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Sudan Tribune

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1,000 demonstrate in Unity state for south Sudan’s referendum to be held on schedule

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

October 11, 2010 (BENTIU)- Over a thousand of youths, elders and women demonstrated in Unity state on 9 October demanding south Sudan’s referendum on possible succession be held on time.

Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai speaking with youth in Naivasha freedom square in Bentiu ahead of South Sudan referendum, 9 Oct. 2010 (ST)
Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai speaking with youth in Naivasha freedom square in Bentiu ahead of South Sudan referendum, 9 Oct. 2010 (ST)
The event was organised by the governing party of the autonomous region the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) who have ruled Sudan since a 2005 peace deal with the Khartoum government.

Local chief Tuonguar Kweynguong said, “the day is very importance for the future of Southern Sudanese Children”.

He advocated leaving the grievances of April’s bitterly fought election, which led to one southern general from the state taking up arms against the government.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the SPLM and Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party gave the south the opportunity vote on their future; to remain united with the north or secede to create a new country.

Kweynguong told the crowd that the referendum needed to be held on time.

He said that John Garang – the SPLM leader until he died in a helicopter crash after the 2005 peace deal – fought for the right of south Sudan to determine its future “leaving as the vision of SPLM in our hands”.

After Garang’s death southerners rioted in Khartoum and in towns in the south targeting northern Sudanese.

As tensions rise in the run up to the referendum Unity State authorities have called for communities to respect northern traders carrying out their business in the state.

A leading SPLM Youth leader in Unity state, Matiep Gatluok said the referendum is not the task of SPLM alone but involves all southern Sudanese.

He called on on young members of the SPLM to spread the awareness of the referendum due for 9 January 2011 to all citizens in southern Sudan.

The state minister of Information and Communication Gideon Gatpan Thaor urged citizens to vote in the self determination poll.

Thaor said at the beginning it was painful to us, and now we must have a solution for it in term of making our Youths promote awareness to the citizen.

A member of the SPLM Youth told Sudan Tribune that Unity state’s SPLM Youth members in Khartoum had condemned the NCP for not allowing them to demonstration in the capital on Saturday. A pro-separation group of 40 southern Sudanese were chased away from a pro-unity demonstration by police.

The National Congress Party criticized the pro-separation group for interrupting the demonstration, which they hoped would demonstrate support for President Bashir during the visit of the UN Security Council.

The Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai said the outcome south Sudan referendum is not a decision from the President of Sudan or the President of the Government of South Sudan but it is for the people of the south decide at the ballot box.

Gai urged Unity state citizens to decide wisely since this is a one off, which cannot be reversed. He promised to ensure security in the state during the referendum.

If the referendum was delayed Gai said the southern parliament would handle this accordingly referring to the scenario that legislators in Juba would vote on secession.

Such a universal declaration of independence has been described as a last resort by SPLM leadership.


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