Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Thanks USA , keep the pressure on Khartoum

By Isaiah Abraham

October 24, 2010 — As expected, the Americans place in the world will always be an envious threat to those who want to oppress and keep others down. The terrorist groups to be exact are making no mistake of going against anything American. The hysteria that has gripped the Northern political players, and on top the Islamists, has something to do with Uncle Sam effort to stop any mad team from finishing off defenceless people across the world. Sudan is that one example of how a helpful hand of a big brother could uplift the spirit of the oppressed and humiliated other human beings in any other part of the globe. As things stand, the American government has done so much in the Sudan such that the tide leading to referendum for both in the South and Area of Abyei in January 2011 is almost impossible to be reversed.

The top USA diplomat at the United Nations, Ms Suzan Rice, nonetheless staggered and poorly fumbled and should retract herself. She released just an opinion we all know, but that was too much an opinion from a powerful diplomat like Rice.But the timely intervention by General Scott Gration, the US Envoy for Sudan, Samantha Power for Multilateral Affairs (USA) and Jonnie Carson, the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs was mellifluous to our ears. No delay of the two Sudanese referenda in January, they affirmed. I heard Khartoum before the intervention, especially hardliners, praising the United States of America for the first time since they came to power through a coup de tat in June 30, 1989. The numinous group (Islamists) thought the suggested delay by Ms Rice will give them another breathing lifeline to strategize further on ways to scuttle the process leading to independence of Southern Sudan/Abyei.Fortunately the internal and external voices for peaceful disengagement of the two regions (South/Abyei and the North) have remained loud and active.

I have a feeling that the President of the Republic and Ustaz Ali Osman Mohamed Taha (The Second Sudanese Vice President) are under intense siege from hardliners on the need to do away with the CPA self-determination. The idea of uniting the Sudanese regions by force or proxy is one serious card the Islamists are selling to Egypt, Libya and the entire Arab countries in the Middle East. But the United States wasted no time through her smart team headed by a doyen and brilliant lady (Ms Samantha) to allay real fears from the mouth of an influential character like Ms Rice. Khartoum quickly capitalized on it. No one knows what has become of her dusk she has created. She never showed up during the triumvirate interview, and questions trail the argument thereafter.

Now, the USA must sustain the pressure on Khartoum, because our ‘brothers’ in Khartoum will always find an excuse to disown the work of their hands. It will not be a surprise to have another trouble between the North and the South/Abyei if the process leading to referendum in January is maliciously stalled.

President Al Bashir, however, has proven himself to be a man of peace and of faith. He never wavered during trying times from within his circles during the interim period, but that can change in an instant. Our people want peaceful divorce between the North of the Sudan and the South/Abyei. He understood us well. Unity project has no place in the heart of our people. That is not cynical or bane to wedge a rift between the two emerging nations. The fact is that nothing will stop the march by the people of Southern Sudan and Abyei to freedom in January 2011, whether Khartoum is willing to support it or not. The Americans are hereby commended for reading the minds of our people.

The remark therefore by Ms Suzan Rice about postponement of the Southern/Abyei referendums to sort out border demarcation issues and Messiriya was unnecessary. The two peace partners have pledged to go by January date despite challenges of demarcating the border between the two emerging countries.Discussions are on-going (albeit slow) on few elements of disagreement on the border issue, why push the date back under such realities?On Abyei, the CPA book and The Hague have exhausted differences related on who’s who there, and who should vote in the Abyei referendum. It would have been time for Abyei Referendum, not about Messiriya participation in that exercise. They aren’t voting and what Dediery Mohamed Ahmed (the NCP man) says doesn’t hold water. The USA should make efforts to diffuse quickly the tension in the region of Abyei. The issues there are clear: the demarcation of Abyei areas and the preparation for the Abyei Referendum Commission to conduct a peaceful referendum. The other side wants Messiriya rights to be juxtaposed in an already discussed and finalized matter. What a joke!

The USA needs to stop Khartoum from striking us in Abyei. Our President, Salva Kiir Mayardit is still pleading for peaceful resolution of any outstanding differences between the two regions (the North and the South). The USA has a moral responsibility to rescue the country from another renewed of violence. The South (Azania Republic) is trying to pick up pieces and should be left alone to recuperate from ages of unrest.This doesn’t mean that our people can stand by when aggressed like now in Abyei.

Internally though we must support the external efforts, and Nyakuron Conference for unity of our leaders was a starting place for our togetherness. Renegades and murderers must think again and listen to the voice of wisdom from our leader Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Long live USA! Long live Azania people! Long live President Al Bashir! Victory is certain!

Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; he’s reachable on [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Gatwech

    Thanks USA , keep the pressure on Khartoum
    Thanks professor Isaiah Abraham for the bold emphasis and compliment in your excellent article.

    USA, thank you alot for the great support you provide to the referendum process. Khartoum’s Bashir should be told with you holding a stick on his face, and not carrot on his nose, that the referenda in South Sudan and Abyei must be conducted in a free, fair and transparent atmosphere on 9th January 2011 without any one minute delay.

    They signed for it in Naivasha, Kenya, and should implement it fully and timely!

    May God bless America!

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