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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 5, 2010 (JUBA) – The government of the semi autonomous region of south Sudan (GoSS) on Friday rejected an Egyptian proposal calling for a delay to the conduct of the upcoming self determination referendum in south Sudan.

Barnaba Marial Benjamin (ST)
Barnaba Marial Benjamin (ST)
The referendum is the culmination of a six year peace agreement between Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the former southern-based rebel movement the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), who have governed the south since 2005.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune in the regional capital of Juba on Thursday, Marial Benjamin Bil, minister of information and broadcasting services said the vote on self determination would on go ahead as planned because both parties had agreed to it.

“The two parties have already agreed to conduct [the] referendum on time. It has been discussed and announced several times. The last presidency meeting also reiterated the conduct of referendum on time. So, there is no delay here,” said the minister.

The head of the referendum commission said in press statements last week that holding the vote on time would amount to a “miracle”.

Bil said that the referendum date had been agreed as part of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended two decades of war.

“The 2005 peace signed between the two parties and which was signed by Egyptian government as an eye witness to the agreement, allows conduct of the referendum on 9th of January 2011”, said Bill.

There is nothing, he said, that would prevent the conduct of the referendum.

“The environment would be conducive. The government of south Sudan is committed and confident that the environment would be conducive for the conduct of the referendum because the exercise will be conducted with participation of the international observers, civil society organizations and forces of United Nations,” he said.

The minister also dismissed claims by the NCP that completing the demarcation of the north-south border was a prerequisite for the conduct of referendum.

The Egyptian government on Wednesday expressed concerns that post referendum violence would create an influx of migrants from its neighbor to the south.

“We fear separation may be accompanied by some violent actions that affect Sudan’s relations with neighboring countries and Egypt, which circumstances may oblige to host Sudanese” fleeing unrest, the official MENA news agency quoted the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit as telling a committee at the consultative council which is known as Shura council on Thursday.

“This is matter of concern that requires adequate preparations,” he said.

“It is not a problem if the referendum is delayed for several months………Sudanese should take into account the priority of the importance of life over the importance of holding the referendum on time ” MENA quoted the Egyptian minister as saying.

Egypt has been historically opposed to South Sudan’s secession for fear that it would affect its share in their share of the Nile waters.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum
    Egypt is just another greedy nation that puts its interest above its moral values. Secession of South Sudan won’t stop the nile flowing.


    South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum
    What a crab Egyptian are doing in a time out? Egyptians have forgotten that the CPA since been signed has six years, six days, six hours and six minutes. Why they did not bush their Arab brothers to do for the best to keep the country united as Egyptians dream today? It was simply because North Arabs and their counterparts in Arab world always look for the African origins in Sudan as biologically created stupid, fools who can be simply cheated. For fifty years they were all laughing at us; the self determination referendum in south Sudan will take place whether Egyptians or all Arabs want it or not. Then the big laugh will be when South Sudan will be followed by the rest of the African origin regions in Sudan. Egyptians who have stollen the history of the black Pharoes and made money out of them are up today calling every black man a monkey?????

  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum
    Dear Southerners,

    I appreciate all of you for your commitment to bring peace to the people of Southern Sudan which impacts the globe positively.This is the way a nation is built.A nation is built by bringing all the citizens together to serve their nation which benefit them at the same time.Southern Sudan was an anarchy state but now has a system in place (GOSS).Our excogitative leaders are heading to the right direction (Independence).

    We are not forced again to believe in the following:

    1.Dinar which was introduced by all the arabs to Islamised the whole Sudan and put it into the Arab world map.

    2.Sharia Law which was introduced as set of rules to control power and put Sudan on their side without questioning.

    3.National Islamic Front which brought together all the arabs both from within and outside Sudan to kill the people of Southern Sudan.

    4.Among others.

    For all these reasons,Separation has been made attractive by the northern Sudanese because they have been mistreating Southerners for Centuries.

    They have been our masters for long time and this is the time to say “No! No! No
    !No ! to be a slave”We are not servants to you any more! We all say BYE ! bYE !MASTERS.

    Independence oyee
    Goss oyee
    Salva Kiir Oyee
    Dr.Riek Machar Oyee
    Wani Igga oyee
    Malik Aggar Oyee
    Arman Oyee
    All the southern Sudanese oyee
    Southern Sudaneses Oyee

    Let us take peace to new Sudan.


  • Luke Chuol
    Luke Chuol

    South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum
    Good job Marial

    Who does the Cario think we are? Did they know that they are a one ofthe counteries who campaign against the South during the war?

    Marial go ahead

  • Kok Achiek Ajith
    Kok Achiek Ajith

    South Sudan rejects Egyptian proposal to delay referendum
    That was so great of you Mr. Benjamin Marial, based on Egyptians argument , they wanted to buy time simply because they think that Southern Sudan is going to be an obstacle to them in having that free and irreguar accessibility of our Nile waters. It is either they follow the CPA or otherwise their chances of getting Nile water will be jeopardise by their infidel behaviours.

    SPLM/A Oyee

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