Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed

October 19, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein became the most senior official from the National Congress Party (NCP) in control of the north, to explicitly suggest that the referendum in the South has to be moved back from its original date of January 9, 2011.

Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak (R) speaks with Sudan's Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein during their meeting at the presidential palace in Cairo October 19, 2010 (Reuters)
Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak (R) speaks with Sudan’s Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein during their meeting at the presidential palace in Cairo October 19, 2010 (Reuters)
“According to the reality on the ground, yes. Border issues and Abyei must be resolved within the framework of one nation because doing so in the framework of two countries open the door for foreign interference,” Hussein told reporters in Cairo following his meeting with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.

“The referendum is not a goal but a tool to consolidate and promote security and stability,” the top military official said and warned that his government will not recognize the South should they proceed with unilateral declaration of independence (UDI).

“This [UDI] is illegal and will not be recognized by the African Union or the other [organization] because it would contradict the peace agreement and its procedures” Hussein added.

Sudan has already announced that a simultaneous referendum in the oil-rich region of Abyei cannot be held as scheduled because of disagreements over who can vote. U.S. brokered talks in Ethiopia on the issue have failed to break the deadlock.

The two referenda were part of the 2005 peace agreement that ended a bloody 21-year civil war between Sudan’s mostly Muslim north and predominantly animist and Christian south. The agreement also set up a unity government in the capital, Khartoum, and an autonomous government in the south to rule until the southern referendum.

Nearly 2 million people died in Sudan’s civil war, one of the world’s bloodiest of the second half of the 20th century.

The Sudanese defense minister said that 80% of the North-South border demarcation is complete.

“The problem relates to less than 20 percent of the border region,” he noted, emphasizing “the necessity of… demarcating the borders to prepare the ground for the referendum, so there is no excuse for fighting in the future.”

But a Southern official was quick to dismiss the call for a postponement describing it as a “non-starter full of wishful thinking”.

Arop Madut Arop, the Abyei area legislator told Sudan Tribune in a phone interview on Tuesday that such remarks NCP officials especially at this critical time were simply “kicks from dying horses”.

“The national government was responsible for the enactment of the Referendum Act which was passed. They formed the southern Sudan Referendum Commission which is now operational. Apart from the other technical aspects that may be required, they have nothing to do with the smooth conduct of the January referendum,” Arop said.

He added, “Why don’t these people [national government] allow the referendum bureau headed by Justice Chan Reec to do its work normally? This is just interference.”

The UN’s top official in south Sudan told reporters on Tuesday that that the vote could still be held on time.

“We remain confident that the timeframe so far discussed, that we can deliver what is required,” said David Gressly, the regional controller in the south for the United Nations Mission in Sudan, responsible for monitoring the peace agreement.

“We do have the airlift capacity to do this,” he added. “However the commission does have to conclude on a number of decisions.”

In a related issue, the South African government said it would oppose any move to delay the referendum.

‘Business Day’ newspaper based in South Africa quoted the International Relations and Cooperation director-general Ayanda Ntsaluba as outlining this position.

Uma Julius from Juba contributed to this report



  • Gatwech

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    There will never be any delay in the conduct of the referendum, ya NCP. Your ill-intentioned political tactics have been uncovered long ago.

    The South alone will organize its referendum and invite you as observers together with the international community. Okay?

  • telfajbago

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Delaying the referendum for what?. Abdel-Rahim you had more than enough time to fix all these things, but intentionally refused to do, in order to leave a nude wire to take the Country back to square one. Southerners today are more united than ever, therefore try to sabotage the referendum and you will see.


    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    For whose sake, CPA is clear like a sun!!! Thsi guy is bringing impossibles to legalize their war against South of Sudan.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    If Abyei referendum will not take place in the same day with the referendum in other parts of the south,NCP National Criminal Party want to bring people back for war,let us southerners be more wise in dealing with this issue.

  • Junior de maber
    Junior de maber

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Mr.Hussien, Don’t think you can make a coup de’tact when we are seeing you. You must put in mine that Sudanese of today are not like Yesterday Sudanese. we know what it means by waging war.

    You are either from Jahili or Shagiah Arabs’tribe, what ever you pronounce.However, how many are you? Don’t you know that all the Sudanese are tired of your regime?

    No one is not aware about your moves, and be warned that this war will either be the expulsion of Arabs out of Sudd-black Land.

    Therefore, I Called up on the Durfur’s Rebells,Eastern Sudan’s NDA,Kharthuom liberation Front-(KLF)

    which are gearing up for operations at any time from now, with in Kharthuom premises and the over all SPLA to Jion up and face the their common enemy in the center to aviod the evil character of Mr. Bashier and Hussine because their NCP/NIF is life rule or from the office to the grave-ICC.

  • Akuma

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Mr. Minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed;

    This Referendum is different from Addis Abbaba agreement of 1972, which was alter by Nimieri regime and you will not fool Southerners again like 1970’s.
    Southern Sudan referendum will be done on time whether your government of Bashir like it or not. Referendum never involved Islamisation or Arabisation of those of Hosni Mubarak.

    Southerners have well qualified politicians that can speak the voice of Southerners’ rights. So, hope no from uniting with Southerners again next year regarless of your statement “The referendum is not a goal but a tool to consolidate and promote security and stability”. which securites and stability are proistify to us since Darfur and Eastern Sudan are still suffering due to your mastific government.

    if you think, it not a goal to you, it is to Southerners.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Odongi Ayahu
    Odongi Ayahu

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Hahaha Arab man, your misrule is crumbling under your feet. The south will follow strict legal rules to walkway from bigotry. We shall not follow what Sudan did in 1956 through UDI.

    The border demarcations had already been done by the colonial empire (Aglo-Egyptians). Your UDI of 1956 inherited those border limits. CPA which was signed by NCP strong man Ali Osman confirmed those limits in article III. You can deny but the ink on the paper will never be rubbed out.

    Abyei issue is crystal clear, read Abyei Appendix that says understanding on Abyei Boundaries Commission. Reads; upon signature, and notwithstanding article 5.1 of the Protocol on Abyei, there shall be established by the parties Abyei boundaries commission to define and demarcate the area of the NINE Ngok Dinka Chiefdoms transferred to Kordonfan in 1905, referred to herein as Abyei area.

    1. Were the Messeria Arabs transferred in 1905 from Bahr el Ghazel?
    2. Are the Messeria Arabs supposed to decide on referendum whether to join the South or North?
    3. Is the South Sudan to include Arabs in their backyards and is the referendum to be exercising meaningful if the Messeria Arabs to enter through manhole?

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Dear Southerners,
    I it is good that NCP is still releasing irrelevants words so as to make unity less attractive. These words make us more aware of Arab idealogies that they are seeing us as second class citizens, but soon or later they will be smiling or discuss our issues. We are praying that God will keep this environments of peace among our intellectuals and leaders to take us to promise land. We don’t need unity by force and gossings what ever it may cost. What good things have they(Arab) done for us? but the bad things are common knowledge.
    God help us!!!!!!

  • Junior de maber
    Junior de maber

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Mr.Hussien, Don’t think you can make a coup de’tact when we are seeing you. You must put in mine that Sudanese of today are not like Yesterday Sudanese. we know what it means by waging war.

    You are either from Jahili or Shagiah Arabs’tribe, what ever you pronounce.However, how many are you? Don’t you know that all the Sudanese are tired of your regime?

    No one is not aware about your moves, and be warned that this war will either be the expulsion of Arabs out of Sudd-black Land.

    Therefore, I Called up on the Durfur’s Rebells,Eastern Sudan’s NDA,Kharthuom liberation Front-(KLF)

    which are gearing up for operations at any time from now, with in Kharthuom premises and the over all SPLA to Jion up and face the their common enemy in the center to aviod the evil character of Mr. Bashier and Hussine because their NCP/NIF is life rule or from the office to the grave-ICC.

  • Mr. Peace Maker!
    Mr. Peace Maker!

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    Mr. Minister Abdel Rahim! Your talk with Egyptian President is not what is published here. Since Southerners are now determined to their freedom, you have gone to President Hussein Mubarak to seek for military support which we are monitoring. Egyptians should not attempt any move of support to this inevitable cessation. The best option for you to do is to stop SAF from deploying its troops to the Border. Because, you are not defending the country but causing insecurity.
    See what your men did last week in Abiyei town.

    Better allow our rights to self determination then beg for survival from the Southerners including Egypt by bilateral relations. If you are deaf to this advise, I’m sorry you can go for your doom.

    Abyei’s referandum should take place as stipulated in CPA. No dot to be altered.
    Last general election was done accordingly. SPLM had requested for a change of the date, Bashir threatened “No referendum to be held” if the date of election is changed. We are not accepting the reguest. If a change of the 2 referenda is done, our SSLA will go for UDI and all the African Countries, and the International Community will be happy to welcome us. This is the fact for u to know please try to get shock obsorber earlier so that you are not caught an aware.

    Peace maker

  • Makol Dhal
    Makol Dhal

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    You laugh for no good reasons,first you are not active politician to comment in such a field, second you are not member to the presidency to suggest a decision on this issue. It is known that you are increasing the troops deployment inside South tretory that is a clear violention of security arrangement and you must be responsible for it. misuse and messing in your job and go for interference to other people jobs. my dream is telling me that he will not be minister for more than one year.

  • Kur

    Sudan says referendum may need to be postponed
    I do not think anybody has a gut to delay the vote. This is not a joking matter, so that everyone would come up with nonsense any time. They gotta shut up. South Sudan will arrange her own vote. You can come and observe if you want.


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