of the BBC Arabic service which for several years has been airing its Arabic service on FM frequency in Khartoum, Port Sudan, Madani and capital of Northern Kordofan Al-Obayid.

It was reported that Khartoum justified its move by saying that he British government sponsored corporation imported unauthorized devices through the diplomatic pouch two years ago.

The matter had been considered at the time as violation of the Sudanese law and the devices were confiscated by the authorities. BBC officials sought to convince Khartoum to reverse its decision but failed.

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) issued a statement condemning the decision saying it is part of an “escalating restrictive policy of the Sudanese government on all media”.

“Despite the declaration of the Sudanese government that banning both services has neither a political basis nor does it have to do with their editorial line, this decision being made at this moment against two of the most popular services operating in the Arabic region for such a long time leaves us with only one interpretation, which is that the Sudanese government intends to silence all media outlets that do not comply with their policies before the upcoming referendum on separation.”

“ANHRI is deeply disturbed at the weak condition of freedom of expression in Sudan. The circle of oppression is not only tightening on Sudanese opposition papers and media, but is choking independent and international media as well. No one knows where the attempts of the Sudanese government to uproot freedom of expression will lead”.



  • Wiyual

    Sudan suspends broadcast of Monte Carlo radio service on FM
    Khartoum or any Islamic State in general never values the freedom of press/speech. That is why their ladies are very rare to be granted freedom of speech to say or do whatever they wish.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Sudan suspends broadcast of Monte Carlo radio service on FM
    ncp failure move to be north sudan Taliban. ncp knows that Southern Sudan is definitely breaking away. now they plan to jion terrorist idealogy from within and the world will see how worse northern sudan will be, even somali will be better then them.
    coming days they will also plan to close western tvs like bbc, cnn and others so that the citizen in north will not have access of what is going on during when South Sudan separate.

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