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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum

October 31, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s National Congress Party (NCP) has denied reaching any deal with its peace partner the SPLM allowing to hold the southern Sudan referendum before to finalize border demarcation.

Sudan presidential assistant Ibrahim Ghandour (Aljazeera)
Sudan presidential assistant Ibrahim Ghandour (Aljazeera)

Southern Sudan leader, Salva Kiir Mayadrit said this week in a controversial interview with the Khartoum based Al-Sudani newspaper that the NCP agreed in a meeting held last Friday to conduct the referendum on South Sudan independence before to demarcate the disputed border.

The northern Sudan ruling party stressed in different occasions that north south border should be demarcated before the run of southern Sudan independence vote, while the southern Sudan SPLM says difference on border can be handled after the referendum.

Reacting to Kiir’s statements, the head of NCP political secretariat Ibrahim Ghandour told reporters in Khartoum that the demarcation of border remains a very important issue. He further added that the presidency agreed only to complete the demarcation of undisputed area (Eastern Sector) but there was no agreement on the run of referenda before to finalize the border demarcation.

A joint committee headed by Salah Gosh and Pagan Amum should meet on Monday to discuss the disputed border, he further said.

The Sudanese presidency said in a statement released following a meeting last Friday attended by the president and his two deputies it agreed to complete the demarcation of the Eastern Sector and to delimit the undisputed areas in the Central and Western Sectors.

The two parties of 2005 peace agreement failed to resolve their differences on Abyei referendum and post referenda issues inducing border demarcation, Sudan’s debit, troops redeployment.

The presidency in a bid to overcome these divergences agreed to define a “common vision” on the future of north-South relations after the vote on independence and to settle the outstanding issues accordingly.

The US special envoy Scott Gration, who brokers Addis Ababa discussions over Abyei and outstanding issues met Sunday with Galal Al-Dogair, minister of international cooperation and leading member in Abyei committee.

Al-Dogair told the official SUNA that the meeting dealt with the outstanding issues and Abyei and ways to secure successful round of talks on these matters. He further pointed out they reached some progress on Abyei referendum commission and border demarcation.



  • Chuanga-enoor.

    Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum
    These are delaying tactics, the NCP is not interesting in holding the referandum of south sudan and Abyei on time, they are delaying it in order latter they will say CPA is not Quran or Ingil ( Bible). Dear NCP let the referandum be done first because you have waisted time since without doing anything to demarcate the border. there is no enough time now to demarcate the borders hahaha we will not fight you after our separation i know that’s why you are fearing holding the referandum without ultimate demarcation of borders.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum
    NCP and SPLM seem to have run out of vocabulary of politic. couple of days SPLM denied report by news paper about interview with persident of south sudan and today NCP deny deal of border.This time SPLM does not need to fight NCP in the border or in Abyei.There are sons of poor citezens in unfrom there.

    NCP in perlament in Kahtoum. I would like to see Salva Kiir and Omar Al bashair and members of perlament start war in perlament there if you want to go back to war. There is no need of denying,denying and want innonces to be victimes of violences.

  • Lion Son
    Lion Son

    Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum
    Bullet, bullets yes, baking dog make the hyena and lion disappear from attacking the demostics animals and whoever dig the hole will fall into it and the one who rolls the stones will have it rolls back on it.

    NCP, let me aware you that, this is a new Sudan (Jinub) with new generations, new ideas and new tactics of defeating the noisemakers. It is every big liar that cannot required an answer, what is the connection between the referedum and border demarcation?

    Please, please, don’t spoils the CPA in such a way, Southerners doesn’t fear a wild dog. Do whatever you like and we shall be therefore defend ourselves in ready everything affecting us.

    Big Lion

  • Samir mahmoud
    Samir mahmoud

    Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum
    You and your party have led us into this ,our country is falling apart,the SPLM left us now and recoiled into the South,we shall not surrender,we shall also call for a referandum in the North,and the world will know whether the people of the North support you or not.

  • mass

    Sudan reiterates border demarcation should be done before referendum
    The Khartoum rogues by no means are dishonest and habitual liars. Right now they are in disarray and completely making desperate statement in hope of stopping the unstoppable boat which carries the people of south Sudan towards self-autonomy. This NCP official and others like him are ignorants who deserve derison from anyone with an investigative mind and mental equipment that can probe their derranged minds full of shallow thinking and evil deires. Simply speaking, SPLM are being objective throuthout the peace process with the NCP and NCP are what they are well known for being;subjective.

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