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Sudan Tribune

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No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says

October 29, 2010 (JUBA) — Marial Benjamin Bill, a minister of information and broadcasting services in the government of south Sudan on Friday dismissed claims that leaders of the regional government are divided and that they have started forming tribal establishments, months into referendum vote.

Salva Kiir interviewed by Al-Sudani journalist Rofayda Yassen (photo Al-Sudani)
Salva Kiir interviewed by Al-Sudani journalist Rofayda Yassen (photo Al-Sudani)

The minister, who called for press conference to respond to the publication made by Khartoum based Al Sudani newspaper, said there is no divisions among political leaders and in the government of southern Sudan.

According to Al-Sudani, Salva Kiir Sudan’s First Vice President and President of southern Sudan government, in a long interview with him conducted during his presence in capital, accused Riek Machar of working to strengthen his weight inside the government of the semi-autonomous region.

“There are no divisions among political leaders in South Sudan in general let alone allegations that there is division in the government and people of Southern Sudan. Political leaders, both in and outside the government are united and moving together towards the referendum with one purpose: self-determination,” said Marial.

“I want would like to inform you ladies and gentlemen of the press that the president was quoted out of context on a number of issues following an interview with journalists in Khartoum recently,” said the minister.

Marial, however, confirmed that the interview did take place but said he wanted to set the record straight on a number of issues on which the President was misquoted.

Al Sudani alleged that there is disunity within ranks and files of the government of south Sudan leadership, especially between president Kiir and his vice President Riek Machar Teny. Al Sudani claimed to have heard about this division from “the streets”. Which streets and why pick on reports from the streets instead of coming to the relevant authorities for verification and clarifications, asked the minister.

He asserted that government of south Sudan with the people are currently more united than any than time in the past and that the Vice-President is unequivocal in his support of the government and the President.. He explained that vice president Machar has been working together with the other leaders to cement this unity as exemplified by his leadership role during the recent South-South dialogue. “We are united and are moving together as one body,” said Marial.


The minister further added that the same Al Sudan alleged that President Kiir declared that South Sudan would establish diplomatic relations with Israel if it becomes an independent state after the referendum.

According to the daily newspaper Kiir said Israel is the enemy of Palestinians and not Southerners, so when the southern Sudan proclaims its independence it would establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

“This is not correct. This is not the president has said. What the president said was that South Sudan has no enemies and will be free to form mutually-beneficial relations with any nation in the interest of its people. The president did not mention anything to do with Israel. He never uttered name “Israel” while being interviewed, clarified minister Marial.

The statements allegedly attributed to Salva Kiir were extensively echoed by the Arab media outlets which denounced the pro-Israeli position of the southern Sudanese leader.

Denying another report by Al-Rai Al-Aam daily claiming that Israeli intelligence (Mossad) is training the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the minister wondered how a foreign intelligence agency can train what he termed as “national army” in reference to the SPLA.

He said that these reports seem to be aimed at portraying Southern Sudan as a possible hostile state which will give Israel a pedestal from which to infiltrate the Arab world.

He, however, explained that South Sudan will be free to establish diplomatic relations with any country in the world if it secedes from rest of the Sudan in the upcoming vote self determination for people of the region.

If South Sudan becomes independence state, Juba “will be free to establish diplomatic relations as it deems fit,” said minister Marial, wondering why some people seem concerned with the possibility of a new state having diplomatic relations with Israel yet several other countries in the region and even in the Arab world.

Arab world countries like Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco just to name a few, have established strong ties and relations with Israel. “What is special about South Sudan if it decides to establish diplomatic relations with her if the relationship would be for interest of the people of south Sudan,” he asked.

Urging media to uphold the tenets of professional journalism, he said his government will not take any punitive actions against Al Sudani because it guarantees freedom of expression.

The minister who also urged journalists, both local and international, to follow the right procedures and respect protocols when seeking audience with leaders, explained that the said interview should have been conducted by the Editor-in-Chief and not a junior reporter as it was the case of Al-Sudani journalist.



  • Luke Chuol
    Luke Chuol

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    To Reader

    I am wondering where is Mr President and what is he is saying now after all this? No supprise to me though to see Dr Salva Kirr coming very strong criticize Dr Riek who works days and nights to make sure that self-determination will take place.

    Why Marial? to come out and explained about what has been said? where is Mr, Dr Kirr? Let him clarified his mess he is the one who was interviewed and he knows what he said and what he did not said

    O.M. G but no supprise


  • Anyang

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    No doubt, some like Mr hyena-Vp are working day and night to clinched to power to feed their babies instead of working for the interest of the yet to be born nation and they should be stop soon rather than later.

    To Mr president,keep your eye open and keep doing the good jobs for our people and you will definitly be honoured come the day.

    Any agent of confusion, who dare to stire-up chaos,unrest and the likelihood of back to square one for the sake of their own selfishness will surely be brought to a complete halts once for for all.

  • Bol Bol
    Bol Bol

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    Both Kiir and Riek have other crucial issues to focus on. The fact that Marial has already to respond to this allegation should be enough.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    Do worry readers.

    This is the habit of the Arab journalist.They are known world wide of changing statements and even pictures on the media.

    Shame on the Al Sudan news paper.

    The paper deserve to be sue to court.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    Point of correction!

    I meant ,do not worry readers.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says
    The bottle can injure the person ,but if you ask it ,it can not tell you the reasson why injure the person ,because it did not hearing and understtand.
    This accussation is very painfull to me,but nothing happen, but the court should there .

    Thank by AAAMEN
    IN UK

  • Luke Chuol
    Luke Chuol

    No divisions in South Sudan government, minister says

    You just a another Hidden of the fact somewhere. Where is Dr Kirr himself? why doesn’t he come out and tell us the truth? You just jump on by saying something that has nothing to do with this article or what-so-over

    Go back and talk to Kirr before jumping up and down


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