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Sudan Tribune

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Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital

October 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Clashes erupted between pro-unity supporters and pro-southern Sudan independence in Khartoum when a small group of Southerners demonstrated calling for separation during a pro-unity rally.

Sudanese police use batons to disperse demonstrators who were calling for independence for south Sudan during a pro-unity rally in Khartoum on October 9, 2010 (AFP)
Sudanese police use batons to disperse demonstrators who were calling for independence for south Sudan during a pro-unity rally in Khartoum on October 9, 2010 (AFP)
The group estimated to be composed of 30 to 40 southerners held placards supporting southern Sudan independence and shouted slogans for separation during a government sponsored pro-unity rally in Khartoum on Saturday.

Organized by the National Organization for the Support of Unity and Referendum, the pro-unity rally gathered over 2000 people who shouted slogans supporting Sudan’s unity and denounced an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir over genocide and war crimes in Darfur.

The unity rally, meant to show the visiting UN Security Council delegation the popular support for President Bashir and display Sudanese attachment to preserve the unity of the country. Khartoum accuses some western governments of supporting separation.

Pro-unity supporters asked pro-independence group to leave and shouted them. The riot police intervened, after the clash between the two camps, against the pro-separation group and used batons to disperse them and arrested some.

Yasir Arman SPLM deputy secretary general, commenting the incident, called to provide an opportunity for the both camps to express their views. He further said the repression of separation supporters is breaching the essence of the right of self determination.

Arman further told Sudan Tribune that he held a meeting with some SPLM officials in the national government and parliament including Bol Lwal Wang, State Minister at the Ministry of Justice, who asked the attorney general to release the detained protesters.

“This evening all the arrested were released except one,” Arman said.



  • Akot Deng
    Akot Deng

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    there is a saying,< bit what you can chew> we all know very well that its the right of our compatriotes in the north to execrise there support for seperation but the ground is not well level for the political competion to kick off, i think those Southerners in the north are truely nationalists but we are also worried of hindering their lives from the greed Arabs, therefore the playing ground was first decided to be in the South so we call upon our Southerners in the North to be tacticle until the reach the political beach in the South.


    Aurelio Akot Deng

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    Dear South Sudanese,

    The warning against South Sudanese living in Khartoum by the Information Minister last 2 weeks, has been stepped up by police and Northerners.
    But we South Sudanese living here are ready to be the first martyrs for our freedom. Never ever can we keep quite to hide our rights for the fear of being killed or so. We must stand up and fight for our rights to the end, till the fat lady sings.

    Malou Manyiel
    South Sudanese student in Khartoum


    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    Its not adviceable for people to fight now. niether secession nor unity has happen for people to fight!! I think both sides have rights to fight when irregularities or anything that hampers the rsult of the referandum happened.

  • Chuanga-enoor.

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    First of all i dont want to hear the exception, i want them be release all becoz the one who remain in prison will not be seen again here in Sudan.

    Thanks to my fellow patriotist South sudanese who demand and demonstrate for separation in the centre of the enemy line, though you are limited in numbers those 2000 pro-unity supporters will enjoy ur recent suffering after referrandum, they dont know what they are doing as Jesus Christ said to those Plastinians who killed Jesus. We have to face so many challeges, we have to pass very deep deep valleys to reach our independent South Sudan.
    We must not give up the agonies we face, we must suffer hard as we seen our patriotic South Sudanese Salva Kiir and P,agan wene Amuom have been doing , Speaking Insight without fear.
    Fearing has done nothing to South Sudanese of 1956-1975.
    thanks brothers Our Almighty God will always be with South Sudanese anywhere in this world.
    Augustino Agog from Malou.

  • humanbeing

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    i am so proud for southerner who are stood up for the indepedent of their new nation, however, many of them put thier life in high risk, because therefore is no freedom of expression or no freedom speech, i think that is why many southerner prepare indepedent so that, they will live in a nation free of restriction. since Britain left the country, no freedom has been enjoy by southerner and other part of Sudan. it is now a choice for the people of South to exercise their in a free nation. New Nation ooyee

  • makuei

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    Yes Southern Brethren. Go! Go! Go! Mobilize and aware your fellow brothers who are still hesitant. Make them know the importance of us having a Country where no one will treat us as Second Class citizens.
    Do not be afraid, hold your heads high. Make Bashir know that we are fed up with him.


  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    Let pro- unity not play the first bullet will be fired inside Khartoum which will be more worst then that of Dr. Khalil of Darfur.
    watch out the clock is ticking to zero hours.

  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    Arresting Pro- Separation is the enough evident that Bashir Gov,t is not interesting the unity. Why person is detained? Arman has to check on this person they may butchered him since it is the gov,t which is good in killing people. All Separation supporters are already to face any situation. let keeep eyes on Bashir gov,t.

  • Spla Commando
    Spla Commando

    Pro-secession and unity supporters clash in Sudanese capital
    ”Be Part of history vote for secession on the 9th Jan,2011
    send this to 10 people and win yourself Africa’s brand new Country”.


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