Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity State Council of Ministers agrees to fund students to study abroad

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

October 17, 2010 (BENTIU)- The Council of Ministers in Unity state on Friday approved funding to assist six students study outside Sudan.

A total of 40, ($16,885) will be distributed among southern University or colleges students studies in Kenya (20,000 SDG), Uganda (10,000 SDG) and Egypt (10,000 SDG).

Mr. Gideon Gatpan Thaor State Minister of Information and Communication told Sudan Tribune the purpose of the funds was to support student union affairs.

Thaor said that his government has already given two scholarships for two students to study their masters degree abroad.

One is attending Daystar University Nairobi and the other student studies in Metropolitans University in London United Kingdom.

Thaor said the state government has also announced it that it would pay the company.,which collects garbage in Bentiu town, 3SDG for each household they visit.




    Unity State Council of Ministers agrees to fund students to study abroad
    I doubt about this news. When did Nuer people know the benefit of Education? I know that those people who are given that scholarship are Nuer, but, however, I’m glad that when they finished their study, they will be rebels. There is a saying said that “a bird of the same feathers fly together”.

    By Augustino Deng. Jiech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Akuma

    Unity State Council of Ministers agrees to fund students to study abroad
    Dear Guys!

    Funds is not the matters, but what matters is that will they achieved their education and come with good degree in Sudan? There is no one who study outside Sudan had a good degree apart from late Dr. Garang in University of Califonia here in USA.

    Nobody who is fool to understand in education. May be due to some circumstances that make majority of them to delusive about education.

    Where many educators, there is many politicians that can sabotages the government policies and these always force people to form their rebellions.

    Let them study so that they can eradicate poverty and illiteray in tehir rregions.

    Well done mr. Minisiter for that good work.

    Dr. Akuma

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