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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur follow-up committee endorses plan for IDPs return

October 17, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Follow-up committee on Darfur peace, endorsed Sunday an initial plan related to the voluntary return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), the official SUNA reported.

Refugees who fled the conflict in Sudan's western Darfur region carry belongings home at dusk at Djabal camp near Gos Beida in eastern Chad, June 12, 2008 (Reuters)
Refugees who fled the conflict in Sudan’s western Darfur region carry belongings home at dusk at Djabal camp near Gos Beida in eastern Chad, June 12, 2008 (Reuters)

The plan was adopted in a meeting headed by Presidential Adviser Ghazi Salah Eddin Attabati who is in charge of Darfur file.

The return of Darfur displaced and refugees to their homeland is seen as cornerstone of a new strategy adopted by the Sudanese government on September 16 to achieve peace in the restive region.

However, in a recent interview published recently by Sudan Tribune, Ghazi said his government is still considering practical steps to implement this sensitive issue. He further stressed that IDPs inspirations and the diversity in their needs are considered and evaluated.

“All the delicate issues needing criteria such as ‘voluntary return’, ‘original homes’, ‘what compensation’, best options and interests of the groups of IDPs shall be considered and properly weighted into the sub-strategy,” he said.

The NCP leadership Council chaired by president Omer Al-Bashir is expected to hold tomorrow Monday a meeting to discuss the implementation of the new strategy for peace in Darfur.

Darfur rebels say they want to ensure the return of the IDPs and refugees to their homeland as Khartoum speaks about the resettlement of the displaced population.



  • telfajbago

    Darfur follow-up committee endorses plan for IDPs return
    How the genocidaire Ghazi Salah eldin calling his plan of forcible removal of the IDPs camps voluntary return? There can not be any voluntary return while the regime is mobilizing its Janjaweed militias to continue their crimes in Darfur. In a time the grim genocide by attrition in Darfur is entering its deadliest phase, as the regime is conducting its relentless attacks on villages in a calculated move to drive the innocent civilians into inhospitable areas where they die immediately throw humanitarian denial or into the camps where they will die slowly or attacks by the Janjaweed militias; yet and yet the hoodlum and war criminal Al-Attabani is calling his devilish plan a voluntary return.


    Darfur follow-up committee endorses plan for IDPs return
    The new plan is meant to cool down Darfur through Doha talks and prepare for South Sudan war. However; new developments came up after their UN made rebel Tegani Sessy is fired by his own people after being accused of vsisting Khartoum secretly from Doha. At lat people of Darfur from the very begining knew that National Congress Party was negociating itslef in Doha.

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