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Sudan Tribune

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SLM leadership to hold a meeting in Paris on Darfur peace

October 11, 2010 (PARIS) — Paris based chairman of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) will hold a meeting for the leadership of his group in France to discuss peace in Darfur.

Darfurians hold a poster with a picture of SLM Darfuri rebel leader Abdel-Wahid Nur during the arrival of envoys and ambassadors from the UNSC at Juba Airport October 6, 2010 (Reuters)
Darfurians hold a poster with a picture of SLM Darfuri rebel leader Abdel-Wahid Nur during the arrival of envoys and ambassadors from the UNSC at Juba Airport October 6, 2010 (Reuters)
Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur, told Sudan Tribune today he will meet the leadership of his movement in Paris to discuss ways to reach a lasting peace in Darfur.

“We held a series of talks with the French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner during which I reiterated the commitment of the SLM to work for peace in Darfur, because we are peace lovers .”

“I also stressed the need to bring in the leading cadres of the SLM to discuss the political settlement of the conflict and to develop a joint position over peace in Darfur and the Sudan.”

Asked to elaborate on the agenda of this meeting, Nur said they will tackle on peace, security and humanitarian situations as well as the political developments in the country particularly southern Sudan referendum and the future of the country.

Regarding the date of the meeting, Al-Nur pledged to release soon further details about the event.

Since the failure of Abuja talks with the Sudanese government in May 2006, Al-Nur who is popular among Darfur IDPs refused to join any peace talks including the Doha sponsored process.

He however remained in close contact with the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole who meets him regularly.

Last month Kouchner and Bassole met Al-Nur in Paris and asked him to join the Doha peace process. He also held a meeting with the Qatari state minister for foreign affairs on July 8 where he pledged to consider joining the peace process but asked to press Khartoum on the security of Darfur civilians.

Speaking to the press on the margins of general assembly meeting in New York, earlier this month, Kouchner said France would not expel Al-Nur for his rejection to take part in the peace talks in Doha. “Do you want me to deliver him to Sudan,” the minister said.

The SLM refuses to hold peace negotiations with the government asking Khartoum to protect civilians and disarm janjaweed militias before to return the displaced civilians to their homeland.



  • Anyang

    SLM leadership to hold a meeting in Paris on Darfur peace
    Al-Nur should remain vigilant despite any tactical attempts from the enemy of Darfurian to sway him into accepting any premature negotiation at this point.


    SLM leadership to hold a meeting in Paris on Darfur peace
    Peace Must be discussed with staleholders in Sudan, which are; PEOPLE OF SOUTH SUDAN, PEOPLE OF DARFUR, BLUE NILE, NUMBA MOUNTAINS AND EASTERN SUDAN. Becaue peace with people of North Sudan is no real peace.The only thing Arabs in North have in minds is how to kill all African origins to empty Sudan from the black Africans.So its difficult to put the word peace in the mind of person who is designed only to kill???????????

  • telfajbago

    SLM leadership to hold a meeting in Paris on Darfur peace
    No negotiation with a genocide regime that continuing cleansing our people in Darfur; moreover, its next to impossible to make peace with war-minded criminals of National criminals party (NCP), today; those who signed peaces of positions with Khartoum are leaking their betrayal wounds after the regime attacked them.

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