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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and LJM rebels to sign peace agreement before 19 December

November 3, 2010 (DOHA) — Sudanese stakeholders participating in the Doha peace talks on Darfur conflict will sign a peace agreement before the 19th December, said a press statement released by the mediation on Monday.
Sudan's government representative Ghazi Salah Eddin Atabani, left, and rebel leader El-Tijani El-Sissi sign the truce documents in Doha Thursday March 18, 2010 (AP)
Sudan’s government representative Ghazi Salah Eddin Atabani, left, and rebel leader El-Tijani El-Sissi sign the truce documents in Doha Thursday March 18, 2010 (AP)
Sudanese government and rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) ended direct negotiations and concluded discussions at the level of the steering committee over political agreement to end the seven-year conflict in Darfur. The outcome of the negotiations is now delivered to the mediation which will seek to reconcile the positions of the two parties on the outstanding issues including the power sharing and justice and reconciliation files. Before to sign the peace agreement in the period between the 14th and the 19th December, the mediation will conduct wide consultations with the “all stakeholders” including the rebel groups who are not part of the negotiations and the regional and international partners. The mediation then will submit to the two parties “a synthesis of the negotiations containing consensus proposals on the outstanding issues,” said a statement released Monday by Qatar State Minister for foreign affairs, Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud and the Joint Chief Mediator, Djibril Bassole. Asked to react to this timetable, the head of LJM negotiating team Tadjadine Bechir Niam said much have been achieved on all the files and they are keen to sign the peace agreement. However he stressed that “the signing of a peace agreement depends on the concessions that Khartoum will make on the power sharing and justice”. LJM rebels demand a vice-presidency for Darfur region and the establishment of one region in Darfur. Presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Eddin Attabani arrived today to Doha where he is expected to discuss with the mediation and LJM rebels a number of proposals dealing with the outstanding issues. Unconfirmed reports say the ruling National Congress Party might accept to concede the position of vice-president to the rebels but will seek to keep the three states in Darfur. On the justice and reconciliation file, the rebels ask to amend the existing laws in a way to enable the Sudanese justice to try those accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the past years in Darfur. but the government seems reluctant to g. They also want Khartoum to evacuate all the government militias from the region in order to avoid any troubles in the future by the same groups who are more and more uncontrollable. The mediation announced it will prepare the final peace agreement after the end of the first week of December. It will also hold two meetings, one for Afro Arab ministerial committee and the other for Sudan’s special envoys from USA, Russia, China, France, Britain and the EU. Attached is the full text of the timetable released by the mediation (ST) Timetable for Finalization of the Darfur Peace Process in Doha

Attached documents


  • Akuma

    Sudan and LJM rebels to sign peace agreement before 19 December
    Darfur peace has become the song being sung by the world leaders, why do Darfur peace fail since the negotiation process long time. I don’t trust those mediation leaders who make such Timetable for Finalization of the Darfur Peace Process in Doha
    November- December 2010
    No. Item Date
    Submission of the outcome of the Steering Committee’s
    work to the Mediation.

    2nd November
    Preparation of negotiation’s outcome by the Mediation.

    2nd – 8th November
    Presentation of the negotiation’s outcome to the Parties.
    9th November
    Consensus on the negotiation’s outcome.

    9th – 10thNovember
    Consultations with all Stakeholders (other Movements,
    civil society within and outside the Sudan, IDPS &
    refugees, political forces, international community)

    10th November-6th December
    Holding of International Technical Workshop on Darfur
    for consultations with the Mediation (Afro–Arab
    Ministerial Committee, African Union, UN, League of
    Arab States, OIC and other international partners).
    Discussing the issue of Implementation Modalities and
    Timeframe (last week of November).
    8- Evaluation of the entire consultations.
    9- Preparation of the Final Agreement Document.

    7th –13thDecember
    Meeting of their Excellencies the Ministers members of
    the Afro-Arab Ministerial Committee and meeting of the
    E6 Special Envoys for the Sudan.

    14th to19thDecember
    Fixing Date of Final Signature.

    Let wait and see whether the timetable being follow by mediators properly.

    Dr. Akuma

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