Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

JEM rebels claims it has shot down military plane in North Kordofan

November 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) claimed today to have shot down a Mig29 Jet belonging to the Sudan Armed Forces.

The military spokesperson of the rebel group, Ali Alwafi, said the incident took place on Monday at 4pm local time “near Majrur, 80k North-East of Al Obeid, capital of the state of North Kordofan.”

Sudanese forces use Antonov and Mig as well as Russian and Chinese helicopter planes to bomb rebel positions before ground attacks.

The Sudanese army was not immediately available to comment on the unconfirmed report. But in the past the army has denied similar rebel claims.

The army and JEM rebels released statements claiming victory last week as they confirmed clashes in different areas in Darfur and Kordofan.

The surge of violence takes place while the government and another rebel group – the Liberation and Justice Movement – are preparing to sign a peace agreement in Doha.

Sudan’s president said two days ago after his return from Doha that JEM rebels do not represent Darfur people, following a request by the Joint Chief Mediator to deescalate military operation against JEM rebels in Darfur.

JEM further released today a list of 23 prisoner of war (POWs) they said were captured after recent clashes with the Sudanese army in Kornoi in North Darfur.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    JEM rebels say down military plane in North Kordofan
    Congratualations JEM forces. This is the progress we want to hear every now and then. I profoundly pray that you bring down more warplanes. Good luck and continue struggling until you achieve want you want just as we in the South did for 21 years.

    Young Nation is a BA Student at The University Of Queensland, Australia

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    JEM rebels say down military plane in North Kordofan
    Bravo,Bravo JEM.

    Shame to those countries who gives arm plus aircraft to Khartoum government to kill Darfurans,good job JEM the strunggle continous,after the Independent of the south,there will be no more Arabs in the north of the countries,unite to win more victory,by starting shooting down their Jet Mig-26 nothing more left,and soon we will join those of you.


  • Akuma

    JEM rebels say down military plane in North Kordofan
    People are wasting their time over Darfur Peace talk, what is the purpose of peace talk if the war is going on day and night in Darfur.

    Dr. Akuma

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