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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei referendum committee to extend dates at late starting centers

November 17, 2010 (BOR) – Jonglei state high committee (SHC) for the southern referendum on independence say that voter registration will be extended at centers that did not open on time on Monday November 15 due to the late delivery of materials.

Voters line up to register for south Sudan's referendum on independence in Bor capital of Jonglei state, 16 Nov. 2010 (ST)
Voters line up to register for south Sudan’s referendum on independence in Bor capital of Jonglei state, 16 Nov. 2010 (ST)
Voter registration centers are going to ask for registration to be extended to compensate for two lost days Reuben Garang Yuol, the chairperson of Jonglei state high committee for referendum said in a press briefing on Wednesday in Bor.

There are conflicting reports of the whereabouts of the two late-opening centers. Jonglei SHC chair Garang said two centers are in Ayod and Uror. But another SHC source said there was also a center in Fangak where registration did not start until Wednesday 17 Nov.

Speaking at the SHC office in Bor Garang said that voter registration staff are coping with the challenge of working without receiving their full pay.

“They will get the quarter of the money within the coming days and get rest later on,” he said.

A poor road network and flooding have prevented land transportation reaching some registering centers.

The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) have had to airlift referendum materials to the states 11 county headquarters.

On Tuesday at least four voter registration centers in Pibor county (2),
Fangak (1) in Uror county (1) had not opened officials said.

According to John Boloc, a member of the SHC said “registration staffs have to move by foot in water for two to three days,” he said. “It is very difficult but they are committed.”

He emphasized that the registration will still be completed despite the delay.

Elsewhere in northern counties of Jonglei state, SHC says the turnout was extremely low due to lack of sensitization and false information.

“People are deceived that you have to pay 5 Sudanese Pounds (SDG) to
register. This is not true,” Boloc said, blaming unspecified “people outside” for the false information”.

Jonglei state assembly passed a ‘Referendum Bill, 2010’ in September asked all citizens to pay a voluntary contribution to help the referendum process.

The bill asked for a non-compulsory 5 SDG from each household although this varied depending on income. It appears that failure to communicate that voluntary nature of the fee has led to some people in Jonglei believing the payment is a requirement when registering.

At one center in Fangak, only four people were registered on Monday, according to officials.

But low turnout in some rural areas comes in sharp contrast to the huge turnout seen in Bor town, Jonglei state capital on Monday.

The right of self-determination was afforded the south by the 2005 peace accord
signed between the National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People’s
Liberation Movement (SPLM) following two decades civil war that
started in Bor on 16 May 1983.



  • Duol Ruach
    Duol Ruach

    Jonglei referendum committee to extend dates at late starting centers
    Very Sad to learnt that only Four in the county with Over 80 Thousand population
    This is attributed to both Administrative weakness and failure of the county Representative in the Parliament that supoose to enlighten their constituencies.

    Now that no, election that began to enjoy generous salaries in hotels in Juba without even saving forgeting the citizens’ rights and their very duties.

    Disturbed citizens !

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