Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says

November 4, 2010 (JUBA) – Southern Sudanese citizens are not being allowed medical treatment in north Sudan unless they promise to vote for unity in the upcoming referendum on the region’s full independence from the north, according to an official of south Sudan’s ruling party.

The Secretary of Information, Culture and Communication for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) which governs south Sudan, Bol Makueng, told reporters on Thursday that he had received reports that southern Sudanese in the north would only receive medical treatment in hospitals after promising doctors to vote for unity.

“People are intimidated and asked whether they would vote for separation or unity during the referendum”, said Makueng, who was speaking at the headquarters of the SPLM’s secretariat in Juba, the capital of south Sudan.

Makueng claimed that some of the returnees had reported that patients from South Sudan seeking treatment in the North were now being asked whether they want to vote for unity or secession before they are given treatment.

Tension is heightening in the run-up to a referendum vote in January 2011 on whether the semi-autonomous region of south Sudan should secede from the north. According to most observers, a south Sudan vote for secession is all but certain.

There have been concerns in the local media that southerners living in the north might suffer reprisal attacks if the region chooses to break away. In August 2010, south Sudan announced a plan to organize mass return of its citizens residing in the north to the south.

According to Makueng, southerners are deserting Khartoum and flocking to their homeland in large numbers, and of their own volition.

“Our internally displaced people still in the north are increasingly leaving for the south everyday in the northern cities on their own. I have been told that in one single hour, 90 buses and 38 trucks leaves Khartoum for South Sudan” he declared.

Makueng said that if this exodus continues at the same rate it means there will be no registration centers in north Sudan because the number of southern population will be less than 100.000. “The Referendum Act says that a centre should be created for a population of 20,000 people,” he said.

Some officials from north Sudan recently made remarks suggesting that southerners staying in the north after secession would lose citizenship rights, with one minister suggesting that southerners would not even receive a “needle” at hospitals.

Last month the U.S. based Carter Center monitoring the referendum, stressed that Sudan’s leaders must ensure that the rights of southerners in the north and northerners in the south are safeguarded.

“As Sudanese citizens, irrespective of the outcome of the referendum, they deserve the protection of the state, assurances of their citizenship, and unequivocal commitments that they will not be expelled in the wake of the referendum.

“A lack of adequate accurate information in the public sphere could result in the spread of rumors and misinformation, creating anxiety or even endangering the process,” it said



  • Apalangorok

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    That is a good dicission from courages southernese who make up there mind to come home. In your homeland you are free forever. Come back brothers and sister before you subjected to all types cruel.

  • Anyang

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    That’s aclear wakeup call for Southern Sudanese citizen to quickly relocated back to Southern Sudan or Juba.


    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    Dear southerners is it good for you to force to unity? how long have we been togather with them in unity? what have we benefit or what have we got from them.Dear mum,dad,sisters and brothers plan for the future of your children but not yourselves for your life is devastated by one whom you want to seek unity.Arabs to be in unity with them!!!!!!!!!! sorry no way.we are brothers but seek my independent.south sudan independent oyeeeeeee.SPLA foreward and we are after SPLA………


    Our father who art in heaven hallow be the name of south Sudan, the independent of south Sudan comes as it is planned it .Given us this year for our independent as you those refuse the independent of south Sudan and lead us not into unity but deliver us out of Arabs suppression as Moses lead his people out of Egypt Amen.

  • telfajbago

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    The Genocidaires of Khartoum regime are now behaving like wounded buffalos. While the fugitive indicted President Al-Bashir giving the media lip service that “the secession of South Sudan is not the end of the universe”. But deep down in their hearts they not it; it’s their unfortunate end; therefore; they will retaliate. So my advice to my fellow country men and women of South Sudan residing in the north, to hurry home before the ax of the referendum fall on the northerners.

  • emadven

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    For all my Southern Sudanese brothers and sisters. we can settle our differences later on. let this be the time of Exodus. our people need to move South.. So contact any of your relatvies living in Khartoum to leave before it’s too late. let us leave that desert land alone and move the the South. Let the self determination be felt by all. call your relatvies email facebook what ever you got to do encourage them to leave the north and move to the South. any city town.. that way we won’t feel sorry if those people decide to comit genocide on our people latter on..???

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    Is this what our people waiting to witness in Khartoum and other major Northern towns to be humiliated as if they do not have a state of their own? I deeply ask God to let Northern Sudanese redoubt their effort in mistreating Southern Sudanese (provide they do not hurm them) so that they reconsider their stay in Khartoum. Our people have been told several times that Northern Sudan is no longer safer for them to call a home since day one of CPA. They should really return back to their motherland, Southern Sudan.

    My warning message to all my fellow Southerners living in Khartoum and Northern Sudan in general is, go back home. Home is home no matter how destitute it is. Better for one to live in peace under extreme destitution than to stay in riches uncomfortably.

    Young Nation is a BA student at The University Of Queensland, Australia

  • Biliu

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    I always wondering, North treading our people as garbage and at the same time pledging to promote for unity, what UNITY they are talking about..? It’s good to know their ill-intentions against our people as earlier as it’s now, so that the SSG will take the measure precautions to insure safe return for our people. ..North never consider us [Southerners] as citizens anyway; all they care about are our resources, knowing they are going to lose them on 9/01/2011 making them behave like mad dogs!

  • Akuma

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    There is no better place like your home, your home, your destiny. Anyway, they have decide to come to home in order to received good medication.

    You all know Sudan government is after military development to threaten Southern Sudan referendum, that why they neglect its citizens.

    Southern Sudan government is there for you.

    Dr. Akuma

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    Dear my fellows southerners who are still dwelling in the North pleases be aware for the treatment you receives on daily basis in hands of doctors in the north it was utterly ugly at this time for you to seeks medication in Khartoum “because these people are really desperate to do whatever necessary to suit their needs on the matter of facts that you want to seperate from them with abundence of resourcse in your land.

    As a references to understands that Arabs in the world are fearless people to respect GOD look here what this guy called Saed el azize Ahme Peslestinian doctor working in children hospital in Libya done in 2004 by poisoned 100 children with HIV aids blood samples after he had been detected and they do have motto word of their brotherhood.

    Please be prepares to leave within a week no matter whereever you are in the north or whatever you have in the north to save the life and safety of your brothers and sisters in the south.

    Kur William Kur in Bentiu.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    Well this is the ripe time for the humanitarian organizations to bring out all southerns in the north willing to come back home.

  • Joseph Dut Gak
    Joseph Dut Gak

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says

    That is the ill feeling of the northern part government in Khartoum and that has pave the ways for separation nobody can accept
    Such condition and vote for unity because we re not treated there free of charge.there re more option against those foolishly .


  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Southerners asked to vote for unity before receiving medical treatment in the north, official says
    Those of north they are messup in khartum,The Government of north are doing crime in khartum how come to tell the patient or the people for say that vote for unity and the doctor will give medicine,if there the court, they must be taken .

    Thank by Unity state boy
    in Nairobi university

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