Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

More men than women register in Rumbek

By Manyang Mayom

November 17, 2010 (RUMBEK) – Voter registration centers in Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state, have recorded a low female turn out despite more people registering on the second day.

On Tuesday, staff at Matangai, Achol-theen, Malual-bab and Rumbek Freedom Square voter registration centers told Sudan Tribune that they had witnessed a low female turn out.

At Matangai center, Victoria Alek, said that there had been a low female turnout since registration began on Monday November 15. The process will end on December 1 before South Sudan votes on independence in January. Lakes State has around 215 registration centers.

Alek appealed to women to double their efforts to turnout for registration despite some having to travel long distances.

She said that women have more household work to do than men and do not have the same amount of free time to enable them to register.

Malual Bab Centre located at Rumbek Freedom Square had a long queues of both male and female voters on Wednesday.

Anthony Makuach, a student at Southern Sudan Institute of Education in Rumbek expressed joy his at receiving his registration card, saying he will take great care of it.

Makuach said “I am very happy to see our freedom is coming; our people will be free from corner to corner – I will take care of this registration card not to lose until I vote for [an] independent South Sudan”.

A supervisor at Matangai Registration Centre, Peter Mour Anyar, said lack of information in rural areas had caused the low turnout of women.

Anyar further said that radio messages were not enough as many people do not own radio.

He urged the government to employ sound systems mounted on vehicles to move around remote villages and inform people about the ongoing registration exercise.

Many of those who have turned up for registration on the first days of the 17-day exercise have told Sudan Tribune that they will vote for separation of country.

Josephine Awal Abraham, a pupil at Comboni Primary School in Rumbek echoed this sentiment saying the aim of registering was to achieve freedom as a Southern Sudanese by voting for separation. She urged those who have not yet registered to do so in order to take part in the referendum scheduled of 9 January 2011.

Fr. John Mathiang, a diocesan priest for Rumbek Diocese, said the referendum to determine their future will give identity to Southern Sudanese and bringing about a just society.

He described the exercise as “a national duty” saying “if you have a heart belonging to this country”, be registered and vote at the referendum.



  • Anyang

    More men than women register in Rumbek
    This is the last bullet,therefore men must capitalise on this chance instead of mucking around doing nothing.

  • makuei

    More men than women register in Rumbek
    I know one thing about women, they have a go-slow-attitude. I am sure they will register before the days elapse since they have heard the timetable on most of the radios.

    That attitude of theirs, however, does not call for raising alarm or reporting such as the one we’re seeing here. Let’s not take it that the women of South Sudan or Lakes State in particular are abstaining from the Referendum process. Far from that. They are even the ones who have much suffering as they lost their husbands and sons during the war. This remaining battle needs their commitment.

    Raphael Makuei

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    More men than women register in Rumbek
    Dear Citizens of Akon Buoi

    Yes Agar-Madong, register all and vote all for total and absolute separation of from the Northern Sudan. The Separation of our beloved mother land is the ultimate gift we could offer our dead freedom fighters starting with Ager Gum, Joseph Malith, Nanga Maring, Martin Makur Aleyou, and Gordon Muortat to mention few.

    It is our desire to see all Agar youth, women, men, politicians, soldiers etc to storm out from their entire payams and bomas of all corners of Akon Buoi territories from Rup (Malek-Rumbek center), Aliap-Toic (Akot & Pacong-East) Pakam (Maper-Rumbek North) and Kuei (Rumbek-Center).

    Young Nation is a son of Rumbek writing from Brisbane, Australia

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